Low-Cost Micromechanically Tunable Optical Devices: Strained Resonator Engineering, Technological Implementation and Characterization Vom Fachbereich Elektrotechnik / Informatik der Universität Kassel zur Erlangung der Würde eines Doctor-Ingenieurs (Dr.-Ing.) genehmigte Dissertation von Dipl.-Ing. Amer Tarraf Kassel, im November 2005 Doctoral adviser Prof.Dr. rer. nat. H. Hillmer Referee Prof.Dr. rer. nat. H. Hillmer Co-Referee Prof.Dr. -Ing. P. Meißner Examiners Prof.Dr. rer nat. H. Hillmer Prof.Dr. -Ing. P. Meißner Prof.Dr. -Ing. S. Hentschke Prof.Dr. -Ing A. Zündorf Day of defense: 30.11.2005 For my mother Mantoura and my father Antoine Danksagung Ich möchte mich ganz herzlich bei Herrn Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Hartmut Hillmer für die Themenstellung und die Betreuung dieser Arbeit bedanken. Weiterhin bedanke ich mich bei ihm für sein Engagement, die Schaffung der notwendigen Arbeitsvoraus- setzungen und sein stets förderndes Interesse. Herrn Prof. Dr. -Ing. Peter Meißner danke ich für die fruchtbare Kooperation zwi- schen dem INA und der Technischen Universität Darmstadt, sowie für die Referierung meiner Arbeit und die wissenschaftliche Unterstützung. Den Mitarbeitern seines Insti- tutes, Herrn Frank Riemenschneider und Herrn Hubert Halbritter danke ich ebenfalls. Mein weiterer Dank gilt Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Rainer Kassing für seine wissenschaftlichen Hilfestellungen und seine persönliche Unterstützung. Ohne die tatkräftige Unterstützung aus dem Technikbereich und dem Sekretariat des INA, den Damen Heike Schröter-Hohmann, Ina Kommallein und Ina Wensch, sowie den Herren Dietmar Gutermuth, Albert Malkomes, Michael Plätzer und Dirk Albert, wäre die Durchführung meiner Experimente und die Anfertigung dieser Arbeit nicht möglich gewesen. Ihnen allen gebührt mein besonderer Dank. Meinen Kollegen und Freunden Dr. -Ing. Jürgen Daleiden, Sören Irmer und Fried- hard Römer danke ich für zahllose fruchtbare Diskussionen, fachliche Unterstützung und Hilfestellung bei der Durchführung von Experimenten. Dr. -Ing. Martin Strassner unterstützte mich durch Überlassung von Probenmaterial und Einweisung in Fertigungsprozesse. Weiterhin möchte ich mich bei Herrn Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Josef Salbeck und seiner Forschungsgruppe für die Zusammenarbeit bedanken. Namentlich möchte ich Herrn Dr. rer. nat. Fuhrmann-Lieker und Herrn Till Spehr erwähnen. Mein Dank gilt Herrn Ludwig Söhngen, der mir bei der Aufnahme meines Studiums in Deutschland und bis heute stets zur Seite stand. Mein ganz besonderer Dank gilt meiner verstorbenen Mutter Mantoura, die mich im Verlauf dieser Promotionsarbeit sicher oft vermisst hat, sowie meinem Vater Antoine, der mir immer zur Seite stand und mich unterstützte. Abstract The rapid growth of the optical communication branches and the enormous demand for more bandwidth require novel networks such as dense wavelength division multiplexing (DWDM). These networks enable higher bitrate transmission using the existing optical fibers. Micromechanically tunable optical microcavity devices like VCSELs, Fabry-Pérot filters and photodetectors are core components of these novel DWDM systems. Several air- gap based tunable devices were successfully implemented in the last years. Even though these concepts are very promising, two main disadvantages are still remaining. On the one hand, the high fabrication and integration cost and on the other hand the undesired adverse buckling of the suspended membranes. This thesis addresses these two problems and consists of two main parts: • PECVD dielectric material investigation and stress control resulting in mem- branes shape engineering. • Implementation and characterization of novel tunable optical devices with tailored shapes of the suspended membranes. For this purposes, low-cost PECVD technology is investigated and developed in detail. The macro- and microstress of silicon nitride and silicon dioxide are controlled over a wide range. Furthermore, the effect of stress on the optical and mechanical properties of the sus- pended membranes and on the microcavities is evaluated. Various membrane shapes (concave, convex and planar) with several radii of curvature are fabricated. Using this resonator shape engineering, microcavity devices such as non tunable and tunable Fabry-Pérot filters, VCSELs and PIN photodetectors are succesfully implemented. The fabricated Fabry-Pérot filters cover a spectral range of over 200 nm and show resonance linewidths down to 1.5 nm. By varying the stress distribution across the vertical direction within a DBR, the shape and the radius of curvature of the top membrane are explicitely tailored. By adjusting the incoming light beam waist to the curvature, the fundamental resonant mode is supported and the higher order ones are suppressed. For instance, a tunable VCSEL with 26 nm tuning range, 400µW maximal output power, 47 nm free spectral range and over 57 dB side mode suppresion ratio (SMSR) is demonstrated. Other technologies, such as introducing light emitting organic materials in microcavit- ies are also investigated. Zusammenfassung Die faseroptische Datenübertragung hat sich als äußerst vielversprechendes Verfahren erwiesen, um den steigenden Ansprüchen der sich rasant entwickelnden Informations- technik gerecht zu werden. Dies trifft besonders auf die Übertragungsbandbreite und -bitrate zu. Die Übertragungsbandbreite des bereits vorhandenen Einkanalsystems reicht jedoch nicht aus, um den steigenden Bedarf an Datenübertragung zu decken. Die Wellenlängenmultiplextechnik (engl. dense wavelength division multiplexing, DWDM) ermöglicht eine Erhöhung der Übertragungskapazität dieser Faserstrecken, ohne dass zusätzliche Faserverlegungen notwendig sind. Für neuartige DWDM-Systeme bieten abstimmbare vertikale mikro -opto -elektro - mechanische (engl. micro-opto-electro-mechanical, MOEM) Bauelemente entscheidende Vorteile. Zu diesen Bauelementen zählen auf der Sendeseite Vertikalresonator emittie- rende Luftspalt-Laser (engl. air-gap vertical cavity surface emitting laser, VCSEL) und empfängerseitig Luftspalt-Filter und Luftspalt-Photodetektoren (engl. air-gap fil- ter, air-gap receiver). Herkömmliche kantenemittierende Laserdioden weisen Chip-Faser Koppelverluste und eine große Divergenz des austretenden Lichts auf. Oberflächenemittierende Mikro- laser mit vertikalem Resonator (VCSEL) ermöglichen demgegenüber eine verbesserte Koppeleffizienz in eine Glasfaser durch geringere Divergenz, symmetrische Modenpro- file und eine flexible laterale Strukturierung der Austrittsfläche des Lasers. Im Einsatz befindliche DWDM-Systeme benötigen bis zu 80 Laserdioden mit unterschiedlichen Trägerwellenlängen auf der Sendeseite und ebenso viele Photodetektoren auf der Emp- fangsseite. Für diese DWDM-Netze werden abstimmbare Bauelemente benötigt, um auf die Ausfälle einzelner Kanäle flexibel reagieren zu können. Die Abstimmung der Laserdioden und Filter erfolgt in dem in dieser Arbeit verfolgten Konzept durch eine Änderung der Resonatorlänge, realisiert durch thermische oder kapazitive mikromecha- nische Aktuation einer der beiden Resonatorspiegel. Obwohl dieses Konzept erhebliche Vorteile in sich bringt, ist die Serienfertigung solcher Bauelemente bislang immer noch eine technologische, wissenschaftliche und finanzielle Herausforderung. Ein Schlüsselaspekt ist dabei die gezielte Einstellung optischer und mechanischer Eigenschaften aktuierbarer Bragg-Reflektoren. Dabei wird die Krüm- mung der beweglichen Membran gezielt durch eine Verspannung der einzelnen Bragg- Schichten eingestellt. Dies geschieht, ohne die optischen Eigenschaften des Bauele- Bmentes negativ zu beeinflussen. Die Entwicklung einer kostengünstigen Implementie- rungstechnologie ist ebenso eine notwendige Voraussetzung für eine erfolgreiche Serien- fertigung. Die vorliegende Arbeit befasst sich mit dieser Problematik und bearbeitet systematisch zwei Themenbereiche: • Die Untersuchung der Verspannung und deren Einfluss auf die Membrankrüm- mung und darausfolgend auf die optischen Eigenschaften des Resonators. • Die Herstellung und Charakterisierung von mikromechanisch abstimmbaren Bau- elementen durch eine gezielte Stresseinstellung der oberen Membran. Zunächst untersucht die vorliegende Arbeit das plasmaunterstützte Abscheideverfahren (engl. plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition, PECVD) und diskutiert die daraus resultierenden Ergebnisse. Die Abscheidung beeinflussende Parameter, wie Gasfluss, Druck, Temperatur, etc. besitzen einen starken Einfluss auf die optischen Eigenschaften (Brechungsindex und Absorption), jedoch kaum auf die Verspannung. Durch eine Modulation der Plasmaanregungsfrequenzen des Abscheideverfahrens kann hingegen eine gezielte Verspannungseinstellung der dielektrischen Bragg-Schichten er- reicht werden. Die Untersuchung dieser Verspannung erfolgte parallel mit einem Ver- fahren, das die Verspannung im makroskopischen Bereich erfasst sowie mit einer Meth- ode, die die Mikroverspannung analysiert. Die Makroverspannung ergibt sich jeweils aus der Messung der Krümmung vor und nach der Beschichtung eines Wafers. Daraus resultiert eine Kenngröße, welche über die gesamte Länge entlang einer Richtung auf dem Wafer gemittelt wird. Diese Meth- ode erlaubt allerdings keine Ortsauflösung der Verspannung. Aber gerade dies ist besonders bedeutend für die Mikrokomponenten, die sich an unterschiedlichen Orten auf dem Wafer befinden. Die Mikroverspannung wird in dieser Arbeit mit Mikrostrukturen analysiert, welche durch einen oberflächenmikromechanischen Prozess (engl. surface micromachining) mit konventionellem Photolack als Opferschicht hergestellt wurden. Beide Methoden wurden verglichen und auf ihre Relevanz untersucht. Dabei konnte gezeigt werden, dass die Plasmaanregungsfrequenz eine wesentliche Rolle bei der Ver- spannungseinstellung von Siliziumnitrid spielt. So wurden mit Siliziumnitrid (300 ◦C) Makroverspannungen zwischen -300 MPa (Zugverspannung) und +850 MPa (Druck- verspannung) erreicht. Bei niedrigen Temperaturen (60 ◦C) weist die Verspannung von Siliziumnitrid ähnliche Zusammenhänge auf, während die Verspannung von Silizium- dioxid in beiden Temperaturbereichen nur eine sehr schwache Frequenzabhängigkeit zeigt. Die Untersuchung der Mikroverspannung bestätigte die Ergebnisse der Mak- roverspannungsuntersuchung. CWeiterhin ist der Einfluss der Verspannung auf die Krümmung der Membran und deren Auswirkung auf die Geometrie des Resonators systematisch untersucht worden. Dank dieser Erkenntnisse ist es gelungen, gezielte Membranformen (konkav, konvex und planar) mit verschiedenen Krümmungsradien zu entwickeln um damit diverse Resona- torgeometrien zu realisieren. Zahlreiche nicht abstimmbare und abstimmbare Bauelemente mit einer angepassten Resonatorgeometrie konnten im Rahmen dieser Arbeit gezeigt werden. Die realisierten Fabry-Pérot Filter mit einem Luftspalt und einer gekrümmten Membran weisen eine spektrale Spannweite von über 200 nm und Linienbreiten bis 1.5 nm auf. Mit derselben Technologie wurden im Rahmen einer engen Zusammenarbeit mit der Technischen Universität Darmstadt (Fachgebiet Optische Nachrichtentechnik) und dem Königlichen Technologischen Institut in Schweden (KTH) neuartige abstimmbare opti- sche Bauelemente wie Fabry-Pérot Filter, VCSEL und Photodetektoren angefertigt. Der monolithische Fabry-Pérot Filter ist thermoelektrisch durch mäanderförmigeMikro- widerstände aus Chrom abstimmbar, welche auf die gekrümmten Membran aufgebracht sind. Dabei wurde ein Abstimmbereich von 15 nm bei 1 mA Stromfluss und 2 kΩ Chrom-Dünnfilmwiderstand erzielt. Durch eine gezielte Verspannungseinstellung und die sich ergebende Krümmung der oberen Membran eines abstimmbaren VCSELs konnte der fundamentale Mode ge- zielt unterstützt und so eine hohe Nebenmodenunterdrückung erreicht werden. Der realisierte Laser besitzt einen Abstimmbereich von über 26 nm und eine Seitenmode- unterdrückung von 57 dBm. Durch eine Kombination eines abstimmbaren Fabry-Pérot Filters mit einem Photo- detektor, ist ein spektral selektiver Empfänger für DWDM Systeme entstanden. Hier konnte eine Abstimmbarkeit der spezifischen Empfindlichkeit (0.3 A/W) über den freien Spektralbereich (> 35 nm) hinaus mit einer Einfügedämpfung von 3.5 dB demonstriert werden. Die mit dieser Technologie erzielten Ergebnisse dienten als Motivation, um neue Mate- rialien und Ansätze zu untersuchen. So wurde ein organisch lichtemittierendes Material (Makromoleküle) in eine Mikrokavität erfolgreich eingesetzt und eine Linienbreitenver- engung erreicht. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit ist es gelungen, Verspannungen gezielt einzustellen, um beliebige Resonatorgeometrien anzufertigen. Abstimmbare Mikrokavitätsbauelemente mit optimierten Resonatoren wurden so erfolgreich demonstriert. Die Technologie auf PECVD-Basis bildet dabei die Grundlage eines kostengünstigen Produktionsprozesses. DErwähnt sei an dieser Stelle ein redaktioneller Bericht über Teile dieser Arbeit in "Photonics Spectra" (Juni 2004), der das internationale Interesse an diesemForschungs- thema dokumentiert. Weitere Vertiefungen dieser Arbeit könnten zu einer Industrialisierung dieser Techno- logie führen und dadurch zur Massenproduktion kostengünstiger Mikrokavitätsbauele- mente wie beispielsweise ein monolithischer abstimmbarer elektrisch gepumpter VC- SEL. Ein Schwerpunkt weiterer Forschungen könnte die Herstellung von passiven und aktiven organisch basierenden abstimmbaren Elementen sein, welche in verschiedenen Bereichen wie der Sensorik, der Medizintechnik und der Unterhaltungstechnologien eingesetzt werden könnten. List of own journal publications and conference papers 1. J. Daleiden, M. Strassner, N. Chitica, J. Pfeiffer, A. Tarraf, F. Römer, B. Ayele, C. Prott, and H. Hillmer, "Micromachined Multi-Airgap Bragg Mirrors for VC- SELs," European Semiconductor Laser Workshop, Berlin, September 2000. 2. J. Daleiden, N. Chitica, M. Strassner, C. Prott, F. Römer, A. Tarraf, and H. Hillmer, "Micromechanically Tunable Optical Devices," Summer School and European Optical Society Topical Meeting on Semiconductor Microcavity Photon- ics, Technical Digest, Ascona, October 2000. 3. J. Daleiden, A. Tarraf, E. Ataro, N. Chitica, S. Irmer, C. Prott, F. Römer, M. Strassner, H. Hillmer, "Micromechanically Tunable Filters for Optical Commu- nication Systems," Proceedings of the 1st Int. Workshop on Optical MEMS and Integrated Optics, Dortmund, June 2001. 4. J. Daleiden, S. Irmer, H. Hohmann, D. Feili, A. Tarraf, E. Ataro, F. Römer, C. Prott, H. Hillmer, "Trockenätzen von phosphidischen III-V Halbleitern," Work- shop dry etching for III-V semiconductors, Ulm, April 2001. 5. H. Hillmer, C. Prott, F. Römer, A. Tarraf, S. Irmer, M. Strassner, N. Chitica, and J. Daleiden, "Continuously tunable 1.55 µm vertical air cavity filters and VCSELs using micromachined electrostatic actuation," European Semiconductor Laser Workshop, Berlin, September 2001. 6. J. Daleiden, A. Tarraf, F. Römer, N. Chitica, S. Irmer, C. Prott, M. Strassner, H. Hillmer, "Continuously Tunable Air Gap Devices," Proceedings of the IEEE / LEOS International Conference on Optical MEMS, Technical Digest, Okinava, 2001. 7. J. Daleiden, V. Rangelov, S. Irmer, F. Römer, M. Strassner, C. Prott, A. Tarraf, H. Hillmer, "Record tuning range of InP-based multiple air-gap MOEMS filter," Electronic Letters, vol.38, no.21, pp.1270-1271, October 2002. 8. A. Tarraf, S. Irmer, E. Ataro, J. Daleiden, D. Gutermuth, C. Prott, V. Rangelov, F. Römer, H. Schröter-Hohmann, H. Hillmer, "Bionik: Erfolgsrezepte der Natur- Anwendungsbeispiele in der Mikrosystem- und Datenübertragungstechnik," Tag II des Wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchses, Universität Kassel, 2002 (POSTERPREIS 2002) 9. J. Daleiden, S. Irmer, A. Tarraf, F. Römer, C. Prott, E. Ataro, M. Strassner, H. Hillmer, " Multiple air-gap InP-based VCSELs and filters with ultra-wide wavelength tuning - flexibility and shape of the membranes," Proceedings of the Optical MEMS Conference, Hawai, August 2003. 10. F. Römer, C. Prott, J. Daleiden, S. Irmer, M. Strassner, A. Tarraf, H. Hillmer, "Micromechanically tunable air gap resonators for long wavelength VCSEL’s," IEEE LEOS International Semiconductor Laser Conference, Garmisch, Septem- ber 2003. 11. A. Tarraf, J. Daleiden, F. Römer, C. Prott, V. Rangelov, S. Irmer, E. Ataro and H. Hillmer, "A novel low-cost tunable dielectric air-gap filter," Proceedings of the Optical MEMS Conference, Lugano, August 2003. 12. M. Joodaki, A. Tarraf, M. Salih, D. Albert, H. Schröter-Hohmann, W. Scholz, G. Kompa, H. Hillmer, and R. Kassing, "Improvements of thermal resistance and thermal stress in quasi-monolithic integration technology (QMIT) with a new fabrication process," European Microwave Week, Milan, September 2002. 13. H. Hillmer, J. Daleiden, C. Prott, F. Römer, A. Tarraf, S. Irmer, V. Rangelov, S. Schüler, M. Strassner, "Ultra-wide continuously tunable 1.55 µm vertical air- cavity filters and VCSEL’s based on micromachined electrostatic actuation," Pro- ceedings of the SPIE, series 4646 (Photonics West), San Jose, 2002. 14. H. Hillmer, J. Daleiden, C. Prott, F. Römer, S. Irmer, V. Rangelov,A. Tarraf, S. Schüler and M. Strassner, "Potential for micromachined actuation of ultra-wide continuously tunable optoelectronic devices," Applied Physics B, vol. 75, 2002. 15. M. Strassner, N. Chitica, A. Tarraf, "Investigations of growth conditions for InP suited for Micro Opto Electro Mechanical Systems for data communication," Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on InP and related Materials, Stockholm, 2002. 16. J. Daleiden, S. Irmer, E. Ataro, C. Prott, V. Rangelov, F. Römer, M. Strassner, A. Tarraf, and H. Hillmer, "Continuously tunable air-gap micro-cavity devices for optical communication systems," Proceedings of the SPIE, series 4871 (IT- COM), Boston, 2002. 17. J. Daleiden, S. Irmer, V. Rangelov, F. Römer, A. Tarraf, C. Prott, M. Strassner and H. Hillmer, "Record wavelength tuning of 127nm for vertical cavity Fabry- Pérot filter," Proceedings of the Optical MEMS Conference, Lugano, August 2002. 18. M. Strassner, C. Luber, A. Tarraf, N. Chitica, "Widely tunable - constant bandwidth monolithic Fabry-Pérot filter with a stable cavity design for WDM III systems," IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, vol. 14, No. 11, pp. 1548-1550, 2002. 19. H. Hillmer, J. Daleiden, S. Irmer, F. Römer, C. Prott, A. Tarraf, M. Strassner, E. Ataro and T. Scholz, "Potential of micromachined photonics: miniaturization, scaling and applications in continuously tunable vertical air-cavity filters," Pro- ceedings of the SPIE, series 4947 (Photonics Fabrication Europe), pp. 197-211, 2002. 20. S. Irmer, J. Daleiden, V. Rangelov, C. Prott, F. Römer, M. Strassner, A. Tar- raf, H. Hillmer, "Continuously tunable InP based multiple air-gap MOEMS fil- ters with ultra wide tuning range", Proceedings of SPIE, Series 4945 (Photonics Fabrication Europe), 2002. 21. C. Prott, F. Römer, E. Ataro, J. Daleiden, S. Irmer, M. Strassner, A. Tarraf, H. Hillmer, "Model calculations of vertical cavity air-gap filters and VCSEL’s for ultra-wide continuous tuning," International Conference on Numerical Sim- ulation of Semiconductor Optoelectronic Devices (NUSOD), Zürich, September 2002. 22. F. Römer, C. Prott, S. Irmer, J. Daleiden, A. Tarraf, H. Hillmer, "Tuning effi- ciency and linewidth of electrostatically actuated multiple air-gap filters,"Applied Physics Letters, vol. 82, no. 2, pp. 176-178, January 2003. 23. H. Hillmer, J. Daleiden, C. Prott, S. Irmer, F. Römer, E. Ataro, A. Tarraf, H. Rühling, M. Maniak, M. Strassner, "Bionics: Precise color tuning by interference in nature and technology - applications in surface-micromachined 1.55¸tm vertical air-cavity filters," Proceedings of the SPIE, series 4983 (Photonics West), pp. 203-214, 2003. 24. S. Irmer, J. Daleiden, V. Rangelov, C. Prott, F. Römer, M. Strassner,A. Tarraf, H. Hillmer, "Ultra low biased widely continuously tunable Fabry-Pérot Filter," IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, vol. 15, no. 3, pp 434-436, March 2003. 25. A. Tarraf, J. Daleiden, S. Irmer, V. Rangelov, F. Römer, C. Prott, E. Ataro, H. Hillmer, T. Fuhrmann, T. Spher, J. Salbeck, "A novel low-cost and simple fabrication technology for tunable dielectric active and passive optical air-gap devices," Proceedings of the SPIE, series 4945 (Photonics fabrication Europe), pp. 9-20, 2003. 26. J. Daleiden, A. Tarraf, S. Irmer, F. Römer, C. Prott, E. Ataro, M. Strassner, H. Hillmer, "Wide and continuous wavelength tuning of microcavity devices for optoelectronic applications," Journal of Microlithographie, Microfabrication, Mi- crosystems, vol. 2 no. 4, pp. 265-274, October 2003. 27. C. Prott, F. Römer, E. Ataro, J. Daleiden, S. Irmer,A. Tarraf, H. Hillmer, Mod- eling of Ultra-Widely Tunable Vertical Cavity Air-Gap Filters and VCSEL’s," IV IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, vol. 9, no. 3, pp. 918-928, 2003. 28. H. Hillmer, J. Daleiden, C. Prott, F. Römer, S. Irmer, E. Ataro, A. Tarraf, D. Gutermuth, I. Kommallein, and M. Strassner, "Ultra-wide continuously tun- able 1.55 µm vertical air-cavity wavelength-selective elements for VCSELs using micromachined electrostatic actuation," Proceedings of the SPIE, series 4871 (IT- COM), Boston 2003. 29. H. Halbritter, M. Aziz, F. Riemenschneider,A. Tarraf, M. Strassner, O.P. Daga, and P. Meißner, "Performance Evaluation of WDM Components based on Tun- able Dielectric Membrane Technology", IEE Circuits, Devices and Systems, vol. 150, no. 6, pp. 501-505, December 2003 30. H. Halbritter, C. Dhanavantri, M. Strassner, A. Tarraf, M. Aziz, F. Riemen- schneider, S. Syguda, B.R. Singh, and P. Meißner, "Tunable and wavelength selective PIN diodes", Proceedings of SPIE, series 5277 ( Microelectronics, MEMS and Nanotechnolgoy), pp. 129-137, December 2003 31. H. Halbritter, F. Riemenschneider, M. Strassner, A. Tarraf, I. Sagnes, and P. Meißner, "Properties of micromechanically tunable VCSEL," Proceedings of the SPIE, series 5277 (Microelectronics, MEMS, and Nanotechnology), pp. 292-301, December 2003 32. H. Halbritter, F. Riemenschneider, S. Syguda, C. Dhanavantri, M. Strassner, A. Tarraf, B.R. Singh, I. Sagnes and P. Meißner, "Tunable and wavelength selective pin photodiode," Electronics Letters, vol. 40, no. 6, pp. 388-390, March 2004. 33. A. Tarraf, F. Riemenschneider, M. Strassner, J. Daleiden, S. Irmer, H. Hal- britter, H. Hillmer, and P. Meißner, "Continuously Tunable 1.55 t¸m VCSEL im- plemented by Precisely Curved Dielectric Top DBR Involving Tailored Stress," IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, vol. 16, no. 3, pp. 720-722, March 2004. 34. A. Tarraf, J. Daleiden, S. Irmer, D. Prasai and H. Hillmer, "Stress investigation of PECVD dielectric layers for advanced optical MEMS," Journal of Micromech- anics and Microengineering, vol. 14, no. 3, pp. 317-323, 2004. 35. S. Irmer, K. Alex, J. Daleiden, I. Kommallein, M. Oliveira, F. Römer,A. Tarraf, H. Hillmer, "Surface micromachined optical low-cost all-air-gap filters based on stress optimized Si3N4 layers," Journal of Micromechics and Microengineering, vol. 15, no. 4, pp. 867-872, April 2005. 36. H. Halbritter, F. Riemenschneider, B. Kögel, A. Tarraf , M. Strassner, S. Irmer, H. Hillmer, I. Sagnes, and P. Meißner, "MEMS-Tunable andWavelength Selective Receiver Front End," Proceedings of the 18th IEEE Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems, pp. 68-71, Miami, Jannuary 2005 V37. A. Tarraf, M. Nestler, S. Martin, U. Poll, D. Roth, J. Dienelt, H. Neumann, B. Rauschenbach, S. Irmer, F. Römer, V. Daneker, H. Hillmer, "Dual Ion Beam Sputter Deposition System for EUVL Masks," XUV Technologies and Applica- tions workshop, Bad Honnef, June 2004. 38. A. Tarraf, M. Nestler, H.-U. Poll, D. Roth, J. Dienelt, H. Neumann, B. Rauschen- bach, S. Irmer, F. Römer, H. Hillmer, "A novel dual ion beam sputter deposition system for implementing low defect density and high-quality EUVL masks," 3rd International EUVL Symposium, Miyazaki, November 2004. 39. A. Tarraf, M. Nestler, H.-U. Poll, S. Martin, D. Roth, J. Dienelt, H. Neumann, E. Schubert, B. Rauschenbach, M. Schulze, V. Daneker, S. Irmer, F. Römer, H. Hillmer, "Innovative concept for implementing particle free EUVLmasks by novel dual ion beam sputter deposition systems," SPIE Photo Mask Japan, Yokohama, April 2005. 40. A. Tarraf, "Organic and inorganic tunable photonic micro-cavity devices for optical communications," Surface Technologies with Plasma and Ion beam Pro- cesses, Mühlleithen , March 2004. 41. J. Dienelt, H. Neumann, F. Scholze, E. Schubert, B. Rauschenbach, M. Nestler, A. Tarraf, M. Schulze, "In-situ ellipsometry and beam profile controlled linear ion beam source - screening for the IBD EUV-mask blank deposition," MNE 2004, Rotterdam, September 2004. 42. A. Tarraf, "Particle free MoSi mask blanks for the EUVL: Implementation and Metrology," Surface Technologies with Plasma and Ion beam Processes, Mühl- leithen , March 2005. 43. H. Hillmer, A. Tarraf, S. Irmer, F. Riemenscheider, H. Halbritter, F. Römer, J. Daleiden, E. Ataro, C. Prott, M. Strassner, A. Hasse, S. Hansmann, and P. Meißner, "Wide continuously tunable 1.5mm vertical air-cavity wavelength select- ive elements for filters and VCSELs using micromachined actuation," Proceedings of the SPIE, Series 5825A (OPTO Irland 2005), April 2005. 44. J. Dienelt, H. Neumann, M. Kramer, E. Schubert, F. Scholze, M. Nestler, A. Tarraf, M. Schulze, and B. Rauschenbach, "EUV-mask blanks by ion beam sputter deposition: A novel tool concept and first results," 4th International EUVL Symposium, San Diego (USA), November 2005. Patents submissions 1. H. Hillmer, J. Daleiden, C. Prott, J. Daleiden, F. Römer, S. Irmer, D. Gutermuth, A. Tarraf, E. Ataro, "Optimierung eines mikromechanischen Bauelements mit Hilfe eines Ätzstern," DE: AZ 103 57 421.2-33 2. S. Irmer, J. Daleiden,A. Tarraf, H. Hillmer "Leitfähige Haltepfosten in luftspalt- basierenden, optoelektronischen Bauelementen," DE: AZ 10353546.2 VI 3. H. Hillmer, J. Daleiden, C. Prott, F. Römer, A. Tarraf, S. Irmer, S. Schüler, V. Rangelow "Bauelement mit "chirped" DBR-Spiegeln," PCT: AZ PCT / DE2004 / 000605, DE: AZ 10318767.7 Contents 1 Background and Introduction 1 1.1 Background . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1.2 State of the art . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 1.2.1 Brief presentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 1.2.2 Highlights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 1.3 Introduction and content . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 2 Basics of tunable microcavities 8 2.1 Optical properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 2.1.1 Bragg reflectors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 2.1.2 Fabry-Pérot filter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 2.1.3 Resonator stability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 2.1.4 Active devices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 2.1.5 Photodetector devices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 2.2 Mechanical properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 2.2.1 Micromechanical tuning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 2.2.2 Stress in thin films . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 3 PECVD technology: basics and material properties 25 3.1 Basics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 3.1.1 Configuration of the involved PECVD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 3.1.2 Background of PECVD layer deposition . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 3.2 Material investigation (stress, composition and optical properties) . . . 28 3.2.1 Silicon nitride . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 3.2.2 Silicon dioxide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 3.2.3 Bragg mirrors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 4 Technology for air-gap based microcavity devices 36 4.1 Bulk and surface micromachining . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 4.1.1 Photoresist based novel technology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 4.1.2 PECVD dielectric membrane . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 5 PECVD stress engineering 40 5.1 Stress control of PECVD dielectric material . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 5.2 Impact of stress on optical and mechanical layer properties . . . . . . . 46 i ii Contents 5.2.1 Cavity length . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 5.2.2 Radius of curvature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 5.2.3 Filter characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 6 Results of microcavity devices 56 6.1 Non tunable Fabry-Pérot filter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 6.1.1 Solid stack filters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 6.1.2 Air-gap filter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 6.2 Tunable Fabry-Pérot filter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 6.3 Non tunable VCSELs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 6.4 Tunable VCSEL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 6.5 Tunable high end receiver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 7 Related applications 71 7.1 Organic microcavities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 7.1.1 PECVD materials and DBRs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 7.1.2 Organic half cavity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 8 Conclusion 80 Bibliography 81 A State of the art: detailed description 97 A.1 Fabry-Pérot filter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98 A.2 Vertical cavity surface emitting laser . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99 B Diagram supplements 103 B.1 PECVD technological investigation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103 B.2 Stress investigations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106 B.3 Stress impact on mechanical and optical properties . . . . . . . . . . . 108 C Technological process flow 111 C.1 Air-gap Fabry-Pérot filters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111 C.1.1 Design IMA2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111 C.1.2 Design IMA3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113 C.2 Process flow of the tunable Fabry-Pérot filter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115 C.3 Process flow of the non tunable VCSEL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117 D DBRs for the blue wavelength range 118 E Abbreviations 119 F Stress impact on the ROC, Lcav, RW and FWHM 121 Chapter 1 Background and Introduction 1.1 Background Who has not made this experience before? You just bought a mobile phone a few weeks ago and the next model with more advanced features is already available on the market for the same price! This trend can also be observed in other technological branches. Thus, faster personal computers and internet, novel cars electronics and optoelectronics, better medical and telecommunications technologies and smaller, more sophisticated personal electronics as well as highly precise sensors are needed in order to satisfy the demands of the society in the 21th century. Furthermore, these more stringent requirements are expected at low-cost. However, in the last decades, the main focus was on information techology. Thus at the beginning of the 19thcentury, a worldwide telephone network based on copper cables was established. The main purpose was the transmission of voice and text data. To meet the increasing demand for more capacity, high frequency communication (via coaxial cable) was introduced around 1940. With the first semiconductor computer in the early 1980s, a new area of semiconductor based communication and data transfer was ushered in. The rapid development of the semiconductor industry, resulted in the demand for large data transmission. This leads to the further development of the local networks (e.g. firstly within a company) and eventually to the a world wide web (WWW). Nowadays, with the internet well established as the main communication tool world- wide (for private as well as for business purposes), a huge capacity for data transmission is needed. The more people are involved, the more data should be processed and the more bandwidth is required. In order to transmit the huge volumes of data, optical communication via glass fibers is used. The introduction of the erbium doped fiber amplifier (EDFA) at the beginning of the 1990s enabled the development of the wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) and dense wavelength division multiplexing (DWDM) technologies, that ensure transmis- sion rates up to 1 Tbp/s. This technology exploits the bandwidth of the existing fiber 2 1.1 Background network in a efficient manner without deploying further ones. Thus, this technology recently became very attractive for long distance data transmission. An introduction to the DWDM technology can be found elsewhere [1]. The boom of the optical networking [2] market in 2000 lead to overcapacity which consequently cooled down this market at the end of the year [3]. Due to this enormous overcapacity of the telecommunication industry, the infrastructure investment shrank worldwide [4]. A recent surge in optical communication was seen in the metropolitan area networks (MAN), where capacity on demand and dynamic network flexibility play major roles. Deploying more fiber is the most economical solution for transmission distances under 20 km, whereas the metro DWDM represents the optimum economic solution1 above 50 km [5] (The metropolitan network is considered to be up to 150 km [6]). Many market analyses forecast a growth in the investments in the metro DWDM systems. For instance, Pioneer Consulting predicts an increase in market opportunities from 1.4 billions dollars in 2001 to 12.6 billions by 2006. According to a market study by ElectroniCast Corp. [7], which presents a forecast for the consumption of major DWDM components and optical add/drop multiplexers, the growth will reach the amount of 34.6 billions dollars in 2009 (54% North America, 21% Europe, 23% Japan and Pacific Rim and 2% the rest of the world). According to this study, the consumption of components was in the order of 2.85 billions dollars in the year 2000 ( 17% Europe, 13% Japan and Pacific Rim, 70% North America and 1% the rest of the world). The report by KMI Corp. [8] predicts a compound annual growth rate (CAGR)2 of 43% in 2005 for DWDM systems, which corresponds to a market volume of 54 billions of dollars. However, by 2005, the short distance investments will represent only 18% of the mentioned market. Further development of the market is conditional on the implementation of low-cost solutions [6]. The cost of the components is essential in deciding which kind of systems should be used. The adoption of coarse wavelength division multiplexing (CWDM) or DWDM, for instance, for metropolitan networks depends mainly on the costs of optical filters [6]. Even though that DWDM filters are key components in the novel DWDM systems, their per-channel cost is lower than those of the transmitters and receivers. Stephen Montgomery, ElectroniCast president, noticed ”while the per-channel cost of transmitter/receiver (T/Rs) pairs at a fixed wavelength will drop more rapidly than filter cost, there will be a strong countering trend toward deployment of higher data rate, more expensive T/Rs” [7]. The consumption forecast of DWDM components in the ElectroniCast study shows that 62% of all the DWDM components in 2000 are 1Best solution for both, overall costs and costs per wavelength. 2Rate at which a given present value would grow to a given future value within a difined period of time. CAGR = ¡ FV PV ¢ 1 ny − 1, where FV is the future value, PV is the present value and ny is the time period in years 1 Background and Introduction 3 T/Rs and integrated optoelectronics (wavelength converter 6%, integrated optoelec- tronics smaller than 1%, multiwavelength transmitter 50%, DWDM filter module 13%, optical amplifier 19% and multichannel receiver 12%). In the year 2009, these modules will reach 85% of the needed DWDM components (wavelength converter 1%, integ- rated optoelectronics 37%, multiwavelength transmitter 39%, DWDM filter module 8%, optical amplifier 5% and multichannel receiver 9%). Micro-electro-mechanical-systems (MEMS) and micro-opto-electro-mechanical sys- tems (MOEMS) are potential key components of an effective low-cost solution for the metropolitan networks. However, these devices need to satisfy severe requirements set by the international telecommunication union (ITU). In contrast to the amplifiers and the receiver photodiodes, the transmitter and filter modules of the DWDM systems should operate very precisely according to the stringent requirements [7]. Thus, the transmitter and filter sets should provide several operating wavelengths with precise channel spacing and very narrow spectral linewidth. A major challenge worldwide is the development and implementation of low-cost components fulfilling these tough re- quirements. One solution for reducing the overall costs is to utilize tunable devices, allowing a probable wavelength shift to be spectrally corrected without replacing these components. This solution avoids the expensive costs incurred by having to store the same modules operating with different wavelengths. Another approach reducing the costs is to establish a low-cost technology for implementing these tunable devices. 1.2 State of the art 1.2.1 Brief presentation The simplest microcavity device, presented during this thesis, is a Fabry-Pérot filter (FPF). It consists of a microcavity (solid or air) embedded between two distributed Bragg reflectors (DBRs). Each DBR is commonly fabricated by alternating two ma- terials (the optical thickness is a quarter wavelength) having high and low refractive indices (nH and nL). A DBR consists of several periods and each period comprises two different layers (Figure 1.1). In this case, an in-phase construction of reflections at the consecutive interfaces between the layers ensures a strong reflection at the desired wavelength and a stop band can be formed. A Fabry-Pérot resonator is shown in Figure 1.2 (a). It consists of two mirrors and a cavity. In this example, three modes (standing waves) can oscillate within the resonator. Figure 1.2 (b) shows the modes as spectral lines. Combining high reflective DBRs (instead of normal mirrors) with a cavity (of length Lcav), both spectra (DBR and Fabry-Pérot modes) overlap resulting in a single mode selection. Thus an optical Fabry-Pérot filter is formed. A detailed theoretical study can be found in chapter 2. Figure 1.3 shows a cross section of the optically used part of such a filter as well as several common lateral designs, which have been frequently used in the literature. Introducing a light emitting or a light absorbing material in the cavity, VCSELs and 4 1.2 State of the art photodetectors could be fabricated. By changing the cavity length Lcav, a spectral shift of the selected mode occurs. This effect is called spectral tuning. 1.2.2 Highlights Tunable MEMS and MOEMS microcavity devices (e.g. vertical cavity surface emitting lasers (VCSELs), Fabry-Pérot filters (FPFs) and photodetectors) are the core of new dynamic dense wavelength division multiplexing (DWDM) systems. Over the past years, countless works dealing with tunable active and passive microcavities have been published. Relevant devices are those combining the advantages of the mechanical tuning with the optimized optical properties. Concerning tunable Fabry-Pérot filters, the devices differs by the tuning concept and the technological implementation. Based on the InP material system, Irmer et. al. [9] present recently a continuously widely tunable InP/air based filter with 140 nm tuning range. The tuning (electrostatic) voltage is 3.2V, whereas the FWHM is between 3 nm and 5 nm. A filter with a GaAs/AlAs bottom DBR and an Au/SiNxHy/GaAs top movable membrane is presented by Larson et. al. [10], and exhibits a tunability of 32 nm by a 14V tuning voltage at a central wavelength of 932 nm. The membrane is actuated electrostatically and the FWHM of the filter resonance is 3 nm. A hybrid concept using a semiconductor cavity and dielectric mirrors ist presented by Hohlfeld et. al. [11]. The filter, based on the thermooptical effect, consists of a silicon cavity and two Si3N4/SiO2 DBRs and shows a tunability of 3.5 nm and a FWHM of 1.19 nm. Low-cost all dielectric air-gap tunable filters are rare and difficult to implement due to the stress induced buckling of the top membrane. A novel 1.55µm Fabry-Pérot filter with a stable half symmetric cavity design [12], shows a tunability of 70 nm by a tuning voltage of 14V. The filter consists of two SiO2/TiO2 DBRs separated by an air-gap cavity. The radius of curvature of the top membrane is around 310µm. The FWHM of the filter characteristics is 0.27 nm. Using the same concept, Vakhshoori et. al. [13] presented a 1.55µm tunable cw VCSEL with 2mW output power and 50 nm tuning range. The novelty of this work was the implementation of a stable resonator by a curved top DBR with a radius of curvature (ROC) of 300µm. The tuning occurs electrostatically. However, the authors did not reveal either the material system nor the technological implementation details of the curved mirrors. Recently, electrically pumped tunable VCSEL have been presented: Maute et. al. [14] produced an electrically tunable VCSEL, whose active region has already been described in [15]. The bottom mirror consists of CaF2/a-Si multilayer and gold, the top movable mirror is a doped GaAs/AlGaAs DBR. The tuning of the two-chip based device [16] is done electrothermally. The device shows a single mode operation across 30 nm tuning with a SMSR better than 30 dB and a maximum output power of 76µW. By the same technological implementation process, Riemenschneider et. al. [17] increased the tunability to 40 nm and the output power to 100µW. 1 Background and Introduction 5 Stop band Wavelength λ R ef le ct iv ity dH dL nH nL Period dH = 0.25λ / nH dL = 0.25 λ / nL Distributed Bragg reflector R ef le ct iv ity Figure 1.1: A distributed Bragg reflector (DBR) consists of alternating layers of high and low refractive indices. The optical thickness of each layer is a quarter wavelength. Due to the constructive interference, a stop band with high reflection values can be formed. i ii iii iiiiii λ Top mirror Bottom mirror Cavity length Lcav (a) (b) (c) Cavity modes λ Selected cavity mode Fabry-Pérot resonator Fabry-Pérot resonator with DBR mirrors Reflection spectrum Top DBR Bottom DBR (d) Cavity Figure 1.2: (a) Fabry-Pérot resonator with common mirrors and schematically standing waves (modes) within the cavity, (b) Fabry-Pérot modes (spectral lines), (c) Fabry-Pérot filter with two DBRs. Due to the DBR spectral stop band, one mode can be selected (overlap of DBR stop band and Fabry-Pérot resonator modes). 6 1.3 Introduction and content X Y A B B B B C A A B B B C DBR mirror 1 DBR mirror 2 Cavity (solid or air) A Optically used part of the filters X Z Reflected wavelengths Transmitted wavelength B Supporting posts C Suspensions Figure 1.3: The optically used part of the Fabry - Pérot filter (Z-axis) consists of the cavity and two DBRs. This direction is called ”vertical direction” during this thesis. The optical pass (light input and light output) occurs in this direction. In the XY plane (top view), the lateral design of the filter unit is shown. Several frequently published designs are illustrated. The optically used part ”A” is positioned by suspensions ”C”. The suspensions are fixed to the substrate by supporting posts ”B”. The parts ”A” and ”C” may be suspended or attached to the substrate. 1.3 Introduction and content Even though the progress in microcavity devices seems to meet soon the stringent optical communications requirements, two main problems remain. The first one is the immense costs resulting from the implementation process and the non economic concepts used, and the second one is the control of the stress induced buckling of the membranes leading often to unproper operation of these devices. These two aspects are the core of this thesis. Thus, the aim is to develop a low-cost technology enabeling the fabrication of such devices in an economic way with high yield and to control and taylor the buckling of the released membranes. Seven chapters of this thesis deal with these issues. In chapter 1, a survey of market analysis is presented to evoke the importance and the necessity of low-cost microcavity devices. It is shown that these devices claim a considerable part of the market. However, the economic yield of these devices can be reached only when a low-cost solution is available. Chapter 2 presents the theoretical basics of the microcavity devices. In this chapter, the existing theory is extended and is explained in respect to the devices described in this thesis. 1 Background and Introduction 7 PECVD technology is investigated in chapter 3, with the goal to indentify a suitable technology enabling the implementation of novel low-cost devices, able to contribute to the economic boom of the optical communications. For this a common parallel plate reactor is used. The dependence of the mechanical (e.g. bulk stress) and the optical (e.g. refractive index) properties on the reactor parameters (e.g. gas flow, pressure, temperature, etc.) is investigated. It is shown that the optical properties can be readily affected by varying these parameters, whereas the mechanical properties (e.g. bulk stress) are less affected. The stress control (especially the microstress) requires the development of a novel microscale technology, presented in chapter 4. Here, the deposition of dielectric PECVD layers on top of a common photoresist is demonstrated for the first time. Chapter 5 presents the results of the dependence of macro- and microstress on plasma excitation frequency. For this purpose, different measurement techniques are used, and stress control in a wide range is achieved. Furthermore, the effect of stress on the mechanical properties of the suspended dielectric membranes is discussed. Thus, differently shaped membranes (planar, convex and concave) with several radii of curvature are implemented. A wide range of cavity length variation is demonstrated. In the second part of the thesis, the knowledge acquired during the investigations is used for the implementation of several microcavity devices. Thus, in chapter 6, different microdevices like non tunable and tunable vertical cavity surface emitting lasers (VCSELs), non tunable and tunable Fabry-Pérot filters (FPFs) as well as tunable PIN photodiodes are presented. Furthermore, based on the results in chapter 6, the implementation of light emitting organic materials in microcavities is addressed in chapter 7. First promising results are presented and discussed. Finally, the whole work of this thesis is concluded in chapter 8. Chapter 2 Basics of tunable microcavities 2.1 Optical properties 2.1.1 Bragg reflectors Micromechanically tunable vertical cavity devices for the DWDM systems (e.g. FPFs, VCSELs and photodetectors) consist among other parts of an air-cavity embedded between two DBRs. The complete theory of these devices can be found elsewhere [18—22]. A distributed Bragg reflector consists of a periodic alternating layers of a high (nH) and low (nL) refractive index material. In analogy to the diffraction of X-ray light at atomic planes of a solids, the Bragg condition for a periodic multilayer is given by Λ = λB Neff · Θbr 2 (2.1) where Λ is the grating period, λB the wavelength in vacuum, Neff the effective re- fractive index of the alternating materials and Θbr the Bragg order. Constructive interference occurs when Θbr takes an odd integer values (1, 3, 5, ...). By consider- ing the physical thickness of the high and low refractive index materials, dH and dL, respectively, equation 2.1 can be rewritten as Θbr · λB 4 = dH · nH = dL · nL (2.2) A frequent method for calculating the reflectivity of a DBR is the transmission or transfer matrix method. This considers the electric (E) and magnetic (H) fields of a transverse electromagnetic wave propagating in a layer (see Figure2.1). By using the Maxwell´s equations, the following transmission matrix for the layer b can be found [19] µ E (0) ηoH (0) ¶ = à cos (kbdb + iαbdb) inb sin (kbdb + iαbdb) inb sin (kbdb + iαbdb) cos (kbdb + iαbdb) ! · µ E (db) ηoH (db) ¶ (2.3) 2 Basics of tunable microcavities 9 Layer a Layer b Layer c Ex Hy 0 db z Figure 2.1: A layer b is embedded between two layers, a and c, respectively. The layer has a physical length db and a refractive index nb. The electromagnetic fields at positions 0 and db are E(0), H(0), E(db) and H(db), respectively. The direction Z is often described as vertical direction during this thesis. E (0) is the electric field at position 0 H (0) is the magnetic field at position 0 ηo is the impedance of the free space nb is the refractive index of layer b db is the physical thickness of the layer b αb is the amplitude absorption coefficient in layer b kb = 2π/λ0nb is the phase propagation constant in the layer λ0 the wavelength in the free space For a DBR with p periods and 2p layers and a total length LDBR, a total transmis- sion matrix Mtotal can be introduced. Thus, we can writeµ E (0) H (0) ¶ =Mtotal · µ E (LDBR) H (LDBR) ¶ (2.4) Mtotal = Y Mlayers = µ m11 m12 m21 m22 ¶ (2.5) With Y0 and Ys the wave admittances of the ambient and substrate media respect- ively, the reflection coefficient can be written as r = Y0m11 + Y0m12 −m21 − Ysm22 Y0m11 + Y0m12 +m21 + Ysm22 (2.6) Frequently, the DBR used in such devices is mostly implemented by using quarter wavelength (Θbr = 1) thick layers. The incident electromagnetic wave is reflected and transmitted at each interface. The partial reflection (r) and transmission (t) coefficients of the wave at the interfaces are given respectively as r = nH − nL nH + nL (2.7) 10 2.1 Optical properties t = 2nL nH + nL (2.8) The waves are not phase shifted by passing the interfaces of the layers with high refractive indices to the layers with the lower ones. However a phase shift π occurs in the other case. In this case, the partially reflected waves from the interfaces recom- bine constructively resulting in high reflection within a wavelength range (stop band). Beyond this range, a destructive interference ensures a low reflectivity. The reflectivity of a DBR comprising p periods of lossless quarter wavelength layers (short: lossless p period quarter wavelength DBR) can be concluded from the reflectiv- ity at the central wavelength. At this wavelength, the amplitude of the reflection coefficient [20] is given by r2p = 1− nS n0 ³ n1 n2 ´2p 1 + ns n0 ³ n1 n2 ´2p (2.9) Where n0, nS, n1 and n2 are the refractive index of the ambient, of the substrate, and the two different DBR materials, respectively. For the case of an additional layer, that means for a 2p+ 1 periodic DBR, the reflection coefficient can be written as r2p+1 = 1− n 2 1 n0·nS ³ n1 n2 ´2p 1 + n21 n0·nS ³ n1 n2 ´2p (2.10) The reflectivity at the central wavelength can be calculated by R = |r|2. Thus, the reflectivity of a lossless p period quarter wavelength DBR can be rewritten, by substituting from 2.9, as R = tanh2 ∙ 1 2 ln µ n0 nS ¶ + p ln µ n1 n2 ¶¸ (2.11) By applying the equations 2.9 and 2.10, and by disregarding the term (nL/nH)4, the following approximations for the reflectivity could be found [20] for n1 = nL and n1 = nH , alternatively and respectively. R2p ≈ 1− 4 nS n0 µ nL nH ¶2p (2.12) R2p ≈ 1− 4 n0 nS µ nL nH ¶2p (2.13) R2p+1 ≈ 1− 4 n2L n0nS µ nL nH ¶2p (2.14) 2 Basics of tunable microcavities 11 R2p+1 ≈ 1− 4 n0nS n2H µ nL nH ¶2p (2.15) In the case of lossy DBRs [19], by assuming that αidi < 1, and by neglecting the the second and higher order terms in αidi which leads to coshαidi = sinhαidi ≈ 1 (i indicates the layer number), we obtain the reflectivity R by multiplying matrices as in 2.3. Let γ = n2/n1, we have R = tanh2 ⎧ ⎨ ⎩ 1 2 ln ⎡ ⎣ ⎛ ⎝(α2d2n1 + α1d1n2) (γ 1−p − γp+1) + nSγ−p (1− γ2)³ α2d2 n1 + α1d1 n2 ´ (γ1−p − γp+1) + n0γp (1− γ2) ⎞ ⎠ ⎤ ⎦ ⎫ ⎬ ⎭ (2.16) For Θbr = 1, large p and small constant α values in all layers, the reflectivity becomes R = 1− 2αλ0 (n 2 1 + n 2 2) 2n0 |n21 − n22| (2.17) However, due to different phenomena like material growth uncertainties and re- fractive index changes, a wavelength deviation δλ from the Bragg wavelength λB may occur. A deviation in the wavelength implies a change in the refractive index in form of dispersion δn1 and δn2. By considering the equations 2.3 and 2.5, a new matrix can be adopted M = (Ma ·Mb)p (2.18) Ma = ⎛ ⎝ − πδλ 2λB ³ 1− δn1 n1 λB ´ i n1 in1 − πδλ2λB ³ 1− δn1 n1 λB ´ ⎞⎠ Mb = ⎛ ⎝ − πδλ 2λB ³ 1− δn2 n2 λB ´ i n2 in2 − πδλ2λB ³ 1− δn2 n2 λB ´ ⎞⎠ Using equation 2.9 and neglecting the second and higher terms of δλ, the reflectivity R for a large number p of periods is given by R = ±1± i πδλ λBn0 · (n2 + nn)n2n1 − λB (n 2 1δn2 + n 2 2δn1) |n22 − n21| (2.19) A high reflectivity of a DBR can be achieved by increasing either the number of peri- ods p or the contrast between the refractive indices of the DBR layer pairs. However, absorption limits the reflectivity even when the number of periods p is increased [23,24]. 12 2.1 Optical properties The effect of absorption on the reflectivity for a given number p of periods can be re- duced by choosing alternating material layers with high refractive index contrast. This is related to the optical penetration depth of the wave into the DBR. The optical penetration depth [20] Pe in quarter wavelength λ/4n is given by Pe = λ 4n · nL nH ∙ 1 + n2L n2S ³ n0 nH ´2p−1¸ ∙ 1− ³ n0 nH ´2p¸ 1− n0 nH ∙µ 1 + n4L n2Hn 2 S ³ n0 nH ´4p−2¶¸ (2.20) The shorter the penetration depth, the lower is the total absorption within the optical path of the wave. On the other hand, an increase in the contrast between the refractive indices contributes to a larger bandwidth of the DBR. This can be deduced from the following equation, where ∆ω and ω0 are the frequency bandwidth and the central frequency of the DBR stop band, respectively. ∆ω = 4ω0 π arcsin µ nH − nL nH + nL ¶ (2.21) 2.1.2 Fabry-Pérot filter A simple Fabry-Pérot filter consists of a single or multiple optical half wavelength cavity embedded between two planar DBRs, oriented parallel to each other. The destructive and constructive interference of the waves in this cavity cause the filter characteristic. Thus, the reflectivity in the stop band tends towards zero for a few wavelengths, which leads to a high transmission. A deep theoretical study of FPF can be found in [18,22]. Beginning with the FP resonator with planar mirrors, the essential characteristics will be summarized. The free spectral range (FSR), which is important for the tuning later on, is the distance separating two neighboring filter characteristics. The FSR of a Fabry-Pérot filter can be written, in terms of the cavity length Lcav, the light velocity c and a refractive index ncav, as FSR = c 2 · ncav · Lcav = λ · ν 2 · ncav · Lcav (2.22) The finesse of a Fabry-Pérot filter, a figure of merit of the optical performance, indicates the ability to transmit several channels without serious interference among them. The finesse F can be expressed as a function of the reflectivity of both mirrors (R1, R2) and the absorption αcav of the cavity, by F = π 2 √ R1R2 · e−2αcavLcav 1− (R1R2 · e−2αcavLcav) (2.23) The term R1 · R2 · e−2αcavLcav is a factor correlated to the intensity variation for a round trip at the resonance frequency. The FWHM of a filter characteristic is affected by the cavity losses, the absorption in the material and the geometry of the resonator. 2 Basics of tunable microcavities 13 Thus the scattering of waves within a resonator is directly related to its geometry. Furthermore, the transversal mode in the cavity should match with the filter aperture in order to avoid diffraction losses. FWHM = FSR F = c · £1− ¡R1R2 · e−2αcavLcav¢¤ (2 · ncav · Lcav) · ¡ π 2 √ R1R2 · e−2αcavLcav ¢ (2.24) The maximum transmission Tmax and the residual reflectivity Rres at resonance are given, respectively, by Tmax = − T1T2 2 √ R1R2 2 √ R1 ·R2 · e−2αcavLcav 1− (R1 ·R2 · e−2αcavLcav) (2.25) Rres = R1 − T 21 R1 ¡ R1 ·R2 · e−2αcavLcav ¢ 1− (R1 ·R2 · e−2αcavLcav) (2.26) For low loss optical resonators, we introduce the δ symbol to represent small devi- ations from unity at high reflectivity of the DBRs. In this case, we can writeR1 = 1−δ1. A general definition for high and low reflective mirrors is given by R ≡ e−δ (2.27) The total cavity loss δcav is given by the round trip loss δ0 and the mirror losses δ1 and δ2 δcav = δ0 + δ1 + δ2 = 4 · α · Lcav + ln µ 1 R1R2 ¶ (2.28) This formula can also be rewritten to take into account the negative loss −δact (gain) of an active medium δcav = δ0 + δ1 + δ2 − δact (2.29) Referring to 2.28, the finesse can be written as F = 2π δcav (2.30) The quality factor Qcav of the cavity is a relation between the stored power in the resonator and the dissipated one per cycle of light. Qcav = 4πLcav λδcav (2.31) 14 2.1 Optical properties 2.1.3 Resonator stability A highly important criteria for the fibre-filter coupling is the stability of the filter resonator. This stability is related to the radius of curvature of the bent membrane, to the cavity length as well as to the geometric alignment of the curved DBR1. Three main resonator configurations are possible, with a stable resonator being desirable. A resonator is stable when the distribution of the electric field remains unchanged after one round trip, which requires the curvature of the phase front of the electric field to agree with the radius of curvature of the mirror membrane. This can only occur in resonators fulfilling the equation 2.32 [25]. 0 < µ 1− Lcav ROC1 ¶ · µ 1− Lcav ROC2 ¶ < 1 (2.32) Unstable half symmetric resonators are shown in Figures 2.2(e) and 2.2(f). In the first case, the radius of curvature of the DBR2 is infinite (ROC2 = ∞) whereas the radius of curvature of the DBR1 is smaller than the cavity length Lcav (ROC1 < Lcav). In this case, equation 2.32 is clearly not satisfied. In the second case, equation 2.32 is also not satisfied since ROC2 =∞ and ROC1 < 0. A stable half symmetric resonator satsfying equation 2.32 can be found in Figure 2.2(d). Here, we have ROC1 > Lcav and theROC2 =∞. Figure 2.2(b) and Figures 2.2(a and c) show symmetric resonators that correspond to equations 2.33 and 2.34, respectively. These resonators are described as ”nearly stable”, since the smallest change in their curvature could lead to a unstable operation. µ 1− Lcav ROC1 ¶ · µ 1− Lcav ROC2 ¶ = 0 (2.33) µ 1− Lcav ROC1 ¶ · µ 1− Lcav ROC2 ¶ = 1 (2.34) Thus, the symmetric concentric resonator (Figure 2.2(a)) with ROC1 = ROC2 = Lcav/2 satisfies the condition of equation 2.34. The symmetric confocal resonator (Fig- ure 2.2(b)) with ROC1 = ROC2 = Lcav corresponds to equation 2.33. The plane-plane symmetric resonator described in Figure 2.2(c) with ROC1 = ROC2 =∞ also satisfies equation 2.34. In a stable half symmetric resonator (Figure 2.2(d)), the frequency of the resonant cavity mode [26] can be calculated by ωres = c0 2Lcav à ml + 2mr +ma + 1 π arccos 2 r 1− Lcav ROC1 ! (2.35) 1A curved DBR is possible when we consider a FPF with an air-gap cavity. This will be the subject of through study in this thesis. 2 Basics of tunable microcavities 15 DBR2 DBR1 DBR2 DBR1 Lcav ROC1 ROC2 (a) (b) (c) ROC1 ROC2 Lcav Lcav LcavROC1 LcavROC1 Lcav ROC1 (d) (e) (f) Figure 2.2: Different geometrical configurations of resonators with partially or fully curved mirrors: (a) symmetric concentrical nearly stable resonator with ROC1 = ROC2 = Lcav/2; (b) symmetric confocal nearly stable resonator with ROC1 = ROC2 = Lcav; (c) plane nearly stable resonator; (d) stable half symetric resonator with ROC1 > Lcav; (e) non stable reson- ator with ROC1 < Lcav; (f) unstable resonator with negative ROC1 values. whereml,mr andma are the longitudinal, the radial and the angular mode numbers. For a symmetric geometry of the bent DBR1 and a given fundamental mode number ml, numerous side modes with higher and lower resonance frequencies are available. In this case, no fundamental mode operation can occur and an arbitrary excitation leads to a multi mode operation. However, a fundamental mode operation occurs if the beam waist of the incoming Gaussian light beam (outcoming from the fibre) satisfies the condition B2w = λ π 2 p Lcav (ROC1 − Lcav) (2.36) Angular modes with mode numbersma 6= 0 occur by a geometrically non symmetric bent DBR1 or by a non symmetric profile of the incoming light beam. In other words, in order to reach fundamental mode operation in a half symmetric stable resonator, either an appropriate fibre collimator should be used or a symmetric tailored radius of curvature of the bent membrane should be technologically implemented. If the spectral spacing between several neighboring wavelengths is smaller than the central wavelength λ0, we can convert the frequency spacing into wavelength spacing by using ∆λ = λ20 c ∆ω (2.37) For a symmetric geometry of the bent DBR1 and a tailored light beam profile, and by assuming that ROC1 À Lcav (the case for most of the devices technologically implemented in this thesis), a fundamental mode operation can occur (mr = ma = 0). 16 2.1 Optical properties The wavelength spacing of the fundamental modes ∆λfund is given by incrementing the fundamental mode number ml (in our case ml = 1) by using equation 2.35 as ∆λfund = λ20 2Lcav (2.38) For the case where the symmetric incoming beam profile matches with the symmet- ric geometry of the bent DBR1 membrane (but where the conditions of equation 2.36 are not fulfilled), a radial mode operation beside the fundamental mode occurs. The spacing ∆λside of neighboring side modes is calculated by incrementing mr at a fixed mode number ml and for ma = 0. In this case , the radial mode spacing ∆λradial , is ∆λradial = 2∆λside (2.39) Thus the spacing of the neighboring side modes is given by ∆λside = λ20 2πLcav arccos 2 r 1− Lcav ROC1 (2.40) However, equations 2.35 and 2.40 are not valid for active devices like VCSELs. Here, bulk material (active and non active) as well as quantumwells could be included. In this case, several factors such as the group refractive index (dependent on the wavelength) for example should be considered. 2.1.4 Active devices The major difference between passive (e.g. Fabry-Pérot filter) and active devices (e.g. VCSEL) is, in a first estimation, the active light emitting material within the reson- ator. In this case, most of the relations concerning modes spacing in the Fabry-Pérot resonator are not applicable. However, the relations between the incoming beam waist, the geometry of the top DBR as well as the modes propagation remain valid in this case. The emphasis of this thesis is put on devices with curved top DBRs. The interest in the active region play in this case a minor role. A detailed study of active regions in lasers can be found elsewhere [19—21,27]. Nevertheless, the fundamental properties of the VCSEL will be summarized. A VCSEL with a bulk active region of gain g is considered. The VCSEL is embed- ded between two mirrors of reflectivities R1 and R2, respectively. The photon density ρ, which is induced by an electromagnetic wave in the active material, increases pro- portionally with the penetration depth and the total round trip of the wave in the resonator. By considering the gain distance dgain and the loss factor αtotal, a distance related photon density ρ(dgain) can be defined [19] as follows ρ(dgain) = ρ0e (g−αtotal)dgain (2.41) 2 Basics of tunable microcavities 17 The threshold gain gth is the gain level which overcomes the overall losses αtotal in the VCSEL. It is expressed as a function of the cavity length Lcav, the transverse confinement factor Γt, R1 and R2 [19]. gth = αtotal + 1 2LcavΓt ln 1 R1R2 (2.42) The threshold current Ith of a VCSEL is given by [27] Ith = π µ D 2 ¶2 Jth = eV Nth ηiτ s ∼= eV Beff ηiηspon (2.43) D is the diameter of the circular active region (the most common shape) Jth is the threshold current density e is the electron charge V is the volume of the active region Nth is the threshold carrier density ηi is the injection efficiency ηspon is the spontaneous emission efficiency τ s is the recombination lifetime Beff is the effective recombination coefficient where Nth = Nt + αa + αd + α1,2 A¯0Γopt (2.44) Nt is the transparent carrier density αa is the absorption loss coefficient averaged per unit length αd is the diffraction coefficient averaged per unit length α1,2 is the DBRs loss coefficient A¯0 is the gain coefficient expressing the differential gain G˙ = dg˙/dN g˙ is the optical gain per cm Γopt is the optical energy confinement factor, Γopt = ΓtΓl Γl is the longitudinal confinement factor The optical output power Pout [20] of a VCSEL can be expressed in terms of the band gap energy Eg, the spontaneous emission factor S´, the driving current I, the threshold current Ith, the differential quantum efficiency ηd, the spontaneous emission efficiency ηspon and the injection efficiency ηi, as follows For I ≤ Ith Pout = ηd · ηspon · S´ · Eg · I (2.45) For I ≥ Ith Pout = ηd ·Eg · (I − Ith) + ηd · ηspon · S´ ·Eg · Ith (2.46) 18 2.1 Optical properties where ηd is the differential quantum efficiency ηd = α1,2 αa + αd + α1,2 = ηi ³ 1 Lcav ´ ln ³ 1 R1 ´ (αa + αd) + ³ 1 Lcav ´ ln ³ 1 2√R1R2 ´ (2.47) The power conversion efficiency ηp [20] for I À Ith is given in terms of the output power, the driving current and the bias voltage Vb, as ηp = Pout VbI = ⎡ ⎣ηi ³ 1 Lcav ´ ln ³ 1 R1 ´ (αa + αd) + ³ 1 Lcav ´ ln ³ 1 2√R1R2 ´ ⎤ ⎦ · Eg Vb · µ 1− Ith I ¶ (2.48) 2.1.5 Photodetector devices An important use for photodiodes is in combination with tunable filters. By using these novel devices, we can lower the overall costs of the DWDM systems. Several approaches have been suggested and discussed in the literature [28—31]. In particular, the two- chip concept described in [16] allows independent optimization of the various parts and parameters of the system (e.g. buckling of the membranes, wavelength tuning, selectivity and responsivity, etc.). Thus, an optimum functionality of the devices can be reached. The main characteristics of a PIN photodiode are the responsivity, the junction capacitance and its influence on the demodulation bandwidth and the signal to noise ratio. The responsivity Rresp is the ratio of the generated current, Iout, to the optical input power, Pin. The responsivity can be written as a function of the quantum efficiency η, the elementary charge e, Planck´s constant h and the frequency w. Rresp = η e hw = Iout Pin (2.49) The frequency w = c0/λ0 is inversely correlated to the wavelength. Therefore, for λ0 = 1550 and η = 1, the maximum responsivity, which can be reached, is Rresp,max = 1.25 A /W. However, this theoretical value, can never be practically reached due to the light backscattering (between the layers), material absorption and absorption mechanisms like recombinations on the layer surfaces. The junction capacity is given as Cj = A 2 s εeND 2(UD − U) (2.50) Where A is the area of the diode, ε is the dielectric number, ND is the donator concentration and (UD − U) is the potential difference applied to the diode. If we 2 Basics of tunable microcavities 19 consider a diode under potential, the capacity can be written as a function of the depletion region lzone and ε0 and εr, the dielectric constants for air and the pin diode material, respectively. Cj = ε0εrA lzone (2.51) The bandwidth of the pin photodiodes is given as BW3dB = 1 2πRsCj (2.52) where, Rs is the serial conductance of the diode. Substituting from equation 2.51, the bandwidth can be written as follows BW3dB = lzone 2πε0εrARs (2.53) Generally, the signal to noise ratio is given as SNRpin = I2out I2noise (2.54) where Inoise, the noise current of the pin photodiode, is a function of the quantum noise of the photocurrent Iout and the dark current Idark. Inoise = 2 p 2eBW3dB(Iout + Idark) (2.55) If we also consider the thermal noise current Ith in a pin photodiode, the overall signal to noise ratio can be written as follows SNRpin = I2out I2noise + I 2 th (2.56) with Ith given by Ith = 2 r 4kTBW3dB Rs (2.57) where k is the Boltzmann constant and T is the temperature. 2.2 Mechanical properties 2.2.1 Micromechanical tuning Tunable microdevices for the optical communication technology are often associated with active devices like lasers; in the last decades, several tunable laser sources have been commercially available on the market. These sources are used in medical engineer- ing, sensing, spectroscopy, and material diagnostics. A thorough study of such devices 20 2.2 Mechanical properties can be found in [32]. Nowadays, as the devices became smaller and more complicated, their tuning occurs often by micromechanical actuation (especially vertical cavity based devices). Thus, MEMS and MOEMS devices like micromirror arrays, sensors, align- ment systems, as well as active and passive devices for optical communication [33,34] are emerging. Micromechanical tuning of the devices investigated in this thesis, namely FP filters, VCSELs and photodiodes occurs either electrostatically or electrothermally. Electro- static tuning is carried out by a potential difference between two conducting or semi- conducting layers, whereas thermal tuning is based on the expansion of a material through heating by a current. Mechanical actuation of a layer automatically implies that the layer should be movable. Commonly, the top DBR of such devices is under- etched and encloses an air-gap cavity. Figure 2.3 shows the tuning principle in such devices. DBR2 DBR1 Lcav DBR2 DBR1 Lcav- ∆ Lcav DBR2 DBR1 Lcav+ ∆ Lcav (c) (b) (a) 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 0,0 0,1 0,2 0,3 0,4 0,5 0,6 0,7 0,8 0,9 1,0 1,1 1,2 Tr an sm is si on Wavelength / nm Filter characteristic for L cav Filter characteristic for Lcav+ ∆ Lcav Filter characteristic for L cav - ∆ L cav Figure 2.3: Tuning principle of a Fabry-P érot filter with physical cavity length Lcav (a). A physical shift of the cavity length (b and c) ±∆Lcav implies a spectral shift in the wavelength by ±∆λ. A physical change of the cavity length results in spectral displacement of the central resonance wavelength of the filter. However, the sensitivity of the spectral wavelength displacement strongly depends on the cavity length and the geometry of the resonator. This is captured by the tuning efficiency [35] T = ∆λ ∆Lcav (2.58) Although the technological implementation of tunable devices by bulk or surface micromachining has been well investigated and advanced, the performance of these 2 Basics of tunable microcavities 21 devices is still significantly restricted by fabrication issues, such the adverse effects of residual stress. In particular, devices involving air-gaps and suspended membranes (FPFs,VCSELs and photodiodes) require a precise stress control for a successful im- plementation [36, 37]. Due to the high sensitivity of these devices to stress, stress en- gineering is indispensable. Undesired buckling and bending of released micromachined structures (e.g. top DBRs) may be caused by compressive stress, whereas cracking may occur if the tensile stress is too high [38]. Several approaches reducing the effect of the overall stress on the released membranes have been proposed and successfully demonstrated [39—42]. They use additional stress compensation layers and suitable mechanical designs. However, these approaches do not directly deal with the origin of the residual stress and may be unsuitable for a wide range of optical devices. Thus, additional stress compensation layers in released distributed Bragg reflectors (DBRs) may induce phase shifts in the light path, thus disturbing functionality of the device. Other approaches using an appropriate mechanical design suitable for stress reduc- tion in such devices, could be incompatible with the optical requirements, thus leading to undesired side and angular modes in the cavities. Consequently, the main goal of stress engineering is to control the stress in optical air-gap devices without modifying the mechanical or optical designs. 2.2.2 Stress in thin films The distinction between stress and strain is clearly explained in the literature [43—46]. Strain is defined as the change in dimensions of a body under an external force and is expressed as the extension per unit length. Stress is the internal pressure of a body when submitted to external forces. When a body is placed under stress, strain results. Thus the strain ξ and the stress σ are related by the biaxial modulus Y [47]. σ = Y · ξ (2.59) When the stress is homogeneous and biaxial, Y can be expressed in terms of the Youngs modulus E and the Poisson ratio ν of a material. Y = E 1− ν (2.60) When the body is no longer subjected to external forces, it tends to relax and dissipate the internal stress. In the case of thin semiconductor and dielectric films, the overall stress is mostly described as residual stress. The residual stress, which is highly undesirable, is the tension or compression pre-existing in a bulk material (when the external force is zero). The origins of the residual stress in such films are mostly process related phenomena like defects, mismatching of the materials during the growth, ions implantation, thermal effects and boundary conditions. In this thesis the residual stress is devided into an intrinsic and an extrinsic stress. The intrinsic stress is due to the morphology and the dynamic composition of the material during the process, 22 2.2 Mechanical properties whereas the extrinsic stress occurs after the dynamic process is accomplished. However, the extrinsic stress is not decoupled from the intrinsic one. The best example of an extrinsic stress is the thermal stress which results from the temperature change between deposition and characterization and the difference in thermal expansion coefficients of the film and the substrate [48—51]. The intrinsic stress, which is strongly related to the process parameters, influences the thermal expansion coefficients. In order to avoid obscurities, this thesis handles two different kinds of stress: the overall lateral bulk stress (described as homogeneous stress in several publications) and the vertical spatial stress variation (less precise but short: gradient stress). The overall lateral bulk stress σbulk,total consists of the intrinsic stress σint and the thermal stress σth. σbulk,total = σint + σth (2.61) In contrast to the intrinsic stress, the thermal stress can be calculated by the thermo dynamical equation σth = Ef 1− νf · (αs − αf) ·∆T (2.62) in terms of the Young´s modulus Ef , the Poisson ratio νf and the thermal expansion coefficient αf of the film, the thermal expansion coefficient of the substrate αs and the difference in temperature ∆T between deposition and characterization. The vertical spatial stress, referred to in some publications as gradient stress or strain, is the vertical variation of the internal force potentials which causes the de- flection of the released cantilevers. Note that the overall bulk stress may also cause a deflection of structures that are fixed at all their extremities. In this case, it is difficult to find out which kind of stress is responsible for the deflection. During the investigation within this thesis, the overall bulk stress is characterized at two levels: macroscopically averaged stress and microscopically detected stress [52]. The first quantity is calculated from the measured curvature of the wafer, and results in global values. The macroscopic stress measurement set-up is based on the optical imaging method [53]. It consists mainly of a HeNe laser source, a diffraction grid and a detector array [54]. The collimated laser beam travels through a telescope and a transmission grating and generates a spatial diffraction pattern on the wafer (one dimensional array). If the wafer is bent, these light spots are then reflected under slightly different angles and are observed on a distant screen. The position of the spots on the screen are evaluated and compared to their positions originating from the blank wafer before the deposition. If the wafer bends due to compressive thin film stress, the wafer acts as a convex mirror and the reflected laser beam diverges. Thus, in this case, bending of the substrate increases the distance between the separated diffraction structures. In case of a tensile stress, the wafer acts as a concave mirror. The total stress of the deposited dielectric layers can be calculated, based on the radii of curvature before and after the deposition, by Stoney´s equation as 2 Basics of tunable microcavities 23 la δi di l i supporting post actuator beam indicators sacrificial layer (a) δcant cantilever of length lcant (b) Figure 2.4: MEMS structures for stress detection: (a) top view of a microstructure for microscopic stress detection, (b) cross section of a microstructure (cantilever) for detecting the vertical variation (short: gradient stress) of the stress. σbulk,total = Es 6 (1− νs) d2s df µ 1 ROC1 − 1 ROC2 ¶ (2.63) where Es and νs are the Young modulus and the Poisson ratio of the substrate, ds and df the thickness of the substrate and the film, ROC1 and ROC2 are the radii of curvature before and after the deposition, respectively. The microscopically detected stress is monitored by MEMS structures [52] and describes the stress topography and thus delivers precise local values. These structures were first proposed by Ericson et. al. [55]. In the literature, several MEMS approaches have been proposed for stress diagnostics [36,55—61] as well as for the characterization of the physical parameters of the films (e.g. thermal expansion coefficient, Young modulus, elastic modulus and fracture strength) [62—66]. The MEMS structure used for the bulk stress evaluation during this thesis is described in Figure 2.4(a). The technological implementation of these structures is described in detail in chapter 4. The structure is completely underetched except under the supporting posts at the end of the actuator beams. After releasing the structure, the thin films tend to relax and can expand or shrink according to the nature of the stress. The magnitude of the stress is proportional to the rotation of the indicators. The direction of the rotation indicates whether the local stress in the lateral direction is compressive or tensile: the indicators rotate clockwise if the stress is compressive, and counter clockwise if tensile. In the case of stress free thin films, no rotation of the indicator beams occurs. The local stress can be calculated according to equation 2.64. σbulk,total = Ef 6 (1− νf) di 2lila δi (2.64) 24 2.2 Mechanical properties The vertical spatial stress of a given film, can be calculated by evaluating the deflection of a released cantilever (2.4(b)) according to equation ∂σ ∂dcant = Ef (1− νf) 2 l2cant δcant (2.65) where σ is the internal stress of the film, dcant and lcant the thickness and the length of the cantilever and δcant is the deflection of the cantilever. Positive values of the gradient are associated with upwards deflection whereas negative values correspond to downwards deflection. Figure 2.5(a) shows a white light interferometer picture of released cantilevers with positive gradient value. A negative gradient is shown in Figure 2.5(b). (a) (b) Figure 2.5: White light interferometer pictures of: (a) released cantilevers with a positive stress gradient, (b) released cantilevers with a negative stress gradient. Chapter 3 PECVD technology: basics and material properties 3.1 Basics 3.1.1 Configuration of the involved PECVD In this thesis, a plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition technology (PECVD) is used for implementing dielectric layers. The system is a standard simple capacitively coupled parallel plate reactor (Plasma Lab 80 plus) from Oxford Instruments. Figure 3.1 shows a schematic layout of the system. The deposition chamber consists of a paral- lel plate reactor driven by a low (130 kHz) and a high (13.56MHz) frequency generator. The high frequency generator is matched to the chamber trough an automatic match- ing unit (AMU). The duty cycle1 of the plasma excitation frequency is varied during the process by an automatic switching unit (SWI). The substrate holder is grounded and can be heated up to 400 ◦C. Three mass flow controllers (MFC) ensure precise proportioning of the reactive gases. The radicals and ions that do not contribute to the deposition are eliminated by a root and a dual stage rotary pump. Amorphous silicon nitride, silicon dioxide, silicon oxynitride and silicon can be deposited by the system. Two percent silane diluted in nitrogen and ammonia are used for silicon nitride whereas silicon dioxide results from the same silane and nitrous oxide. Other process gases like nitrogen (N2), Argon (Ar), Oxygen (O2) and a cleaning gas like carbon tetrafluoride with oxygen (CF4+O2) are also available. In this thesis we concentrate on the materials silicon nitride and silicon dioxide. Table C.7 shows the standard process parameters used for the deposition of silicon nitride and silicon dioxide at 300 ◦C. In order to study the dependence of the material properties, namely deposition rate, refractive index and stress, on the process parameters, one parameter is varied at a time while keeping the remaining parameters unchanged. 1The frequency duty cycle is defined in this thesis as: The time ratio between the high and the low frequency during the deposition process. 26 3.1 Basics Table 3.1: Standard PECVD process parameters for silicon nitride and silicon dioxide de- posited at 300 ◦C. Process parameters Si3N4 : Hx SiO2 2% SiH4−N2 flow / sccm 1000 430 NH3 flow / sccm 20 0 N2O flow / sccm 0 710 HF-power / W 20 20 LF-power / W 20 20 Duty cycle Ψ 0.538 1 Temperature / ◦C 300 300 Pressure / torr 0.65 1 3.1.2 Background of PECVD layer deposition Plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition is a very common, simple and reliable technique for implementing dielectric layers. Yet even by using the same technological process, different reactor configurations result in different material properties. Thus in the literature, different results for the same deposition process could be found. The main advantage of the PECVD technology is its ability to deposit dielectric materi- als at low temperatures (250 ◦C−400 ◦C), compared to the LPCVD. Hence, PECVD technology is used in a wide range of applications. However, this advantage negatively affects the properties of the materials. Thus silicon nitride deposited at lower temper- atures may not be stoichiometric and may contain a high2 concentration of hydrogen. The incorporation of hydrogen in silicon dioxide is not a main issue in the literature. An overview dealing with PECVD deposition and material properties can be found in [67,68]. Based on several publications, Habracken et. al. [67] reviewed the mechanical and optical properties of silicon nitride. They found that the properties of the plasma nitrides depend on the Si/N concentration ratio, on the hydrogen content as well as the concentration ratio of the Si-H/N-H bonds [69—71]. Furthermore, the N/Si ra- tio decreases by increasing the deposition temperature and the process pressure [72]. However, the N/Si ratio is proportional by the square root to the precursors ratio of NH3/SiH4 [73]. By increasing the deposition temperature, the hydrogen concentration decreases [72, 74]. The incorporation of hydrogen in silicon nitride derived from SiH4 and NH3 precursors can be as high as 39% [75]. This hydrogen is mostly bonded to the silicon and nitrogen as Si-H and N-H compounds. Thus, the N/Si ratio and con- sequently the N-H/Si-H ratio defines the dominant hydrogen compound in the films. A strong concentration of N-H bonds can be found in nitrogen rich films, otherwise Si-H bonds dominate [71,72]. The N/Si ratio as well as the hydrogen concentration strongly affect the refractive index and the stress of the films. However, statements on the mor- phology of thin films deduced from measuring the refractive index are mostly incorrect since different film compositions may result in the same refractive index value [70]. 2The concentration depends on several factors, e.g. the deposition temperature and the plasma conditions. 3 PECVD technology: basics and material properties 27 Plasma SWI AMU HF-Generator 13.56 MHz LF-Generator 130 KHz R O O TS R O TA R Y Gas-Pod MFC N2, Ar, O2 CF4+O2 2% SiH4-N2 NH3 N2O R O O TS R O TA R Y R O O TS R O TA R Y Figure 3.1: Configuration of the plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD) ma- chine used (Plasma Lab 80 plus, Oxford Instruments). For a given hydrogen content, the variation of the refractive index is proportional to the N/Si ratio. By increasing the nitrogen content, the refractive index decreases. Incorporating larger amounts of Si in the films lead to a higher refractive index. On the other hand, for a constant N/Si ratio, the variation in the refractive index value is inversely proportional to the hydrogen concentration. Thus by increasing the hydrogen content in the films, the refractive index decreases. The refractive index is strongly related to the dynamic process conditions and parameters like deposition temperature, process gas flow and pressure. Concerning the mechanical properties of thin films, different correlations between the stress and the films composition is made in the literature [74, 76]. However, the stress seems to be strongly related to the dynamic of the deposition process (ion en- ergy and the atomic architecture of the films). The stress control by tuning the layer morphology (via the plasma frequency) is thoroughly discussed in this thesis (chapter 5). These correlations will be used to comment on the results found during the PECVD investigation in section 3.2. However, while discussing the results, I will not refer again to these references. 28 3.2 Material investigation (stress, composition and optical properties) 3.2 Material investigation (stress, composition and optical properties) For the PECVD material investigation, the process parameters described in table C.7 are used. The behavior of the refractive index, the deposition rate and the stress3 of the silicon nitride and silicon dioxide films as a function of various process parameters is studied. For this, a single parameter is varied at a time whereas the rest is kept unchanged. 3.2.1 Silicon nitride Throughout this series of experiments, both the high and low frequency power are fixed at 20W. The frequency duty cycle Ψ is fixed at 0.538. Figure 3.2 exhibits the behavior of silicon nitride for varying the process temperature. The deposition temperature varies between 230 ◦C and 320 ◦C. The silane and ammonia flows are 1000 sccm and 20 sccm, respectively. The deposition occurs at a pressure of 0.65 torr. The refractive index increases (1.928 to 1.984) with increasing the deposition temperature. This is due to the decrease of the hydrogen concentration in the film. In this case, the density became higher, and consequently the deposition rate lower since higher matter per unit volume is reached. The effect of the temperature on the total bulk stress variation is rather weak. In this case, the stress is tensile for the whole temperature range. Stress values between −11MPa and −100MPa were found. However by increasing the deposition temperature, the stress tend to get less tensile. This is probably due to the decrease of the hydrogen content, and the increase of the density. The break down of the refractive index trend at 300 ◦C is also been noticed in [68]. By varying the silane flow from 800 sccm to 1200 sccm (Figure 3.3) which corres- ponds to a variation of the N/Si ratio between 0.025 and 0.0166, a strong change in the refractive index is observed (1.93 to 2.0). The refractive index is strongly related to the N/Si ratio. The ammonia flow is 20 sccm. The deposition occurs at 0.65 torr.The tensile stress behavior (−12MPa to −130MPa) and the deposition rate show no con- stant corrolation with the N/Si ratio variation. Furthermore, a decrease of the refractive index (2.01 to 1.91) is observed by in- creasing the ammonia flow (Figure 3.4). Since the temperature has a fixed value of 300 ◦C, the refractive index depends in this case on the N-H/Si-H ratio only. Thus by varying the ammonia flow range between 15 sccm and 30 sccm, the N/Si ratio varies between 0.015 and 0.03. A higher N/Si ratio means a higher concentration of nitrogen and thus a lower refractive index. In this experiment, the silane flow is 1000 sccm. The deposition occurs at a pressure of 0.65 torr. The stress varies from −60MPa to −200MPa, which can be explained by assuming that decreasing the Si content in the 3In this chapter, the measured bulk stress is reported as a result of varying the process parameters. The stress control by varying the duty cycle of the PECVD plasma excitation frequencies is reported in chapter 5. 3 PECVD technology: basics and material properties 29 220 242 264 286 308 330 -120 -90 -60 -30 0 30 60 90 To ta l b ul k st re ss (σ to ta l) / M Pa Deposition temperature / ° C 2% SiH 4 -N 2 1000 sccm NH3 20 sccm HF & LF power 20 W Pressure 0.65 Torr Duty cycle Ψ 0.538 1,9 0 1,9 2 1,9 4 1,9 6 1,9 8 2 ,0 0 Te ns ile C om pr es si ve R ef ra ct iv e in de x & D ep os iti on ra te / nm x m in -1 12 14 16 Figure 3.2: The dependence of the bulk stress σtotal, the refractive index nSi3N4 and the deposition rate of silicon nitride on the PECVD process temperature. The values of the data plotted in the diagram can be found in table B.2. 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 -150 -100 -50 0 50 100 To ta l b ul k st re ss (σ to ta l) / M Pa Silane (2% SiH4-N2) flow / sccm 1, 9 3 1, 9 5 1, 9 6 1, 9 8 1, 9 9 2 , 0 1 14,42 14,45 14,48 14,52 14,55 14,59NH3 20 sccm HF & LF power 20 W Pressure 0.65 Torr Duty cycle Ψ 0.538 Temperature 300 ° C Te ns ile C om pr es si ve R ef ra ct iv e in de x & D ep os iti on ra te / nm x m in -1 Figure 3.3: The dependence of the bulk stress σtotal, the refractive index nSi3N4 and the deposition rate of silicon nitride on the silane flow. The values of the data plotted in this diagram can be found in the table B.3. 30 3.2 Material investigation (stress, composition and optical properties) films leads to higher N-H bonds and thus less dense films. This fact forces the films to contract causing tensile stress. Higher N-H bonds concentration leads normally to higher tensile stress. 12 16 20 24 28 32 -200 -150 -100 -50 0 50 100 Te ns ile To ta l b ul k st re ss (σ to ta l) / M Pa Ammonia (NH3) flow / sccm 1,9 0 1,9 3 1,9 5 1,9 7 2 ,0 0 2 ,0 2 co m pr es si ve 2% SiH4-N2 1000 sccm HF & LF power 20 W Pressure 0.65 Torr Duty cycle Ψ 0.538 Temperature 300 ° C R ef ra ct iv e in de x & D ep os iti on ra te / nm x m in -1 13,65 13,80 13,95 14,10 Figure 3.4: The dependence of the bulk stress σtotal, the refractive index nSi3N4 and the deposition rate of silicon nitride on the ammonia flow. The values of the data plotted in this diagram can be found in the table B.4. Figure 3.5 shows the dependence of the optical and mechanical properties of silicon nitride on the process pressure. The temperature is fixed at 300 ◦C. The silane and ammonia flows are 1000 sccm and 20 sccm, respectively. The pressure varies between 0.5 torr and 1.1 torr. The refractive index is observed to increase (1.9 to 2.0) with increasing the process pressure. Since the ammonia and silane flows as well as the temperature are constant, and the NH3/SiH4 ratio is 0.02 and proportional to the N/Si, the refractive index should not vary based on the previous assumption. However, it seems that the retention time of N and Si behave differently at different pressure, which leads to a variation of the N/Si ratio and thus the refractive index. The stress and the deposition rate varies arbitrarily with the pressure. 3.2.2 Silicon dioxide Concerning the deposition of silicon dioxide, the incorporation of hydrogen in the layers is rarely described in the literature. When silane is cracked in the plasma, hydrogen ions and radicals are present so that in the absence of oxygen (N2O in this case), hydrogenized amorphous silicon films will result. On the other hand, in the presence of oxygen, any stoichiometry from hydrogenated to nearly pure silicon dioxide can be deposited. This flexibility is a real process challenge. Good control of the gas mixtures is required to deposit pure, hydrogen free silicon dioxide. An excess of silane leads to Si-H bonds in the films, whereas too much oxygen delivers Si-OH compounds [77]. 3 PECVD technology: basics and material properties 31 0,38 0,57 0,76 0,95 1,14 1,33 1,52 -400 -300 -200 -100 0 100 200 300 400 R ef ra ct iv e in de x & D ep os iti on ra te / nm x m in -1 Process pressure / Torr To ta l b ul k st re ss (σ to ta l) / M Pa 1,92 1,95 1,98 2,01 2,04 2% SiH4-N2 1000 sccm NH3 20 sccm HF & LF power 20 W Duty cycle Ψ 0.538 Temperature 300 ° C 11,40 12,35 13,30 14,25 15,20 Te ns ile C om pr es si ve Figure 3.5: The dependence of the bulk stress σtotal, the refractive index nSi3N4 and the deposition rate of silicon nitride on the process pressure. The values of the data plotted in this diagram can be found in B.5. The refractive index and the deposition rate vary with changing process parameters. The bulk stress of silicon dioxide, on the other hand, does not seem to depend on the process parameters and exhibits compressive values with rather low variation (Figures 3.6, 3.7, 3.8 and 3.9). This effect is most probably due to the strong Si-O bonds, that seems to be stronger then the tension in the films. Figure 3.6 shows the dependence of the refractive index, the bulk stress and depos- ition rate of silicon dioxide deposited by changing the deposition temperature between 230 ◦C and 320 ◦C. The silane and nitrous oxide gas flows are 430 sccm and 710 sccm, respectively. The high and low frequencies power are 20W, whereas the process pres- sure is 1 torr. The frequencies duty cycle Ψ is 1 in this case. The stress is compressive and varies between +232MPa and +135MPa. The refractive index increases weakly from 1.464 to 1.467 with increasing temperature. The determining factor here is the hydrogen concentration in the films; the higher the temperature, the lower the hydro- gen content and thus the higher the refractive index. The very small variation in the refractive index (33.3E−6 ◦C−1) is due to the low hydrogen content in the films for these process parameters. The deposition rate increases from 63.4 nm /min to 69 nm /min. By varying the silane flow between 400 sccm and 520 sccm only (Figure 3.7), the stress shows no strong dependence (compressive, +164MPa to +83MPa). However, the refractive index increases from 1.468 to 1.487 by increasing the silane flow. This is due to the higher Si content in the films. The deposition rate increases from 66 nm /min to 70 nm /min. Figure 3.8 exhibits the dependence of the bulk stress, refractive index and the deposition rate on the nitrous oxide flow (650 sccm and 850 sccm). 32 3.2 Material investigation (stress, composition and optical properties) 220 242 264 286 308 330 -100 -50 0 50 100 150 200 250 Deposition temperature / ° C To ta l b ul k st re ss (σ to ta l) / M Pa 1,463 1,464 1,465 1,466 1,467 1,468 Te ns ile C om pr es si ve 2% SiH4-N2 430 sccm N2O 710 sccm HF power 20 W Pressure 1 Torr Duty cycle Ψ 1 R ef ra ct iv e in de x & D ep os iti on ra te / nm x m in -1 63,0 64,5 66,0 67,5 69,0 Figure 3.6: The dependence of the bulk stress σtotal, the refractive index nSiO2 and the deposition rate of silicon dioxide on the process temperature. The values of the data plotted in this diagram can be found in the table B.6. The refractive index and the deposition rate are inversely proportional to the nitrous oxide flow. The higher the nitrous oxide flow, the higher the oxygen content and the lower the refractive index. However, by varying the process pressure (Figure 3.9), the refractive index and deposition rate seem to vary arbitrarily. This observation can be explained only if we consider the dwell time of the reactive ions in the deposition chamber. 3.2.3 Bragg mirrors The main task in this thesis is to establish a PECVD technology enabling the imple- mentation of differently stressed DBR without affecting the optical properties. This is rather complicated task since the optical and mechanical properties are correlated. However, based on this investigation and the stress study later on (see chapter 5), the mechanical and optical properties have been tuned independently. Thus I tailor the DBRs precisely to fulfil the requirements for several applications. Figure 3.10 shows the shematic cross section of a PECVD DBR implemented by differently stressed silicon nitride and silicon dioxide layers. The first 3 periods consist of compressively stressed silicon nitride (+850MPa) and silicon dioxide (+517MPa). The rest of the DBR is implemented by nearly stress free silicon nitride (+20MPa) and compressively stressed silicon dioxide (+517MPa). The DBR is designed to be implemented as a bent membrane (after bulk releasing) in a two chip VCSEL (see chapter 6). Therefore, a precise tailoring of the stress across the vertical structure of the DBR is needed. Thus, a defined radius of curvature as well as a desired cavity length could be obtained. However, this mechanical tailoring 3 PECVD technology: basics and material properties 33 360 390 420 450 480 510 540 -100 -50 0 50 100 150 200 250 To ta l b ul k st re ss (σ to ta l) / M Pa Silane (2% SiH4-N2) flow / sccm 1,4 6 5 1,4 70 1,4 75 1,4 8 0 1,4 8 5 1,4 9 0 N2O 710 sccm HF power 20 W Pressure 1 Torr Duty cycle Ψ 1 Temperature 300 ° C Te ns ile C om pr es si ve R ef ra ct iv e in de x & D ep os iti on ra te / nm x m in -1 66,3 68,0 69,7 71,4 Figure 3.7: The dependence of the bulk stress σtotal, the refractive index nSiO2 and the deposition rate of silicon dioxide on the silane flow. The values of the data plotted in this diagram can be found in the table B.7. 550 600 650 700 750 800 850 900 -100 -50 0 50 100 150 200 250 To ta l b ul k st re ss (σ to ta l) / M Pa Nitrous oxide (N2O) flow / sccm 1,4 6 8 1,4 70 1,4 72 1,4 74 1,4 76 1,4 78 1,4 8 0 Te ns ile C om pr es si ve R ef ra ct iv e in de x & D ep os iti on ra te / nm x m in -1 66,5 67,2 67,9 68,6 2% SiH4-N2 430 sccm HF power 20 W Pressure 1 Torr Duty cycle Ψ 1 Temperature 300 ° C Figure 3.8: The dependence of the bulk stress σtotal, the refractive index nSiO2 and the deposition rate of silicon dioxide on the nitrous oxide. The values of the data plotted in this diagram can be found in the table B.8. 34 3.2 Material investigation (stress, composition and optical properties) 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,8 2,0 2,2 2,4 -100 -50 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 Process pressure / Torr To ta l b ul k st re ss (σ to ta l) / M Pa 1,38 1,40 1,42 1,44 1,46 1,48 2% SiH4-N2 430 sccm N2O 710 sccm HF power 20 W Duty cycle Ψ 1 Temperature 300 ° C Te ns ile C om pr es si ve R ef ra ct iv e in de x & D ep os iti on ra te / nm x m in -1 51,3 54,0 56,7 59,4 62,1 64,8 67,5 Figure 3.9: The dependence of the bulk stress σtotal, the refractive index nSiO2 and the deposition rate of silicon dioxide on the process pressure. The values of the data plotted in this diagram can be found in the table B.9. . . . Si3N4 (1, 3, 5) [+850MPa] SiO2 (2, 4,..., 24) [+517MPa] Si3N4 (7, ..., 25) [+20MPa] GaAs-substrate Figure 3.10: 12.5 periods PECVD DBR implemented by differentely stressed silicon nitride and silicon dioxide layers. 3 PECVD technology: basics and material properties 35 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 0,0 0,1 0,2 0,3 0,4 0,5 0,6 0,7 0,8 0,9 1,0 1,1 R ef le ct iv ity Wavelength / nm Tsn032IVB Tsn034I 980 nm 1300 nm R ef le ct iv ity R ef le ct iv ity Figure 3.11: Optical spectra of two DBRs with the same mechanical properties and different optical requirements. should not affect the optical properties of this DBR. By considering both, the optical investigation in this chapter and the mechanical study (see chapter 5), all requirements have been fulfilled. Figure 3.11 shows as an example the optical spectra of two DBRs, which have the same structure described in Figure 3.10. However, the first DBR (Tsn032IVB) is designed for an optically pumped VCSEL with a central wavelength of 1610 nm, whereas the second DBR (Tsn034I) is intended for the use in a VCSEL emitting at 1550 nm. Even though the stop band spectra are shifted to fulfill the optical requirements, the reflectivity of both DBRs at the pumping laser wavelengths (980 nm & 1300 nm) is very low, enabling a good coupling of the pumping light in the VCSEL. Furthermore, an optical pumping at 980 nm is also possible due to the low reflectivity of the DBR at this wavelength. After release, both membranes exhibit the same mechanical properties. This example, among several others, demonstrate the ability to control the optical and mechanical properties of the DBRs independently. Chapter 4 Technology for air-gap based microcavity devices 4.1 Bulk and surface micromachining For the implementation of MEMS and MOEMS, two different technological approaches are relevant: bulk micromachining and surface micromachining [78]. In the first case, e.g., backside etching of the substrate is necessary to form microstructures and free standing membranes. MEMS for optical communication systems are implemented based on this technology [79]. However, using bulk micromachining technology, only a single free standing membrane or a multi layer stack can be fabricated. In order to im- plement multiple free standing membranes (e.g. multi air-gap Fabry-Pérot filter [24]), surface micromachining, a totally different concept, is needed. For this, sacrificial lay- ers are used to form microstructures from the deposited or grown thin films on the substrate. This involves several technological and fabrication steps [80]. Fabrication steps like lithography, dry etching, deposition, annealing, sputtering are well studied and controlled. Nevertheless, surface micromachining still presents a challenge since crucial techniques like wet chemical etching of the sacrificial layer, stiction and stress engineering of the released membranes have not been properly controlled up to now. Even though the sacrificial layer is removed during the structuring process, it plays a major role in determining the quality of the resulting microstructures. Thus, the sacri- ficial layer defines the geometrical and structural as well as the optical properties of the released membranes. In crystalline semiconductor systems, the sacrificial layer should be lattice matched to the grown films in order to avoid strain and fractures. Several microstructures involving sacrificial layers were implemented based on the III-V com- pound system [81—83]. For microstructures based on amorphous thin films, different materials can be used for the sacrificial layers [84—94]. After the release of the thin films by wet chemical etching of the sacrificial layer, two main technological phenomena lead to a malfunctioning of the structures: stiction and buckling. Stiction occurs due to capillary, electrostatic and Van der Waals forces as well as hydrogen bridging [95], whereas buckling occurs due to compressive intrinsic stress. Stiction can be avoided by using a CO2 critical point drying techniques, which are commercially available. Buck- 4 Technology for air-gap based microcavity devices 37 ling control is the subject of active research and is thoroughly investigated later on in this thesis. 4.1.1 Photoresist based novel technology For further investigations in this work, both bulk and surface micromachining are used. Applying surface micromachining, MEMS structures designed for stress evalu- ation (Figure 2.4) and process control are implemented. For this, the technology steps described in Figure 4.1 (a-d) are used: the wafer is first coated with a photoresist act- ing as sacrificial layer (Figure 4.1a). A PECVD process for a low temperature (60◦C) deposition on the photoresist is developed. After the deposition of a dielectric layer at low temperatures (PECVD) (Figure 4.1b) on top of the photoresist, the lateral structure is lithographically defined. A reactive ion etching process using triflurometh- ane (CHF3) and argon (Ar) is used to perform the vertical structuring (Figure 4.1c). Afterwards, the membrane is chemically underetched, wet or dry (Figure 4.1d), and remains fixed by the residual sacrificial layer parts underneath the larger supporting posts. The underetching process is isotropic and can be controlled by the etch time. The wet chemical underetching involves a solution of isopropanol and acetone followed by a CO2 critical point drying process to avoid stiction of the suspended membrane. Dry chemical underetching is obtained by a microwave barrel O2-plasma process. Another technological approach, where the sacrificial layer can be completely re- moved is presented in Figure 4.1 (e-h). This technology is used for the tunable and non tunable optical devices presented in this work. After coating the substrate with an arbitrary photoresist (here AZ1518), an optical lithography step is used to define structures in this sacrificial layer (Figure 4.1e). In this case, the dielectric layer is de- posited simultaneously, both on the photoresist and the substrate. Since the deposition is isotropic, the side walls of the photoresist are also coated with dielectric material (Figure 4.1f). The lateral and vertical structure definition (Figure 4.1g) is implemen- ted by the same lithographic and dry etching steps used in the first approach. Finally, the photoresist can be removed completely since the membrane is still fixed by the coated holes defined by the first lithographic step (Figure 4.1h). The advantage of the second approach compared to the first one is that rapid thermal annealing can be used afterwards to reduce the material absorption. Furthermore, this approach has a higher process feasibility since it does not depend on the underetching time. 4.1.2 PECVD dielectric membrane Based on the surface micromachining technologies described in Figure 4.1, free stand- ing dielectric membranes are implemented. For this, different technological silicon nitride and silicon dioxide PECVD processes enabling a low temperature plasma en- hanced deposition in a parallel plate reactor on common photoresist are developed. This deposition is crucial since the plasma and the ion bombardment could damage the photoresist. However, the processes were optimized enabling a smooth deposition. 38 4.1 Bulk and surface micromachining (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) substrate photoresist PECVD dielectric film Figure 4.1: Two technological approaches for implementing optical devices and stress eval- uation MEMS structures. Both are based on surface micromachining. (a-d) the sacrificial layer is partially removed, (e-h) the sacrificial layer is completely removed. Figure 4.2(a) shows a silicon nitride membrane implemented according to the tech- nological steps described in Figure 4.1 (a-d). The square membrane is positioned by four suspensions connected to supporting posts. The posts are fixed to the substrate by the residual photoresist sacrificial layer after the membrane release. A membrane implemented by the technology described in Figure 4.1 (e-h) is shown in Figure 4.2(b). The circular membrane and the suspensions are fixed by supporting posts with post holders. This technology enables the fabrication of suspended membranes with surface micromachining and a complete removal of the sacrificial layers by using a dry or wet chemical sacrificial layer etching. supporting posts post holder suspension sacrificial layer (a) (b) air-gap circular membranesquare membrane Figure 4.2: Scanning electron micrographs of - (a) free standing silicon nitride membrane implemented by the technology described in figure 4.1(a-d). The supporting posts of this membrane are fixed by the residual sacrificial layer. (b) Silicon nitride membrane implemented by the second approach 4.1(e-h). The supporting posts are fixed by the post holders. These two scanning electron micrographs show that in both cases, stiction can be 4 Technology for air-gap based microcavity devices 39 avoided. However, the stress related buckling due to the intrinsic stress is observed in both cases. This buckling affects the mechanical (tuning) and the optical (cavity length, wave propagation, etc.) properties of the tunable optical devices. Therefore, complete control of the buckling is highly desired. This control problem is a main focus in this thesis (see chapters 5 and 6). Chapter 5 PECVD stress engineering 5.1 Stress control of PECVD dielectric material The material properties of dielectric material were described in chapter 3.2. Stress, composition, and optical properties of thin films were investigated by varying the com- mon PECVD parameters such as temperature, pressure, and gas flow. This chapter deals with the specific material stress engineering and the influence on the device relevant properties (cavity length, radius of curvature and filter charac- teristics). The stress contol is achieved by tuning the plasma excitation frequency. The strain in crystalline semiconductors results from a mismatch in the lattice constant of two different materials. Thus, by varying the alloy composition of the crystalline material, the strain induced stress can be controlled. Unlike in semicon- ductor materials, the stress of amorphous materials is quite difficult to control, since no defined internal lattice structure is involved. Furthermore, the influence of the pro- cess parameters (e.g. gas flow, pressure, temperature, etc.) on the stress is negligible (see chapter 3). Generally, bulk stress control in dielectric amorphous layers can be achieved by tuning either the thermal or the intrinsic component. Changing the depos- ition temperature provides considerable composition changes in the stoichiometry of the layers. Therefore, it is highly preferable to tune the intrinsic part without changing the deposition temperature. In this case, the plasma excitation frequency, which influences the ion bombardment energy, is the key parameter in controlling the material intrinsic stress [96, 97]. The influence of the frequency on the intrinsic stress of thin silicon nitride and silicon dioxide films was described in earlier studies [98]. It has been shown that at high frequencies (13.56MHz) the stress of silicon nitride is tensile whereas at low frequencies (50 kHz) the stress is compressive. The lower the excitation frequency the more ions in the plasma are able to oscillate according to the alternating electric field and, hence, transfer energy to the growing silicon nitride film, causing a densification. Due to both, the “ion peening” process and the implementation of high energetic H+ ions with low atomic mass into spaces in the growing film, the film will tend to stretch out with 5 PECVD stress engineering 41 respect to the substrate, and causes compressive stress. At high frequencies, not all the ions can follow the alternating field; there is less significant ion energy transfer, and the film is less dense and contains an amount of microvoids and hydrogen atoms. The resulting Si-N-H bonds tend to contract causing a tensile stress. On the other hand, studies showed that the stress of silicon dioxide is not strongly affected by the RF frequencies. For the macroscopically averaged stress investigation, a PECVD is used for imple- menting thin silicon nitride and silicon dioxide films at low (60 ◦C) and high (300 ◦C) temperatures on silicon wafers. The homogeneous intrinsic bulk stress is adjusted by varying the duty cycle Ψ of the low (130 kHz) and the high (13.56MHz) frequencies. The duty cycle Ψ is given in equation 5.1, where tHF and tLF represent the time periods of the high and low plasma excitation frequencies of one cycle during the deposition process, respectively. Ψ = (tHF − tLF ) tHF + tLF (5.1) All other parameters are kept constant throughout the investigation. Table 5.1 shows the deposition parameters of silicon dioxide and silicon nitride used for this investigation. The thermal stress of the deposited silicon dioxide and silicon nitride is calculated according to equation 2.62. For ESi3N4 = 304 GPa, νSi3N4 = 0.24, αSi3N4 = 3.3 · 10−6 ◦C−1, ESiO2= 73.1 GPa, νSiO2 = 0.17, αSiO2 = 0.5 · 10−6 ◦C−1 and αSi = 2.6 · 10−6 ◦C−1, the thermal stress of silicon nitride deposited at 300 ◦C and 60 ◦C is found to be −78.4MPa (tensile) and −11.2MPa (tensile), respectively. For silicon dioxide, the thermal stress is +51.78MPa (compressive) at 300 ◦C and −7.4MPa (tensile) at 60 ◦C. Table 5.1: PECVD process parameters for silicon nitride and silicon dioxide deposited at 300 ◦C and 60 ◦C for the stress investigation. Process parameters Si3N4 :Hx SiO2 2% SiH4−N2 flow / sccm 1000 1500 430 430 NH3 flow / sccm 20 5 0 0 N2O flow / sccm 0 0 710 710 HF-power / W 20 20 20 20 LF-power / W 20 20 20 20 Duty cycle Ψ Variable Temperature / ◦C 300 60 300 60 Pressure / torr 0.65 0.65 1 1 Using the set-up described in 2.2.2, the stress is measured along three directions on the wafer. For this, the one dimensional array of the reflected spot pattern is aligned along different directions (< 010 >, < 001 >, < 011 >) which refer to the 42 5.1 Stress control of PECVD dielectric material crystal structure of the substrate. The three resulting stress values are averaged and the standard deviations are taken as error bounds. Figure 5.1 shows the total macroscopically averaged bulk stress of silicon nitride and silicon dioxide deposited at 300 ◦C. In this diagram, the stress is plotted as a function of the duty cycle of the plasma excitation frequencies. Three main regions of this diagram are interesting and correspond to the compressive (positive values), tensile (negative values) and low (±25MPa) stress region. The total bulk stress of silicon nitride deposited at 300 ◦C is varied in a wide range between +850MPa (Ψ = −1) compressive and −300MPa tensile (Ψ = 1). Applications requiring stress free silicon nitride layers, corresponds to the region between Ψ = 0.43 and Ψ = 0.54. The total macroscopically averaged bulk stress of silicon dioxide shows, as expected, no strong dependence on the plasma excitation frequencies. The stress values of silicon dioxide deposited at 300 ◦C are for the most Ψ range nearly +200MPa. This seems to be the result of the composition and the bonds morphology of the material. Regarding the thermal stress values, the intrinsic stress of silicon nitride deposited at 300 ◦C varies between +930MPa and −220MPa, whereas the intrinsic stress of silicon dioxide is approximately +150MPa. -1,25 -1,00 -0,75 -0,50 -0,25 0,00 0,25 0,50 0,75 1,00 1,25 -400 -200 0 200 400 600 800 1000 Te ns ile C om pr es si ve Silicon nitride : σth= -78.4 MPa (calculated) Silicon dioxide : σth= 51.78 MPa (calculated) To ta l b ul k st re ss (σ to ta l) / M Pa Frequencies duty cycle: Ψ = (tHF-tLF) / (tHF+tLF) Silicon nitride (Si3N4) deposited @ 300 ° C) Silicon dioxide (SiO2) deposited @ 300 ° C) Figure 5.1: The dependence of the total macroscopically averaged bulk stress of silicon nitride and silicon dioxide deposited at 300 ◦C on the PECVD plasma excitation frequencies (duty cycle Ψ). Similar stress measurements are performed on silicon nitride and silicon dioxide layers deposited at 60 ◦C. The total macroscopically averaged bulk stress is investigated in a range of 0.55 < Ψ < 0.61, and varies from +121MPa compressive (Ψ = 0.55) to −36MPa tensile (Ψ = 0.61) (Figure 5.2). At this temperature, silicon dioxide shows a low thermal stress value of +7.4MPa. Thus, an average value of +17MPa can be deduced for the intrinsic stress. 5 PECVD stress engineering 43 0,40 0,45 0,50 0,55 0,60 0,65 0,70 -150 -100 -50 0 50 100 150 200 Te ns ile C om pr es si ve Si3N4 deposited @ 60 ° C σth= -11.2 MPa (calculated) SiO2 deposited @ 60 ° C σth= 7.4 MPa (calculated) To ta l b ul k st re ss (σ to ta l) / M Pa Frequencies duty cycle: Ψ = (tHF-tLF) / (tHF+tLF) Figure 5.2: The dependence of the total macroscopically averaged bulk stress of silicon nitride and silicon dioxide deposited at 60 ◦C on the PECVD plasma excitation frequencies (duty cycle Ψ). Macroscopically averaged stress results provide an overview of the stress in PECVD dielectric layers and enable coarse stress control in a wide range. However, this method of stress evaluation does not meet the requirements for microscale applications, since several crucial issues in the implementation of microdevices cannot be addressed by considering only the macroscopically averaged stress measurement. For example, in- homogeneities within the layers, as well as wafer border effects contributing to the averaged stress values, can not be distinguished. The effects of the layer interfaces (e.g. the sacrificial medium) and of the process steps on the stress are crucial in mi- cromachined fabrication. Therefore, an in-process technology for monitoring the stress as a function of the lateral position with high spatial resolution (microscopically de- tected stress) is required. For this purpose, the structures described in 2.2.2 are used. The microdetected stress is evaluated using equation 2.64, with ESiO2 = 73.1 GPa, ESi3N4 = 304 GPa, νSiO2 = 0.17, νSi3N4 = 0.24, di = 10µm (the distance between the anchor of the actuator beam and the center of rotation), la (value to be measured (approximately 500µm), the length of the actuator beams), li = 228µm (the length of the indicator beams) and δi (the deflection between the two indicators). The lateral extension of the MEMS structure is given by 2la and 2li. Using these microstructures, the microdetected stress can be adjusted in a range of interest. Several structures were implemented by differently stressed silicon nitride and silicon dioxide layers deposited at low temperatures. Figure 5.3(a) shows a microscope image of such a MEMS structure fabricated from stress free silicon dioxide deposited at 60 ◦C. In this case, the perfectly facing two indicator beams indicate very low bulk stress in the lateral direction. The released actuators tend to neither expand nor to contract and thus, the indicators do not rotate. This result is in agreement with 44 5.1 Stress control of PECVD dielectric material macroscopically averaged stress measurements of silicon dioxide (Figure 5.2) showing low stress values. However, in some cases, unexpectedly stressed structures implemented by the same material are observed. These structures were located close to the wafer border where the layer deposition is laterally inhomogeneous because of the “border effect”. Fig- ures 5.3(b) and 5.3(c) show such stressed silicon dioxide layers, with +70MPa and +100MPa, respectively. The released actuators expand due to the compressive bulk stress and thus rotate the indicators in clockwise direction. (b) σ = ~ 70 MPa (a) σ = ~ 0 MPa (c) σ = ~ 100 MPa Figure 5.3: MEMS structures for detecting silicon dioxide microstress at different lateral positions on the wafer. (a) silicon dioxide layer deposited at 60 ◦C with very low bulk stress. (b) and (c) show stressed layers with +70MPa and +100MPa, respectively. The microstress of silicon nitride deposited at 60 ◦C is also studied. Figures 5.4(a), (b) and (c) show stress detection microstructures implemented by silicon nitride lay- ers deposited using different duty cycle values of Ψ = −1 (+130MPa), Ψ = 0.567 (+715MPa) and Ψ = 0.588 (+980MPa), respectively. For certain duty cycles Ψ, different local stress values are observed at different positions on the wafer. This stress variation can reach 15% for silicon nitride and 30% for silicon dioxide. A relation between the position of the MEMS structures on the wafer and the related stress is observed. However, this correlation is not due to physical effects such as crystal orientation and lattice mismatch; stability and reliability of the process, as well as homogeneity of the dielectric layers (thickness and density) strongly affect the lateral stress variation across the wafer. The sacrificial layer also plays a major role. These stress fluctuations (15% for silicon nitride and 30% for silicon dioxide) are deduced by studying several process runs. These deviations, which are detected by the microstructures, remain undetectable by the macroscopically averaged 5 PECVD stress engineering 45 (b) σ = ~ 320 MPa (c) σ = ~ 890 MPa (a) σ = ~ 130 MPa Figure 5.4: MEMS structures for detecting silicon nitride microstress at different lateral positions on the wafer. (a) silicon nitride layer deposited at 60 ◦C with +130MPa bulk stress. (b) and (c) show stressed layers with +320MPa and +890MPa, respectively. stress measurement techniques. Therefore, the local stress evaluation is of utmost importance when implementing microdevices. The detected microstress and the averaged macrostress are correlated, in the sense that the average of the sum of all microstress values along one direction should agree with the measured macrostress value (for this direction). In order to compare these two methods, a weakly stressed silicon dioxide layer on silicon substrate (Ψ = 0.481) is considered, since relative stress fluctuations can be detected more precisely at small absolute stress values. The macroscopically averaged stress is measured along three dir- ections on the wafer (< 100 >,< 111 >,< 110 >) corresponding to the defined angles of the measurement set-up (0◦, 45◦and 90◦), respectively (Figure 5.5). The standard deviation of these three measurements are included as error bounds. The microscop- ically detected stress is measured on different closely neighboring points on the wafer. The stress average value of points within the narrow area defining one direction is com- pared to the corresponding macrostress. In this case, error bounds are formed from standard deviation of many points within this area and stress values of microstructures located close to the wafer border are considered. Figure 5.5 shows the results of this comparison. It can be seen that the microscop- ically detected and macroscopically averaged stress values do not differ significantly, and thus macroscopically averaged stress method will be sufficient for stress estimation. Microscopic stress detection, on the other hand, seems to be a reliable low cost method to generate process control structures for precise stress evaluation and for detecting the inhomogeneity in various defined positions on the wafer close to the microdevices. Finally, fabrication tolerances and requirements of the micromachining applications dictate the choise of micro- or macrostress detection measurement techniques. 46 5.2 Impact of stress on optical and mechanical layer properties 0 15 30 45 60 75 90 -200 -150 -100 -50 0 50 100 150 200 Spatial diffraction pattern (one dimentional array of laser spots) Wafer 90° 45° 0° C om pr es si ve Te ns ile Silicon dioxide layer deposited @ 60 °C Ψ= 0.481 To ta l b ul k st re ss (σ to ta l) / M Pa Macro stress measurement orientation / degree microscopically detected stress macroscopically estimated stress Figure 5.5: Evaluation of the correlation between the microstress detection and the mac- rostress averaging by considering a low stressed silicon dioxide layer deposited at 60 ◦C. 5.2 Impact of stress on optical and mechanical layer properties The impact of stress on released membranes in air-gap microcavities is highly significant and may affect the functionality of the devices. Thus, optical characteristics in air- gap microcavity devices (Fabry-Pérot filters, VCSELs, detectors, etc.), such as tuning efficiency and light coupling factor in the cavity, are strongly affected by the mechanical behavior of the suspended membranes. Sophisticated novel devices, such as tunable air- gap VCSELs, involve several complex correlations and require careful adjustments of their optical properties (e.g. gain profile, wave propagation, light coupling and tuning efficiency) and their mechanical properties (e.g. cavity length, shape and ROC). For instance, the optical excitation of these devices is strongly dominated by the shape of the suspended membrane [99]. Thus, successful implementation of such devices requires precise tailoring to achieve the best agreement on all these properties. The geometry and the stress in the microstructures (membranes) influence several highly relevant device characteristics, such as Lcav, ROC, FWHM as well as the resonance frequency (channel selection). These device characteristics can thus be adjusted by varying the geometry and the stress in the microstructures. For this purpose, Fabry-Pérot air-gap filter devices1 consisting of 5 periods of Si3N4−H/SiO2 bottom DBR and 5.5 periods Si3N4−H / SiO2 suspended DBR mem- brane are implemented. The effect of the design of these devices on the mechanical and optical properties is investigated using two geometries (Figure 5.6). The membrane described in Figure 5.6(a) is implemented by the technology previously described in Figure 4.1(e-h), whereas the membrane in Figure 5.6(b) is fabricated by the technolo- 1The technological implementation of these devices is shown in details in appendix B. 5 PECVD stress engineering 47 IMA3 (b) 40 µm 150 µm 10 µm l IMA2 (a) supporting posts underetch holes Figure 5.6: Shematic top view of the two membrane designs. (a) by using the mask set IMA2 (technology described in figure 4.1(e-h)) and (b) by using the set IMA3 (technology described in figure 4.1(a-d)). gical approach in Figure 4.1(a-d). Two mask sets are therefore necessary: IMA2 [100] and IMA3 [101], which correspond to the membranes in Figures 5.6(a) and 5.6(b), respectively. The circular membrane (40µm diameter) is fixed (in the lateral plane) by four suspensions of 10µm lateral width. The length of the suspensions varies between 10µm and 80µm for the mask set IMA2 and between 10µm and 60µm for IMA3. In the case of IMA2, the suspensions are connected to four square shaped support- ing posts of 150 · 150µm2. Figure 5.7 shows a three dimensional view of a membrane implemented by using the mask set IMA2. D = 40 µm l Lcav Si3N4 SiO2 Figure 5.7: Three dimensional view of the Fabry-Pérot filter membrane implemented by the mask set IMA2. 48 5.2 Impact of stress on optical and mechanical layer properties 5.2.1 Cavity length Cavity length control is achieved in this case by varying the geometrical design (e.g. suspension lengths) and the stress gradient in the layers for both mask sets. Since the stress of silicon dioxide is weakly affected by the duty cycle Ψ, only the stress of silicon nitride is varied. The variation of Ψ throughout the investigation in this chapter is related to the duty cycle variation during the silicon nitride deposition. Using different combinations of these parameters, a wide range of passive cavity tuning is achieved. The term passive cavity tuning is defined in this thesis as the tuning by means of different parameters for several devices (i.e. not by micromechanical actuation). Figure 5.8 shows the dependence of the cavity length Lcav on the suspension length l at different Ψ values for the membrane design IMA2. The cavity length, measured using the white light interferometry, can be varied in a wide range between 360 nm (l=10µm and Ψ = −1) and 12.8µm (l=80µm and Ψ = 0.25). Normally, for a positive stress gradient, the cavity length should increase with increasing suspension length; consequently, a decrease in the cavity length with increase in suspension length should be observed if the stress gradient is negative. However, it is very difficult in our case to correlate the cavity length only with the stress gradient, because the geometry and the motion dynamics of the membrane when this is released play a major role. 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 98 0,00 2,00 4,00 6,00 8,00 10,00 12,00 14,00 C av ity le ng th (L ca v) / µ m Suspension length (l) / µm Duty cycle Ψ = -1 Ψ = -0.75 Ψ = -0.5 Ψ = -0.25 Ψ = 0 Ψ = 0.25 IMA 2 Figure 5.8: The dependence of the cavity length Lcav on the suspension length l at different duty cycle (Ψ) values of silicon nitride. The filters are implemented using the design IMA2 and consist of a cavity embedded between two bottom and top DBRs of 5 and 5.5 periods (Si3N4 / SiO2), respectively. The motion dynamics during the release of a membrane are extremely complicated and require highly sophisticated theoretical models in order to be understood. These theoretical model based calculations are not within the scope of this thesis. Never- theless, these dynamics can be explained empirically by studying a relatively simple membrane. Figure 5.9 shows such a released membrane implemented by the design 5 PECVD stress engineering 49 IMA2 and consisting of three supporting posts and suspensions. A break in symmetry is introduced in order to study the effect of the geometry on the released membrane. The membrane is held by three suspensions that are attached to the three supporting posts (1,2 and 3). While two suspensions are symmetrically attached to the corners of supporting posts (2) and (3), the third suspension is connected to the middle of the edge of supporting post (1). supporting post 3 supporting post 1 supporting post 2membrane ba c Figure 5.9: A released membrane implemented by the mask set IMA2. The membrane is unsymmetrically supported by three suspensions connected to edge a and corners b and c. When the membrane is in a state of static equilibrium (Figure 5.9), two main observations can be made. First, the membrane is bent upwards, and second, the stress gradient of the supporting posts (1, 2 and 3) is negative and all edges (except the ones which are connected to the suspensions (2 and 3)) tend to pull down towards the substrate. Corners (b) and (c) show a positive gradient, whereas the gradient of border edge (a) is negative. In this case, it is difficult to find out whether the structure exhibits a positive or a negative gradient. When the membrane is released, independent of the geometry of the membrane, two scenarios are possible for the stress distribution along the vertical structure of the membrane: • a distribution with a negative gradient • a distribution with a positive gradient. In the first scenario, where the gradient is negative, the released areas of the sup- porting posts of the membrane tend to pull down towards the substrate. However, due to the length of the suspensions, it may happen that the membrane reaches the substrate without finding a relaxation optimum, which forces the membrane to deflect upwards, searching for an equilibrium. In this case, the corners (b) and (c), where the deflection forces are weak due to the small area, deflect upwards. Border edge (a) of the supporting post (1) still deflects downwards because of the enormous forces applied to it. Figure 5.9 shows the equilibrium status in this case. Here, it is important to note that, depending on the stress distribution, several equilibriums are possible. In the second scenario, the stress gradient is positive and the deflection is upwards. Corners (b) and (c) and the membrane deflect upwards after the release. Because the 50 5.2 Impact of stress on optical and mechanical layer properties suspensions are not long enough for the system to reach an equilibrium, the suspension connected to border edge (a) pulls down forcing this border downwards. An equilibrium is then reached. However, this scenario is less probable due to two main facts. First, the other edges and corners should exhibit a positive gradient and pull upwards and second, corners (b) and (c) should pull downwards first due to their small mechanical resistance. This is indeed not the case, and thus it can be concluded that the gradient is negative. Figure 5.10 shows the relationship between the suspension lengths and the cavity length at different Ψ values for the design IMA3. For this design, the absolute cavity length variations are smaller than for IMA2. The smaller absolute passive tuning of the cavity length is due to the dimension of the supporting posts. For design IMA3, the area of the supporting posts is bigger and thus, they are less influenced by the stress than are those of IMA2. 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 98 0,00 2,00 3,00 4,00 5,00 6,00 7,00 C av ity le ng th (L ca v) / µ m Suspension length (l) /µm Duty cycle Ψ = -1 Ψ = -0,75 Ψ = -0,5 Ψ = -0,25 Ψ = 0 Ψ = 0,25 IMA 3 Figure 5.10: The dependence of the cavity length Lcav on the suspension length l at different duty cycle (Ψ) values of silicon nitride. The filters are implemented using the design IMA3 and consist of a cavity embedded between two bottom and top DBRs of 5 and 5.5 periods (Si3N4 / SiO2), respectively. Even though these results demonstrate the capability of a passive cavity length tuning and control over a wide range, accurate predictions can only be made using theoretical dynamic model calculations. The dependence of the cavity length of the Fabry-Pérot filters implemented by both designs, IMA2 and IMA3, on the silicon nitride duty cycle Ψ at different suspensions length l can be found in appendix F. 5.2.2 Radius of curvature The stability of a Fabry-Pérot resonator was discussed in detail in chapter 2. It was shown that the radius of curvature of the membranes is very important for the function- 5 PECVD stress engineering 51 ality of the devices. Furthermore, the shape of the membrane is extremely important at a certain ROC absolute value. Thus, adjusting the ROC and the shape simultan- eously, is a main goal of novel optoelectronics. To my best knowledge, no publications dealing with the passive tuning of the shape and the ROC of the membranes exist. By applying the same technology and designs as in the investigation of the cavity length, the shape and the ROC are tuned passively in a wide range. Figures 5.11 and 5.12 show the dependence of the ROC on the suspension length and on the duty cycle Ψ for the designs IMA2 and IMA3. Three possible membrane shapes are included in the Figures: • flat membranes • concave membranes • convex membranes. Flatness of the membrane can approximated by either low concavity or low convex- ity. The design IMA3 (Figure 5.12) enables a wider ROC range tuning than the IMA2 design. However, control of the ROC in the design IMA2 is more precise. Here, the ROC is controlled between −0.994mm and +2.718mm, whereas +110µm convex and −548µm concave membranes are reached. In the case of IMA3 design, the ROC is con- trolled between −8.746mm and +15.17mm reaching +183µm convex and −1.8mm concave membranes. The dependence of the radius of curvature of the filter membranes for the designs IMA2 and IMA3 on the duty cycle Ψ at different suspensions length can be found in appendix F. 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 98 -1,50 -0,75 0,00 0,75 1,50 2,25 3,00 Fl at Fl at R ad iu s of c ur va tu re (R O C ) / m m Suspension length (l) / µm Duty cycle Ψ = -1 Ψ = -0.75 Ψ = -0.5 Ψ = -0.25 Ψ = 0 Ψ = 0.25 IMA 2 C on ve x C on ca ve Figure 5.11: The dependence of the radius of curvature ROC on the suspension length l at different duty cycle (Ψ) values of silicon nitride. The membrane is implemented using the design IMA2 and consists of 5.5 periods (Si3N4 / SiO2). 52 5.2 Impact of stress on optical and mechanical layer properties 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 98 -15,00 -10,00 -5,00 0,00 5,00 16,00 IMA 3 Fl at Fl at R ad iu s of c ur va tu re (R O C ) / m m C on ca ve C on ve x Suspension length (l) / µm Duty cycle Ψ = -1 Ψ = -0.75 Ψ = -0.5 Ψ = -0.25 Ψ = 0 Ψ = 0.25 Figure 5.12: The dependence of the radius of curvature ROC on the suspension length l at different duty cycle (Ψ) values of silicon nitride. The membrane is implemented using the design IMA3 and consists of 5.5 periods (Si3N4 / SiO2). 5.2.3 Filter characteristics The full width at half maximum (FWHM) is an essential parameter when evaluating a Fabry-Pérot filter. Lower values of the FWHM are needed for precise channel selection in DWDM systems, while higher values are required for other applications. From the industrial and commercial point of view, it is desirable to implement filters for several wavelengths with different FWHM using the least technological investments, costs and time. These points are investigated during this thesis. The first results show that by varying the design (here, IMA2 and IMA3), the suspension length (l) and the stress (here by using Ψ), a wide range of the FWHM and the resonance wavelengths can be achieved by a single batch process. Figures 5.13 and 5.14 show the dependence of the FWHM on the suspension length and stress (by varying the duty cycle Ψ) for the designs IMA2 and IMA3. For the design IMA2, the FWHM varies between 1.5 nm and 64.25 nm. The design IMA3 enables a FWHM variation between 2.75 nm and 44.25 nm. However, these FWHM are not deduced from resonances of fixed wavelengths. The dependence of the FWHM of the filters implemented by the designs IMA2 and IMA3 on the duty cycle Ψ for different suspension lengths l can be found in appendix F. The variation of the resonance wavelength for both designs, IMA2 and IMA3, is seen in Figures 5.15 and 5.16, respectively. For the first design, the resonance wavelength is varied between 1455 nm and 1595.75 nm, whereas the variation in the second case is between 1450 nm and 1649 nm. The wavelength span is ∆λIMA2 = 140.25 nm for the design IMA2 and ∆λIMA3 = 199nm for the design IMA3. The dependence of the 5 PECVD stress engineering 53 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 98 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 98 Fu ll w id th a t h al f m ax im um (F W H M ) / n m Suspension length (l) / µm Duty cycle Ψ = -1 Ψ = -0.75 Ψ = -0.5 Ψ = -0.25 Ψ = 0 Ψ = 0.25 IMA2 Figure 5.13: The dependence of the FWHM of the filters on the suspension length l at different duty cycle (Ψ) values of silicon nitride. The filters are implemented using the design IMA2 and consist of a cavity and two bottom and top DBRs of 5 and 5.5 periods (Si3N4 / SiO2), respectively. 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 98 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 Fu ll w id th a t h al f m ax im um (F W H M ) / n m Suspension length (l) / µm Duty cycle Ψ = -1 Ψ = -0.75 Ψ = -0.5 Ψ = -0.25 Ψ = 0 Ψ = 0.25 IMA3 Figure 5.14: The dependence of the FWHM of the filters on the suspension length l at different duty cycle (Ψ) values of silicon nitride. The filters are implemented using the design IMA3 and consist of a cavity and two bottom and top DBRs of 5 and 5.5 periods (Si3N4 / SiO2), respectively. 54 5.2 Impact of stress on optical and mechanical layer properties 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 98 1428 1479 1530 1581 1632 1683 IMA2 R es on an ce w av el en gt h / n m Suspension length / µm Duty cycle Ψ = -1 Ψ = -0,75 Ψ = -0,5 Ψ = -0,25 Ψ = 0 Ψ = 0,25 Figure 5.15: The dependence of the resonant wavelengths of the filters on the suspension length l at different duty cycle (Ψ) values of silicon nitride. The filters are implemented using the design IMA2 and consist of a cavity and two bottom and top DBRs of 5 and 5.5 periods (Si3N4 / SiO2), respectively. 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 98 1428 1479 1530 1581 1632 1683 R es on an ce w av el en gt h / n m Suspension length / µm Duty cycle Ψ = -1 Ψ = -0,75 Ψ = -0,5 Ψ = -0,25 Ψ = 0 Ψ = 0,25 IMA3 Figure 5.16: The dependence of filters resonant wavelength on the suspension length l at different duty cycle (Ψ) values of silicon nitride. The filters are implemented using the design IMA3 and consist of a cavity and two bottom and top DBRs of 5 and 5.5 periods (Si3N4 / SiO2), respectively. 5 PECVD stress engineering 55 resonance wavelength of the filters for the designs IMA2 and IMA3 on the duty cycle Ψ at different suspensions length l can be found in appendix F. Figure 5.17 shows white light interferometer pictures of differently shaped mem- branes. A concave membrane shape with ROC = −0.31mm is shown in Figure 5.17 (a), a flat membrane with ROC = −184.71mm in Figure 5.17 (b) and a convex one with ROC = 0.19mm is shown in Figure 5.17 (c). Concave ROC = -0.31mm ROC = -184.71 mmFlat ROC = 0.19 mmConvex (a) (c) (b) Figure 5.17: White light interferometer pictures of a concave (a), flat (b) and convex (c) suspended dielectric DBR membrane. Chapter 6 Results of microcavity devices 6.1 Non tunable Fabry-Pérot filter 6.1.1 Solid stack filters Figure 6.1 shows the optical spectrum of a solid dielectric filter. The Fabry-Pérot filter is implemented by the PECVD at a temperature of 300 ◦C. It consists of a Si3N4 cavity (1λ optical length) embedded between two Si3N4/SiO2 DBRs. The bottom DBR consists of 7.5 periods of λ/4 (optical length) alternating layers, whereas the top DBR comprises 8 periods of the same material. The technological data of the filter can be found in appendix B. 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 0,0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1,0 SiN/SiO2-filter demonstrator on Si-Substrate: Top DBR: 8 periods 0.243λ SiO2 / Si3N4 cavity: 1λ Si3N4 Bottom DBR: 7.5 periods 0.243λ SiO2 / Si3N4 Central wavelength = 1570 nm monochromator filter bandwidth: 10 nm Reflection measurement Theoretical model calculations Wavelength / nm R ef le ct iv ity Figure 6.1: Optical measurements and theoretical model calculations of a solid dielectric Fabry-Pérot filter deposited at 300 ◦C. The filter consists of a λ Si3N4 cavity, a bottom and top DBR of 7.5 and 8 periods, respectively. The design wavelength is 1550 nm. The monochromator resolution is 10 nm. The filter exhibits resonance at 1544 nm. At the resonance wavelength, contrary to the theoretical prediction, the reflectivity seems to be only attenuated from 1 to 0.63. 6 Results of microcavity devices 57 This effect is due to the monochromator resolution of the optical spectrum analyzer, which is only 10 nm in this case. Thus, the filter line is not fully resolved. Figure 6.2 shows the characteristics of the filter measured at another position of the chip using a better monochromator resolution. Theoretical model calculations have been used to fit the filter optical spectrum; by using 0.243λ instead of 0.25λ for the optical length of the DBR layers, a good match between the measured data and the theoretical values has been obtained. This shift in the thicknesses is due to the PECVD process shift and can be corrected by using an in-situ ellipsometer, for example. 1520 1525 1530 1535 1540 1545 1550 1555 1560 0,0 0,1 0,2 0,3 0,4 0,5 0,6 0,7 0,8 0,9 1,0 1,1 monochromator filter bandwidth: 0,5 nm R ef le ct iv ity Wavelength / nm Figure 6.2: Fabry-Pérot filter characteristics measured by using a high resolution (0.5 nm) of the optical spectrum analyzer monochromator. 6.1.2 Air-gap filter Based on the technology described in chapter 4 (Figure 4.1(a-d)), and using the design IMA3, an air-gap dielectric filter is implemented. The technological process used for the implementation of the air-gap filter is described in appendix B. The filter consists of two DBRs embedding an air-gap cavity. The bottom DBR is implemented at 300 ◦C and consists of 5 periods of Si3N4 / SiO2. The top DBR is implemented by 5.5 periods of Si3N4 / SiO2 deposited on a photoresist sacrificial layer (TI35ES) at 60 ◦C. After releasing the top membrane, the cavity length increases due to the stress induced buckling. Figure 6.3 shows the spectrum of a filter (Tsn074II4) measured in transmission by the measurement set-up described in [102]. The filter membrane is positioned by four suspensions of 10µm length. In this case, the cavity length is 3.54µm (including the initial 2.1µm thickness of the sacrificial layer) and the ROC is 1.92mm. The transmission value of the filter is expressed in dB and the insertion loss of the filter is −0.19 dB. Reflection measurements and the calculated transmission (1-reflection) of two other filters (Tsn072II1V30X4Y3 and Tsn072II1V40X3Y2), also plotted in Figure 58 6.1 Non tunable Fabry-Pérot filter 1400 1450 1500 1550 1600 1650 1700 -30 -27 -24 -21 -18 -15 -12 -9 -6 -3 0 Insertion loss = -0.19 dB Tr an sm is si on / dB Wavelength / nm tsn074II4 measured in transmission Tsn072II1 V30 X4 Y3 transmission calculated from the reflexion measurement Tsn072II1 V40 X3 Y2 transmission calculated from the reflexion measurement Figure 6.3: Optical spectra of air-gap Fabry-Pérot filters measured in transmission (Tsn074II4) and reflection (Tsn072II1V30X4Y3 and Tsn072II1V40X3Y2). The insertion loss of the filter Tsn074II4 is −0.19 dB. 6.3, show that the absorption is very low. Figure 6.4 shows the transmission and reflection characterization of the filter. The FWHM of the filter is 5mm. 1450 1500 1550 1600 1650 0,0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1,0 Tsn074II4 5 periods bottom DBR (300 ° C, ΨSi3N4 = 0.538, ΨSiO2 = -1) 2.2 µm Ti35 (sacrificial layer) 5.5 periods top DBR (60 ° C, ΨSi3N4 = 0.538, ΨSiO2 = 0.48) R ef le ct iv ity Wavelength / nm Transmission Reflexion Figure 6.4: Measured optical spectra of the filter Tsn074II4. The transmission and reflection of the filter are compared. The filter exhibits a FWHM of 5 nm. 6 Results of microcavity devices 59 6.2 Tunable Fabry-Pérot filter The technological approach used for the implementation of the tunable device is de- scribed earlier in chapter 4 (see Figure 2.4 (e-h)). Tuning of the device is achieved by an electrothermal actuation of the top membrane using microheaters placed on the top of the membrane. The vertical structure of the dielectric filters is similar to those de- scribed in 6.1.2. The upper DBR consists of 5.5 periods of λ/4 layers of Si3N4 and SiO2, while the lower one comprises 5 periods. A detailed description of the technological implementation process can be found in appendix B. Figure 6.5(a) shows a micro- scopic top view picture of the filter. The membrane is supported by four suspensions of 40µm length. A 100 nm Chromium thin film is sputtered on the top DBR and is wet chemically etched to define the meander like heaters (Figure 6.5(b)). After release of the top DBR using an O2 plasma, the membrane bends upwards and increases the air-gap cavity length to 5.12µm (Figure 6.5(c)). The radius of curvature of the circular membrane is 1.94mm. The gradient stress of the whole upper DBR is calculated to be 307MPa /µm, as a first approximation, by analyzing the upwards bent cantilevers (test structures near to the device) according to equation 2.65. (a) (b) (c) micro heaters Figure 6.5: (a) Microscopic top view picture of the tunable air-gap Fabry-Pérot filter (IMA2), (b) 100 nm thick meander like chromium microheaters on the top of the released DBR, (c) white light interferometry picture of the air-gap filter. Figures 6.6(a) and 6.6(b) show SEMmicrographs of the tunable filter and the micro Chromium heaters on the suspensions and on the membrane borders, respectively. The filter exhibits a tunability of 15 nm /mA at a microheater resistance of 2 kΩ. Due to the low number of DBR periods, the filter exhibits a FWHM of 8 nm. The FWHM can be improved by increasing the number of DBR periods [103]. The spectral reflectivity (Figure 6.7 (a)) of the filter was measured using a single mode fibre set-up [102], an optical spectrum analyzer and an Erbium doped fibre amplifier (spectral range: 1.45µm to 1.65µm). In the spectral range studied, the 60 6.2 Tunable Fabry-Pérot filter (a) (b) heating micro resistance membrane cavity Figure 6.6: Scanning electron micrographs of: (a) the tunable Fabry-Pérot filter, (b) the released top DBR with the meander like chromium microheaters. wavelength varies linearly with the heating current (Figure 6.7 (b)) and thus deliver a linear tuning characteristic. 1472 1495 1518 1541 1564 0,0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1,0 su sp en si on l = 6 0 µm m em br an e di am et er = 4 0 µm SiO2 / Si3N4 tunable filter Tsp042IID M22 V60 R ef le ct iv ity Wavelength / nm 0.0 mA 0.5 mA 0.7 mA 1.0 mA 1512 1519 1526 0,0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1,0 R micro-heaters = 2 KΩ Tsp042IID M22 V60 H ea tin g cu rr en t ( I) / m A Wavelength / nm su sp en si on l = 6 0 µm m em br an e di am et er = 4 0 µm R ef le ct iv ity H ea tin g cu rr en t ( I) / m A Figure 6.7: (a) Spectral characteristics of the tunable dielectric air-gap filter (measured in reflection), (b) the linear tuning characteristic. 6 Results of microcavity devices 61 6.3 Non tunable VCSELs The non tunable VCSEL structure consists of an active region embedded between two PECVD dielectric DBRs. The DBRs are deposited at 300 ◦C using the parameters listed in table C.7. The bottom DBR, starting with SiO2, comprises 12.5 periods of Si3N4 / SiO2. The top DBR consists of 12 periods and is closed by a Si3N4 layer, enabling a high refractive index contrast to the air. The technological fabrication process of the VCSEL is described in Figure 6.8. The monolithic III-V (InP/InGaAsP) semiconductor structure is grown by metal organic vapor phase epitaxy in an Aixtron 200/4 reactor using Trimethylindium (TMIn ), Trimethylgallium (TMGa), Phosphine (PH3), and Arsine (AsH3) as precursors. The growth temperature is 680 ◦C and the pressure is 100 mtorr. The structure consists of an InP substrate, a 200 nm thick InGaAs etch stop layer, and the active region (Figure 6.8(a)). On top of the active region, a 12.5 periods DBR of alternating optical λ/4 Si3N4 and SiO2 layers is deposited (Figure 6.8(b)). In the next step, the whole structure is coated by 50 nm /300 nm Ti/Au respectively and is bonded up side down (using Indium) to a copper heat sink (Figure 6.8(c)). The Indium bonding of the structure to the heat sink allows good heat dissipation, thus improving the functionality of the device. The InP substrate and the InGaAs are then removed selectively by wet chemical etching (Figure 6.8(d) and 6.8(e)). The last technological step is the deposition of a 12 periods DBR with the same dielectric materials as the bottom one (Figure 6.8(f)). The whole technological implementation process is described in detail in appendix B. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) InP substrateInGaAs Active region Dielectric DBR Indium Cu heat sink Figure 6.8: Technological implementation of the non tunable VCSEL: (a) MOVPE growth of the active region and the etch stop layer, (b) PECVD deposition of the bottom dielectric Si3N4/SiO2 DBR, (c) backside Indium bonding of the half VCSEL on a cupper heat sink, (d) bulk micromachining removal of the InP substrate, (e) removing of the etch stop layer, (f) PECVD deposition of the top dielectric Si3N4/SiO2 DBR. The active region (Figure 6.9) is formed of three half-wave periods embedded 62 6.3 Non tunable VCSELs between two InP spacers. Each single period of the active region contains a strain compensated package of two Ga0.21In0.79As0.75P0.25 quantum wells (0.9 % compressive strain) and three Ga0.47In0.53As0.75P0.25 barriers. The two quantum wells packages are surrounded by two Ga0.29In0.71As0.63P0.37 cladding layers to position them at the an- tinode of the resonant field. The quantum wells, with a maximum room temperature photoluminescence (PL) at 1545 nm, are populated with photo induced carriers gen- erated by absorption of the pump radiation (λpump˜980 nm) mainly in the cladding layers. The top and bottom InP spacer layers have an optical thickness of λ/4 in order to enhance the heat spreading of the active region. Ga0.29In0.71As0.63P0.37 98.45 nm Confinement layer Ga0.29In0.71As0.63P0.37 98.45 nm Confinement layer InP 123.8 nm Spacer Ga0.47In0.53As0.75P0.25 6 nm Barrier Ga0.21In0.79As0.75P0.25 8 nm Well Ga0.47In0.53As0.75P0.25 6 nm Barrier Ga0.21In0.79As0.75P0.25 8 nm Well Ga0.47In0.53As0.75P0.25 6 nm Barrier 1 pe rio d 3 pe rio ds . . . InP 123.8 nm Spacer 1 pe rio d 3 pe rio ds 1 pe rio d 3 pe rio ds Figure 6.9: Structure of the active region of the non tunable VCSEL, grown by MOVPE. Figure 6.10 shows the optical spectra of the dielectric DBRs, the half cavity res- onance (bottom DBR and the active region) as well as the normalized VCSEL output power characteristic. The half cavity resonance peak is positioned at the photolumin- escence maximum of the quantum wells. However, there is an offset between the design (1545 nm+5nm offset) and the lasing wavelength (1556.7 nm). This wavelength shift at the lasing operation is due to several mechanism related either to the design or to the material properties. Concerning the material properties, we have to distinguish between the passive and the active ones. While the passive material exhibits linear de- pendence on the temperature, the active material shows different linear and non linear effects. Thus by increasing the temperature, the passive material expands, resulting in a cavity length extension. In this case, the resonance characteristic of the cavity shifts to longer wavelengths. Regarding the active material used in this device, two operations related to the wavelength shifting are highly relevant: the continuous and the pulsed optical or electrical pumping. The effect of both electrical pump opera- tions on the wavelength shift is intensively studied in [104]. It has been shown that for a continuous pumping and by increasing the injection current, a blue and a red wavelength shift occur below and upon the threshold, respectively. In this case, the blue shift is due to the strong increase of the carrier density, whereas the red shift is related to the increase of the temperature in the device. For the pulsed operation case, a blue wavelength shift below and upon the threshold with different slopes is observed. 6 Results of microcavity devices 63 The blue wavelength shift upon the threshold is attributed to the low temperature operation of the device. In order to ascertain whether the material properties or the design are responsible for the wavelength shift in the VCSEL, the dependence of the emission characteristic on the temperature should be considered. 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1,0 R ef le ct iv ity Wavelength / nm DBR reflection spectrum Half cavity spectrum measured in reflection -80 -70 -60 -50 -40 V C SE L ou tp ut p ow er / dB m Figure 6.10: Optical spectra of the dielectric DBRs, the half cavity resonance (Bottom DBR and the active region) as well as the normalized VCSEL output power characteristic. The VCSEL is optically pumped by a pulsed 980 nm laser. The pulse repetition interval (PRI) is 70µs, whereas the pulse width is 4µs. Figure 6.11 shows the spectral emission of the VCSEL at room temperature. The VCSEL emits at 1556.7 nm and exhibits a FWHM< 0.1 nm and a SMSR of 25 dBm. In the inset of this Figure, the dependence of the VCSEL emission wavelength on the pumping power can be seen. Since the VCSEL is pumped at room temperature, a red shift of the wavelength is expected with increasing pumping power. However, a blue shift with a slop∆λ/∆ppump 0.03 nm /mW is observed. This blue shift is due to the pulsed operation and the heat dissipation concept used for the VCSEL. Assuming that the VCSEL is operated under low temperatures leading to a blue shift, we can exclude the possibility of passive material expansion. Thus, the red shift between the design and the implementation results is not related to the material properties but rather to design problems occurring due to the PECVD inhomogeneities during the deposition of the DBRs. It seems that parts of the DBRs contribute optically to an expansion of the optical length of the cavity. Figure 6.12 shows the pump power - output power (P-P) curve of the optically pumped VCSEL. The VCSEL exhibits an output power of 0.5µW at room temperature and has a threshold pump power of 35mW. At 6 ◦C, the pump threshold power is 30mW and the maximum output power is over 2µW. 64 6.3 Non tunable VCSELs 1564,50 1566,25 1568,00 1569,75 1571,50 -80 -70 -60 -50 -40 Pump laser power: 61 mW 67 mW 72 mW VC SE L ou tp ut p ow er / dB m Wavelength / nm 60 65 70 75 1566,6 1566,7 1566,8 1566,9 1567,0 V C SE L em is si on W L / n m Pump laser power / mW Figure 6.11: Optical spectrum of the VCSEL during the optical excitation. The blue wavelength shift is due to the pulsed operation. 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 0,0 0,5 1,0 1,5 2,0 Pe ak o ut pu t p ow er / µW Laser pump power / mW Pump laser: WL = 980nm PRI = 70µs PW=35µs 20 ° C 15 ° C 9 ° C 6 ° C Figure 6.12: Optical pumping power-output power dependence of the non tunable VCSEL at different operating temperatures. 6 Results of microcavity devices 65 6.4 Tunable VCSEL The tunable VCSEL is implemented by the two chip technological approach [16] and is described in previous work [105]. The two main chips of the device are the lower InP-based part1 and the bent dielectric top DBR membrane2. The two chips were assembled3 to form the tunable active device. A schematic cross section of the VCSEL is shown in Figure 6.13. The VCSEL consists mainly of an active region and an air-gap cavity embedded between two DBRs of different material systems. The total cavity length Lcav is defined by the length of the active region and the length of the air-gap L0 between the curved dielectric mirror membrane and the solid part of the cavity. InP-substrateFixed bottom DBR Active region: GaInAsP QW‘s Bulk micromachined substrate Curved suspended Si3N4/SiO2 top DBR Air-gap (L‘) GaAs substrate Figure 6.13: Schematic cross section of the two-chip tunable VCSEL: the lower semicon- ductor chip comprises the bottom DBR and the active region, the upper part consists of a bent DBR with tailored intrinsic stress. The lower chip, comprising the bottom DBR and the active region, is grown mono- lithically by a low-pressure MOVPE from TMIn, TMGa, PH3, and AsH3 precursors. The bottom DBR is designed for a central wavelength (CWL) of 1575 nm and consists of 48 InP/InGaAsP pairs yielding 99.8% nominal reflectivity. The semiconductor part of the resonator has an optical thickness of 4.5λ and con- sists of a periodic gain active region optimized for photopumping. The active region is similar to the one described in section 6.3 and is made up of three half-wave peri- ods embedded between two InP layers (Figure 6.14). A strain compensated pack- age of two Ga0.21In0.79As0.75P0.25 quantum wells (0.9% compressive strain) and three Ga0.47In0.53As0.75P0.25 barriers form one period. Two Ga0.29In0.71As0.63P0.37 cladding layers embed the two quantum wells packages. The quantum wells, with a maximum 1The lower part is delivered by the Royal Institute of Technology, Kista, Sweden. 2The top DBR is implemented by the Institute of Nanostructure Technology and Analytics (INA) at the University of Kassel, Germany. 3The assembly is done by the Technical University of Darmstadt (department of optical commu- nications), Germany. 66 6.4 Tunable VCSEL room temperature photoluminescence (PL) at 1545 nm, are populated with photo- induced carriers generated by absorption of the pump radiation (λpump ∼ 980 nm) mainly in the cladding layers. The top InP layer has an optical thickness of 2.25λ to enhance the heat spreading [7] whereas the lower has a thickness of 0.75 λ. In this case, the InP spacers are thicker then those of the non tunable VCSEL, since the thermal conductivity of the dielectric DBRs are considered to be better than those of the semiconductor ones. The thermal shift of the gain during lasing is compensated by a tailored spectral detuning of 5 nm−30 nm between the PL and the CWL of the laser (5 nm detuning in the non tuned state and 30 nm in the maximum tuned state). Ga0.29In0.71As0.63P0.37 Confinement layer Ga0.29In0.71As0.63P0.37 Confinement layer InP 2.25 λ Spacer Ga0.47In0.53As0.75P0.25 Barrier Ga0.21In0.79As0.75P0.25 Well Ga0.47In0.53As0.75P0.25 Barrier Ga0.21In0.79As0.75P0.25 Well Ga0.47In0.53As0.75P0.25 Barrier1 pe rio d = 0. 5 λ 3 pe rio ds = 1 .5 λ . . . InP 0.75 λ Spacer 1 pe rio d = 0. 5 λ 3 pe rio ds = 1 .5 λ 1 pe rio d = 0. 5 λ 3 pe rio ds = 1 .5 λ Figure 6.14: Structure of the active region of the tunable VCSEL, grown by MOVPE. The vertical design of the dielectric top DBR is given in Figure 6.15. It consists of 12.5 periods of silicon nitride (Si3N4) and silicon dioxide (SiO2) layers with an optical length of λ/4 for the designed lasing wavelength (1550 nm). However, the air-gap length Lcav, the membrane´s curvature as well as the deflection dynamics of the membrane are adjusted by precisely tailoring the intrinsic stress of the dielectric layers across the DBR. Relying on the PECVD stress investigation in chapter 5 (Figure 5.1), the stress is varied in the vertical direction across the top DBR from −150MPa tensile (top layer Si3N4 (25)) to +400MPa compressive (bottom layer Si3N4 (1)). Figure 5.1 is updated by inserting the values used for the DBR layers in the diagram (Figure 6.16). After the bulk micromachined backside etching of the GaAs substrate, the mem- brane bends towards the GaAs substrate. Thus a radius of curvature of 4.5mm and an air-gap length of 16µm are obtained (Figure 6.17). According to equation 2.32 and Figure 2.2, this VCSEL is characterized by a half symmetric stable resonator. The circular membrane has a diameter of 300µm and is fixed by 4 suspensions (600µm length and 70µm width) to the substrate. The injection of a small heating current through a thin metallic layer on the top of the flexible suspensions enables micromechanical actuation of the membrane during the pumping. Thus spectral tuning can be achieved. The metallic layer acts as a heating resistor, converting the dissipated power into thermal heat which slightly increases the length of the suspension beams. 6 Results of microcavity devices 67 Si3N4 (1) [+400MPa] Si3N4 (25) [-150MPa] SiO2 (2, 4,..., 24) [+517MPa] Si3N4 (3, 5,..., 23) [+20MPa]. . . GaAs-substrate Figure 6.15: Top dielectric Si3N4/SiO2 DBR (upper chip) with tailored intrinsic stress. The stress of silicon nitride varies in the vertical direction during the deposition. -1,0 -0,5 0,0 0,5 1,0 -400 -200 0 200 400 600 800 1000 Si3N4 (3, 5,..., 23) Si3N4 (25) Si3N4 (1) SiO2 (2, 4,..., 24) Te ns ile C om pr es si ve To ta l b ul k st re ss (σ to ta l) / M Pa Frequency duty cycle Ψ = (tHF-tLF)/(tHF+tLF) Si3N4 deposited @ 300 °C SiO2 deposited @ 300 °C Figure 6.16: Modified PECVD stress diagram (Figure 5.1) by including the stress values of Si3N4 and SiO2 used along the bent top DBR. Suspension Suspended membrane: differently stressed dielectric layers in the vertical direction 2D – profile of the membrane Cross view Figure 6.17: White light interferometer picture of the bent top DBR. 68 6.5 Tunable high end receiver The optical characterization of the tunable VCSEL is carried out by a fiber-to-fiber transmission measurement set-up. The light of a pump laser (980 nm) is coupled into a lensed fiber, delivering a Gaussian beam with a waist of 20µm diameter at the position of the active region. The beam waist is well adapted to the ROC and the cavity length according to equation 2.36, thus guaranteeing effective excitation of the fundamental mode and suppression of higher order modes. The output laser light is coupled into a second lensed fiber connected to an optical spectrum analyzer. The pump light is absorbed in the active region and the quaternary material of the bottom DBR so that there is no need to separate the pump light from the VCSEL output. Figure 6.18 shows the optical spectrum of the tunable VCSEL under optical excit- ation (980 nm, 30 − 50mW) in CW-operation at room temperature. The continuous tuning range is 26 nm. The output power of the VCSEL from the bottom side is 300− 400µW. The device has a free spectral range of 47 nm and a side mode suppres- sion ratio of 57dBm. The laser peak has a line width below the 0.1 nm resolution of the optical spectrum analyzer. The relation between wavelength tuning and heating power due to thermal actuation is exactly linear with a sensitivity of 7 nm/mW. 1515 1530 1545 1560 1575 1590 -70 -60 -50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 Pump power: 30-50 mW cw Output power: Front side 100 µW Back side 300-400 µW Tuning range: 26 nm O ut pu t p ow er / dB m Wavelength / nm Figure 6.18: Optical spectrum of the tunable VCSEL. A tuning range of 26 nm is achieved. 6.5 Tunable high end receiver The two-chip concept described in [16] is used for the implementation of a wavelength selective PIN photodiode. The results of this diodes have been recently published [106—108]. Similar to the device presented in section 6.4, the wavelength selective 6 Results of microcavity devices 69 diode consists of two main parts. The lower chip comprises the bottom dielectric DBR and the InP based PIN region. The upper part consists of a tailored bent dielectric DBR (Figure 6.19). The bent top DBR comprises 8.5 pairs of λ/4 alternating Si3N4 and SiO2 layers deposited by the PECVD at 300 ◦C. After a bulk micromachining etch process of the InP substrate, the top DBR bends due to the tailored intrinsic stress in the layers. The radius of curvature is then 36mm. The lower chip consists of a mesa structured PIN photodiode with top p-contacts and a 9 periods PECVD dielectric (Si3N4 and SiO2) DBR, which is deposited on the backside of the thinned InP substrate. An antireflection coating is deposited by the PECVD on top of the PIN photodiode in order to avoid the back scattering of the non absorbed light in the absorbing layer. The antireflection coating simultaneously serves as a passivation layer. The electrical contacts are 50Ω coplanar pads. The tuning occurs by thermomechanical actuation of the top membrane, similar to the device in section 6.4. Bulk micromachined substrate Curved suspended Si3N4/SiO2 top DBR Air-gap (Lcav) InP substrate Tuning contact pads Thinned InP substrate Dielectric DBR Antireflection coating PIN P++ InGaAs P-Contacts n-Contacts n++ InGaAs Figure 6.19: Schematic cross section of the tunable two-chip PIN photodiode. Assembling the two chips results in a cavity length of Lcav = 32µm. Taking into account the cavity length and the radius of curvature of the top membrane, the beam waist of the incoming light can be calculated according to equation 2.36. A tunable laser, sweeping over the wavelength range of interest in 0.05 nm steps, is used to record the responsivity spectrum of the PIN photodiode. The responsivity of the PIN photodi- ode is tuned thermally (by actuating the top DBR) over the spectral wavelength range and is shown in Figure 6.20. A detailed consideration of the measurement set-up can be found in [109]. The photodiode shows a FSR of 35 nm, a FWHM below 0.15 nm, and a finesse exceeding 35. However, the tuning range is higher than the FSR. The tuning characteristic between the selected wavelength and the dissipated electrical power in the membrane suspensions is linear and has the value of 0.33 nm /mW. Furthermore, the device shows a peak responsivity (Rpeak) of 0.30A /W and an insertion loss of around 7 dB (3.5 dB in the optical domain). The photocurrent crosstalk from neigh- boring channels is calculated to be−40 dB over the whole tuning range, when assuming 70 6.5 Tunable high end receiver a channel spacing of 0.8 nm. The side modes, which can be seen in Figure 6.20 are due to the mismatch between the incoming excitation light beam (a non Gaussian profile in this case) of the fibre and the resonator geometry. 1530 1540 1550 1560 1570 -80 -70 -60 -50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 78mA 25mA 0mA78mA 60mA50mA 25mA0mA R es po ns iv ity / dB Wavelength / nm Figure 6.20: Dependence of the responsivity of the tunable PIN photodiode on the wavelength by several tuning currents. Chapter 7 Related applications 7.1 Organic microcavities 7.1.1 PECVD materials and DBRs Based on the results in chapters 5 and 6, we investigate the possibility of integrating organic light emitting macromolecules in microcavity devices. The goal is to establish a basic technology for novel organic microdevices like VCSELs and photodiodes. The work presented in this section should be considered as a basic investigation yielding promising first results. In chapter 3, a low temperature PECVD deposition process was developed and presented. In this case, the mechanical properties of the deposited material were an important consideration as we optimized the technological aspect. However, regarding macromolecules in microcavities, the optical characteristics of the deposited material are predominant. For this reason, the absorption (by mean of the extinction coeffi- cient k) of PECVD Si3N4 layers deposited at low temperatures (60 ◦C) is investigated by varying the duty cycle (Ψ). Silicon dioxide is not considered since the hydrogen bonds are, to our best knowledge, the reason for the absorption at a low temperature deposition (see chapter 3). Using spectroscopic ellipsometry, several refractive indeces and extinction coefficient dispersions are measured for different Ψ values. It has been shown that for a duty cycle Ψ = −1, the extinction coefficient (proportional to the absorption) of Si3N4 exhibits a minimum (Figure 7.2). Unfortunately, at this Ψ value, the refractive index is also at a minimum (Figure 7.1). Furthermore, the stress is highly compressive. However, at this point, the goal is to investigate the optical behavior of the macromolecules in the cavities and therefore, this duty cycle is considered for all the layers Si3N4 within this investigation. The effect of the stress on the mechanical properties of the light emitting material is investigated elsewhere [110,111]. Spectroscopic ellipsometer measurements show difficulties fitting the Psi and Delta data using a Cauchy model in the non absorbing wavelength range, leading to undula- tions in the extinction coefficient dispersion curves in Figure 7.2. Several effects, such as hydrogen absorption peaks, inhomogeneities the vertical and lateral directions in 72 7.1 Organic microcavities the film structures as well as measurement artefacts, may be responsible for these un- dulations. Hydrogen absorption peaks and measurement artefacts can be excluded as direct undulation source. Furthermore, the amorphous nature of the material implies the absence of birefringence. Thus, the most probable explanation for the deviation of the Cauchy model causing the undulations are vertical inhomogeneities in the refractive index of the films, resulting from the deposition conditions. 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1,80 1,85 1,90 1,95 2,00 2,05 2,10 2,15 2,20 2,25 2%SiH4-N2 1500 sccm NH3 5 sccm HF/LF power 20 W Pressure 0.65 Torr Temperature 60 ° C R ef ra ct iv e in de x Wavelength / nm TSn067I, Ψ = -1 TSn067II, Ψ = -0.75 TSn067III, Ψ = -0.5 TSn067IV, Ψ = -0.25 TSn068I, Ψ = 0 TSn068II, Ψ = 0.25 TSn068III, Ψ = 0.5 TSn068IV, Ψ = 0.75 TSn069I, Ψ = 1 ψ = -1 R ef ra ct iv e in de x R ef ra ct iv e in de x Figure 7.1: The dependence of the refractive index dispersion of silicon nitride (deposited at 60 ◦C) on the PECVD duty cycle Ψ. The data have been obtained using a spectroscopic ellipsometer. Based on the optical properties of the investigated materials, several Bragg mirrors are implemented for the short wavelength range. Figure 7.3 shows the spectra of two such DBRs deposited at a temperature of 300 ◦C and designed for the wavelength range 350 nm−500 nm. The technological implementation process can be found in appendix D. The two DBRs are measured by two different techniques, the spectroscopic ellipsometer (TQ067, incident angle = 15◦) and the reflection measurement set-up (TQ069, incident angle = 0◦). At this wavelength range, different incident angles result in a spectral shifting and an attenuation of the reflectivity. The spectral shift is due to different optical paths at different incident angles. On the other hand, the reflection attenuation is due to the high absorption in the layers at this wavelength. Normally, the reflectivity of a DBR implemented by low absorbing material shows nearly no dependence on the measurement incident angle. For the case of a DBR with materials of high absorption coefficient, it can be assumed that the longer the optical path of the light, the higher is the absorption of the light. The dependence of the reflectivity on the incident angle is shown in Figure 7.4. Thus, the reflectivity of different DBRs decreases by increasing the incident angle. The slop of the reflectivity-incident angle curves seems to be the same for all the measured DBRs. Figure 7.5 shows the spectra of DBRs implemented at high and low temperatures 7 Related applications 73 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 0,00 0,02 0,04 0,06 0,08 0,10 0,12 0,14 0,16 0,18 2%SiH4-N2 1500 sccm NH3 5 sccm HF/LF power 20 W Pressure 0.65 Torr Temperature 60 ° C Ex tin ct io n co ef fic ie nt Wavelength / nm TSn067I, Ψ = -1 TSn067II, Ψ = -0.75 TSn067III, Ψ = -0.5 TSn067IV, Ψ = -0.25 TSn068I, Ψ = 0 TSn068II, Ψ = 0.25 TSn068III, Ψ = 0.5 TSn068IV, Ψ = 0.75 TSn069I, Ψ = 1 ψ = -1 Ex tin ct io n co ef fic ie nt Ex tin ct io n co ef fic ie nt Figure 7.2: The dependence of the extinction coefficient of silicon nitride (deposited at 60 ◦C) on the duty cycle Ψ. The data have been obtained using a spectroscopic ellipsometer. 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 0,0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1,0 TQ067 Spectroscopic ellipsometer (incident angle = 15 degree) TQ069 Reflection measurement set-up (incident angle = 0 degree) R ef le ct iv ity Wavelength / nm Figure 7.3: PECVD distributed Bragg reflectors deposited at high temperatures (300 ◦C) for the short wavelength range. 74 7.1 Organic microcavities 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 0,65 0,70 0,75 0,80 0,85 0,90 Incident angle / degree R ef le ct iv ity TQ050, 15 periods DBR, 60 °C TQ055, 15.5 periods DBR, 60 °C TQ067, 12.5 periods DBR, 300 °C Figure 7.4: Dependence of the DBR reflectivity at a fixed wavelength on the light incident angle. and measured ellipsometrically at an incident angle of 15◦. The DBRs TQ067 and Tsn033I are deposited at 300 ◦C on glass and silicon substrates, respectively. It can be seen that the DBR deposited on the silicon substrate exhibits higher reflectivity. This is due to the deposition temperature coupling since the substrate absorbs the light at this wavelength. At 60 ◦C, the spectrum of the DBR TQ055 shows high material absorption, which affects the FWHM and the reflectivity of the DBR. Several rapid thermal annealing processes are incorporated in order to enhance the reflectivity of such DBRs deposited at low temperatures. Even though the reflectivities are noticeably increased, the technological relevance of such step is very weak since the DBRs should be deposited on organic materials. 7.1.2 Organic half cavity An organic solid state light emitting material should exhibit a high morphological sta- bility, a high fluorescence quantum yield and a low reabsorption. These requirements are met by the class of Spiro linked oligophenyles, of which Spiro-Sexiphenyl (Spiro-6f) has already shown excellent results in amplified spontaneous emission (ASE) exper- iments performed on spin coated films [112]. The rigid molecular structure of these materials leads to amorphous glasses with high glass transition temperatures above 200 ◦C. The Spiro concept was extended by adding further oligophenyl chains, linked to the core molecule via additional Spiro junctions [113]. The molecular structure of the newly synthesized 4-Spiro2 used in this investigation is shown in Figure 7.6. Four biphenyl and two sexiphenyl units are incorporated in the chemical structure and thus form a stable amorphous glass with a glass transition temperature of 273 ◦C. The moderate molecular weight of 4-Spiro2 when compared to polymeric materials 7 Related applications 75 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 0,0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1,0 R ef le ct iv ity Wavelength / nm TQ067, 12.5 periods DBR 300°C, TT021016 p-polarisation, 15° meas. ang. TQ055, 15.5 periods DBR 60°C, AT020720 p-polarisation, 15° meas. ang. Tsn033I, 12.5 periods DBR 300°C, TT021016 p-polarisation, 15° meas. ang. Figure 7.5: Optical spectra of DBRs implemented by the PECVD at different temperatures and on different substrates. Physical properties Optical properties Tg=273°C Tm=447°C λabs=353nm λem=429nm 4- Spiro2: 2,2’,7,7’-Tetra-(9,9’-spirobifluoren-2-yl)-9,9’-spirobifluorene Figure 7.6: Chemical structure of the light emitting material 4-Spiro2. The glass and melt temperatures are 273 ◦C and 447 ◦C, respectively. The absorption maximum is located at 353 nm, whereas the emission occurs at 429 nm. With kind permission of the mmCmm group at the University of Kassel, Germany. 76 7.1 Organic microcavities allows the preparation of thin films by vacuum vapor deposition. The optical proper- ties of 4-Spiro2 are shown in Figure 7.7. The maximum intensity of the spontaneous emission is located at 429 nm, whereas the absorption has a maximum at 353 nm. The spectral shift of the absorption and emission characteristics ensures an optical pumping with a nitrogen laser at 337 nm, far away from the emission wavelength. 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 0,0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1,0 No rm al is ed a bs or pt io n an d em is si on Wavelength / nm 4-Spiro2 Absorption Emission Figure 7.7: Absorption and emission spectra of 4-Spiro2. The results in this diagram are courtesy of the mmCmm (with kind permission). At a low pumping power density threshold of 3.2µJ / cm2, an amplified spontaneous emission (ASE) spectrum was observed [114] for a 106 nm thick film of 4-Spiro2. Figure 7.8 shows the transition from the normal fluorescence spectrum to ASE for 4-Spiro2 by varying the pumping power density. At a pumping energy of 10µJ /cm2, the ASE peak at 428 nm has a FWHM of 3.2 nm. Using this material, a half cavity resonance is demonstrated. For this, a 15.5 periods Si3N4/SiO2 DBR is deposited by the PECVD at 60 ◦C on a glass substrate. The nominal reflectivity of the DBR is approximately 80%. The cavity is implemented by 92.22 nm of 4−Spiro2 and 56 nm Si3N4 serving as a cap layer and prohibiting the light emitting material from oxidizing. Figure 7.9 shows the optical spectra of the lower DBR and the half cavity resonance. However, the half cavity resonance is shifted to a higher wavelengths and matches with a reflectivity of 60% of the lower DBR. Furthermore, the half cavity resonance is located at approximately 450 nm, far away from the emission wavelength of the organic material (4−Spiro2). In this case a lasing in a cavity is not possible. It is extremely difficult to design and characterize an organic material in a mi- crocavity since the wavelength used in the measurements set-ups strongly affects the optical and mechanical properties of these materials. Despite that, based on these 7 Related applications 77 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 0,0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1,0 Amplified Spontaneous Emission (ASE) in 4-Spiro2 Pump laser power density No rm al is ed in te ns ity Wavelength / nm 119.4 µJ/cm2 4.2 µJ/cm2 1.9 µJ/cm2 Figure 7.8: Amplified spontaneous emission spectrum of 4-Spiro2. The results in this dia- gram are courtesy of the mmCmm (with kind permission). 375 400 425 450 475 500 525 550 0,0 0,1 0,2 0,3 0,4 0,5 0,6 0,7 0,8 0,9 1,0 Spiro2 emission wavelength λspiro2, em = 429 nm 15.5 periods DBR (TQ055) + 92.22 nm Spiro2 + 56 nm Si3N4 TQ055 15.5 periods DBR R ef le ct iv ity Wavelength / nm Figure 7.9: Organic half cavity structure consisting of a 60 ◦C PECVD DBR (TQ055), 92.22 nm 4-Spiro2 and 56 nm Si3N4 cap layer. 78 7.1 Organic microcavities results, a microcavity is implemented showing an ASE resonance. For this we used an organic light emitting material (Small-Spiro-Octo) similar to the 4-Spiro2. The Small- Spiro-Octo (2,2’,4,4’,7,7’-Hexaphenyl-9,9’-spirobifluoren, C61H40) shown in Figure 7.10 exhibits a glass and a melt temperatures of 181 ◦C and 291 ◦C, respectively. Physical properties Tg=181°C Tm=291°C Small-Spiro-Octo: 2,2’,4,4’,7,7’-Hexaphenyl-9,9’-spirobifluorene Figure 7.10: Chemical structure of the Small-Spiro-Octo light emitting organic material. With kind permission of the mmCmm. The microcavity consists of a bottom PECVD DBR deposited at 120 ◦C, a cavity of Small-Spiro-Octo and a top DBR. Figure 7.11 shows the optical spectra of the DBRs, the half cavity resonance, the spontaneous emission of the Small-Spiro-Octo and the ASE resonance in the cavity. The half cavity resonance, the second emission maxima (Small-Spiro-Octo) and a reflectivity over 90% of the DBRs, coincide to narrow the emission at 412.5 nm. The FWHM of the ASE resonance is 2.8 nm. 375 380 385 390 395 400 405 410 415 420 425 0,0 0,1 0,2 0,3 0,4 0,5 0,6 0,7 0,8 0,9 1,0 N or m al is ed in te ns ity Wavelength / nm PECVD DBR (120 degree) Half cavity resonance by using Small Spiro-Octo Emission spectrum of Small Spiro-Octo ASE in the micro cavity Figure 7.11: Optical spectrum showing the reflectivity of the DBRs, the half cavity resonance and the ASE in a microcavity. As well as the spontaneous emission of the Small-Spiro-Octo. 7 Related applications 79 These results demonstrate the possibility of integrating organic light emitting ma- terials in microcavities. This work was not pushed further in the context of this thesis. However, extensive research is in progress as a cooperation between the Institute of Nanostructure Technology and Analytics (INA) and the Institute for Macromolecu- lar Chemistry and Molecular Materials (mmCmm), both at the University of Kassel, Germany. Chapter 8 Conclusion The aim of this thesis was to establish a low-cost technology enabling the effective integration of microcavity devices, e.g. into DWDM systems. Both parts, the tech- nological optimization and the microcavity device implementation, are investigated within the scope of this research. For this purpose, a standard parallel plate PECVD reactor was employed. Besides the optical properties like the refractive index and the absorption, the bulk macrostress of silicon nitride and silicon dioxide (deposited at different temperatures) have been extensively studied. The bulk macrostress of silicon nitride has been explicitly controlled, by varying the plasma excitation frequency, in a wide range between +850MPa (compressive) and −300MPa (tensile) for 300 ◦C. The stress of silicon dioxide is quite independent of the frequency. Thus, several DBRs fulfilling specific optical and mechanical requirements were deposited. Furthermore, a low-cost micromachining technology enabling the fabrication of mi- crodevices by using a standard photoresist as a sacrificial layer has been developed. For this purpose, low temperature (60 ◦C) silicon nitride and silicon dioxide processes have been optimized. Based on this technology, MEMS structures for detecting the microstress on different neighboring positions along the wafer have been implemented and successfully applied. Using differently designed air-gap devices (e.g. Fabry-Pérot filters) which are im- plemented by this low-cost technology, the effect of the stress on these membranes was extensively studied. For the first time, a batch process enabling the low-cost in- tegration of differently shaped membranes (convex, concave and planar) with various radii of curvatures and enclosing different cavity lengths was established. Fabry-Pérot filters covering a spectral range over 190 nm and with several full width at half max- ima between 1.5 nm and 64 nm have been demonstrated. The reliability of this novel low-cost technology was demonstrated with an electrothermally tunable Fabry-Pérot filter. The filter consists of an air-gap cavity embedded between a bottom and a bent top dielectric DBRs, respectively. The filter exhibits a tuning range of 15 nm. These novel technological achievements are used to fabricate microcavity devices with tailored bendings of the top membranes. Thus, an optically pumped tunable VCSEL with an optimized bent suspended top DBR was fabricated for enhancing the 8 Conclusion 81 fundamental mode and for suppressing the higher order modes. The desired bending (radius of curvature, shape and cavity length) of the DBR is achieved by a specific selective silicon nitride stress distribution across the vertical direction. The top DBR is actuated electrothermally to achieve a tunability of 26 nm. Based on the results of the tunable filter and the VCSEL, a tunable PIN photo- detector was fabricated by using appropriate bent and non bent dielectric top and bottom DBRs, respectively. The air-gap resonator of the PIN photodiode with a bent membrane is tuned electrothermally and exhibits a responsivity tuning range of more than the 35 nm free spectral range. Based on these results, the integration of light emitting organic materials in mi- crocavities was investigated. Distributed Bragg reflectors for the short wavelength range (350 nm - 500 nm) have been optimized and deposited. Using two different or- ganic light emitting materials within a microcavity, a half cavity resonance and an amplified spontaneous emission were observed, respectively. Throughout this work, the crucial stress issue in tunable microcavity devices is adressed and studied. Tailored bent dielectric membranes with different shapes are fabricated. Using this, microcavity devices with organic and inorganic materials are demonstrated. On this basis, a considerable step is done in research towards the commercialisation of low-cost microcavity devices. A further investigation of this technology, leading for instance to a monolithic integ- ration of a tailored bent dielectric membrane with an electrically pumped VCSEL, is of high relevance for optical communications. Besides this, a main focus in subsequent works could be the integration of active and passive polymers in microcavity devices. Thus, organic microdevices such as VCSELs, photodetectors and filters, with integrated organic driver chips may be an alternative innovative future technology. Furthermore, these organic and inorganic devices could be applied in sensor and medical technologies as well as in the automotive industry. Bibliography [1] S.V. 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We can readily appreciate the advant- ages of miniaturization in silicon based microelectronics (e.g. microchips and electronic devices), which are involved in high speed personal computers, novel digital electronics (e.g. television, hi-fi electronics, digital cameras, etc.). The smaller the devices, the faster the computers and the smaller the equipment. In this case, the microcomponents are part of a system whose main functionality remains unchanged. A digital camera still delivers pictures, like the one 30 years ago did. However, if we consider the quality, the price, the size, and the impact on our daily life quality, we appreciate the added value and performance. Passive consumer acceptance is then challenged when the miniaturization is applied to a mechanical system. Thus, it is difficult to imagine that somebody can drive to work with a car of 2µm length. Nowadays, micromechanics are used as microcomponents in macrosystems (e.g. air-bag sensors, environmental gas detectors and metrology). However, micromechanics exhibit huge advantages or even some novel functionality when compared to the well known macromechanics. Thus, downscaling the dimensions linearly results in a nonlinear changing of the forces impacting the system [23]. To see this, consider a microbridge of 100µm length, 0.5µm thickness and 10µm width. In micromechanics, this bridge is considered to be a robust free hanging system. Scal- ing up this system to the macroworld dimensions (e.g. meters), a bridge of 1000m length, 5m thickness, and 100m width is obtained. Such a bridge is unstable and will collapse. Therefore, many actuated systems (e.g. tunable VCSEL and FPF filters) can be implemented only by using micromechanics and microcomponents. Thus, in recent years, MEMS and MOEMS became very interesting for a wide range of systems integration [115, 116]. On one hand, they reveal the same advantages as microelec- tronics (e.g. low-cost mass production, low power consumption and small size) and 98 A.1 Fabry-Pérot filter on the other hand, they benefit from the novel effects of the miniaturization. In this thesis, the focus is on implementing micromechanically tunable microdevices such as VCSELs, FPFs and PIN photodetectors. These components are the core of the new dynamic DWDM systems. In the following, a summary of the devices which have been implemented in the recent years will be presented. A.1 Fabry-Pérot filter Several approaches dealing with non tunable and tunable Fabry-Pérot filters have been previously published. Even though the filter is a simple device, its tunability is still a major technological challenge. However, tunable filters are attractive since they present a low-cost solution for dynamic DWDM systems. Based on a GaAs/AlAs bottom DBR and an Au/SiNxHy/GaAs top movable mem- brane, Larson et. al. [10] presented a tunability of 32 nm by a 14V tuning voltage at a central wavelength of 932 nm. The membrane is actuated electrostatically and the FWHM of the filter resonance is 3 nm. Vail et. al. [117] show a tunability of 70 nm by a 5V tuning voltage. The top movable DBR is implemented by a cantilever, whereas the central wavelength is 950 nm. A tunable filter, based on Si/SiO2 DBRs with 60 nm tuning range is demonstrated by Tran et. al. [118] for a 1.517µm central wavelength. The FWHM of the filter characteristic is 3.2 nm. A GaAs/AlAs two-chip concept filter with a FSR of 46.7 nm, a FWHM of 1.2 nm, an electrostatic tuning range of 103 nm (by a tuning voltage of 35V), and a 1.517µm central wavelength has been presented by Peerlings et. al. [119]. Tayebati et. al. [120] show a GaAlAs/AlOx air-gap based filter with 59 nm tuning range at 50V tuning voltage (FWHM=0.5 nm) and 83 nm tuning range at 25V tuning voltage (FWHM=2.0 nm). However, multimode opera- tion is observed in this case. Using a Fabry-Pérot filter with a stable half symmetric cavity design [12], the same author shows a tunability of 70 nm by a tuning voltage of 14V. The filter consists of two SiO2/TiO2 DBRs separated by an air-gap cavity. The radius of curvature of the top membrane is around 310µm. The FWHM of the filter characteristics is 0.27 nm. Spisser et. al. [121] demonstrate for the first time a tunable filter based on InP/air DBRs. The filter operates at 1.55µm and exhibits a tunability of 62 nm by a 14V tuning voltage. A FWHM of 0.4 nm is observed over 40 nm tuning range. A hybrid Si/SiO2 and InGaAsP based tunable filter is presen- ted by Chitica et. al. [122]. A tuning range of 40 nm has been reached by applying 40V tuning voltage. In this case, the FWHM is 10 nm. A tunability of 0.3Å/V2 of a InP/air based filter is demonstrated by Strassner et. al. [123]. Here, the mechan- ical properties (like stress) have been intensively studied. Aziz et. al. [124] present a tunability of over 20 nm by a tuning voltage of 100V. The two chip based filter consists of two Si3N4/SiO2 dielectric DBRs and the FWHM of the filter characteristic is below 0.1 nm. An AlGaAs cantilever based filter with a tuning range of over 100 nm by a 18V-20V tuning voltage is demonstrated by Mateus et. al. [125]. Halbritter et. al. [126] show an electrothermally tuned filter with a tuning range of over 34 nm by using a Si3N4/SiO2 top DBR membrane. The filter exhibits a FWHM of 0.16 nm. An A State of the art: detailed description 99 InP/air-gap based filter with 112 nm tuning range and 3.5 nm FWHM is achieved by Daleiden et. al. [127]. The tuning voltage is only 5V. Strassner et. al. [128] demon- strate an electrostatic tuning to longer wavelengths by an InP/air based filter. The filter characteristic remains unchanged over the 65 nm tuning range. The FWHM is 4.3 nm, whereas the tuning voltage is 21V. The author of this thesis [103] presents a low-cost solution of an electrothermally tuned filter with Si3N4/SiO2 dielectric DBRs. The tunability is 15 nm /mA with a tuning range of 15 nm. The FWHM as predicted by theoretical model calculation 8 nm. A silicon based filter presented by Kanbara et. al. [129] exhibits a FWHM of 0.5 nm and an FSR of 35 nm. In this case, the tuning range of 30 nm is reached by a tuning voltage of 29V. Irmer et. al. [9] present a con- tinuously widely tunable InP/air based filter with 140 nm tuning range. The tuning voltage is 3.2V, whereas the FWHM is between 3 nm and 5 nm. The same author recently presented [130] a non tunable low-cost all dielectric air-gap filter with 1.5 nm FWHM. Yun et. al. [131] present a tunable in-plane Si/air filter with 9 nm thermoop- tical tuning range by a tuning temperature of 392K. A FWHM of 1.1 nm is achieved. Hohlfeld et. al. [11] present a tunable filter based on the thermooptical effect. The filter consists of a silicon cavity and two Si3N4/SiO2 DBRs and shows a tunability of 3.5 nm and a FWHM of 1.19 nm. A.2 Vertical cavity surface emitting laser Simply spoken, a vertical cavity surface emitting laser device is a light emitting active region embedded vertically between two DBRs. However, this approximation is in fact extremely simplistic when we consider all the optical and the mechanical aspects leading to a lasing in a VCSEL. The main feature distinguishing a VCSEL from an edge emitting laser is the fact that the laser oscillation as well as the laser light emission occur in a direction perpendicular to the wafer surface. This feature enables a better design of the emission pattern (usually a circular shape) resulting in low light divergence and efficient fiber coupling. Further advantages of a VCSEL are the wafer scale batch fabrication, the in-plane characterization, the simple packaging and the high yield of the device. Thus, compared to the edge emitting lasers, VCSELs present a low-cost solution for optical communications. In this case, a single longitudinal mode operation is needed. This can be easily obtained due to the small overall cavity length (some few µm), typically of the same order of the emission wavelength. This fact results in a small gain region leading to smaller drive currents. Even though higher differential resistance is mostly the consequence of a voltage drop over the DBRs, the wall-plug efficiency of a VCSEL is much higher than that of any other semiconductor laser device1 [132]. However, due to the short active region length, the stimulated light can only benefit from a small 1When discussing the efficiency of the whole laser, the expression wall-plug efficiency is often used. The wall-plug efficiency equals the output light energy divided by the electrical energy into the wall plug. 100 A.2 Vertical cavity surface emitting laser gain path. Therefore, very high reflective DBRs are needed and stringent optical and mechanical requirements for the active material should be achieved. Since the first demonstration of a VCSEL operation by Soda et al. in 1979 [27], countless publications have documented the successful research of several groups. Ab- solutely dominating are VCSELs for the short wavelength range below 1µm. As the in- terest in DWDM systems increases, VCSELs for the long haul wavelength range (1.3µm and 1.5µm) became highly desired. However, the technological implementation of such devices is still a major challenge due to the material properties at this wavelengths. Until now, several optically and electrically pumped, non tunable and tunable VCSELs for the 1.55µm range have been reported. Note, that optically pumped non tunable devices are easier to implement compared to the electrically pumped tunable ones, since no micromechanics and no electrical confinements are used. Song et. al. [133] present a wafer bonded VCSEL with a InGaAs/InGaAsP QWs system. The top and bottom DBRs consist of a GaAs/AlxOy and GaAs/AlAs multilay- ers, respectively. An optical threshold pump power of 1.4mW at RT corresponding to a threshold current of 1.2mA for a 5µm aperture device, leads to a cw operation with a line width below 0.2 nm. An optically cw pumped VCSEL with hybrid DBRs is presented by Baek et. al. [134]. The device consists mainly of a periodic gain struc- ture with 27 InGaAs/InAlGaAs QWs located in an active region embedded between a InAlAs/InAlGaAs bottom DBR and a dielectric TiO2/SiO2 top DBR. A minimum threshold pump power of 17mW at 220K is observed. This corresponds to a calculated threshold power density of 3.4 kW/cm2. The line width of the laser characteristic at 1553 nm is below 0.6 nm and a maximum power of above 100µW is achieved. Keating et. al. fabricate a wafer fused VCSEL with InGaAsP based QWs and GaAs/AlAs DBRs [135]. The device exhibits an output power of 1.95mW at RT and at 1547 nm emission wavelength with a SMSR of 61dB. A novel all air-gap monolithically grown InP based VCSEL is presented by Chitica et. al. [136]. The cavity comprising the GaInAsP QWs is embedded between to InP/air DBRs. The threshold is reached at RT by an optical pump power density of 370 W / cm2. A maximum output power of 110µW and a cw operation up to 32 ◦C are reached. Recently, Geske et. al. presented a VCSEL array with 140 nm spanning emission wavelength range with 20 nm channel spacing [137]. The wafer bonded device is optically pumped and shows a cw operation above 65◦C and a 36 dB SMSR as well as an average output power of -3 dB. Many approaches towards electrically pumped non tunable wafer fused VCSELs have been published. Babic et. al. [138] demonstrate a wafer fused InGaAsP based VCSEL with two AlAs/GaAs DBRs. The threshold current density is in the order of 3 kA / cm2 at 1.52µm emission wavelength. A 12mA threshold current characterizes laser sizes from 9 to 60µm, whereby a single mode operation could be observed for the 9µm VCSEL only. The same author later presents a double fused VCSEL operating continuously at RT and emitting at 1.54µm [139]. The active region containing the InGaAsP is located between a top AlGaAs/GaAs DBR and a bottom AlAs/GaAs one. Devices with aperture sizes between 8 and 20µm are fabricated and operate A State of the art: detailed description 101 continuously at RT. The 8µm device possesses the lowest threshold current of 2.3mA and a maximum output power of approximately 10µW. A double fused VCSEL, with two AlGaAs/GaAs DBRs and an InGaAsP/InP active region is reported by Margalit et. al. [140]. The device operates in a cw and pulsed mode up to 64 ◦C and 100 ◦C, respectively. The lowest threshold current at RT is measured to be 0.8mA and the maximum output power is 1mW at 15 ◦C. Syrbu et. al. [141] demonstrate a single mode wafer fused 1.55µm VCSEL exhibiting 1.5mW output power at RT and a SMSR of 30 dB. A double fused 1.528µm VCSEL with cw operation up to 85 ◦C and a maximum output power of 0.65mW at RT is presented by Karim et. al. [142]. Electrically pumped non tunable VCSEL with hybrid DBRs are reported by sev- eral groups. K. Streubel and co-workers [143] present a 1.55µm VCSEL with a bottom GaInAsP/InP DBR and a Si/SiO2 top DBR. The GaInAsP based device shows a pulsed operation within a temperature range between −160 ◦C to +43 ◦C, while a cw opera- tion was observed up to −25 ◦C only. Ortsiefer et. al. [15] fabricate an InGaAlAs based 1.55µmVCSEL with 1.6mW output power. The bottom and top DBRs are implemen- ted by a InGaAlAs/InAlAs and MgF2/a-Si multilayers, respectively. A low resistance of 70 Ω assures a threshold current of 4mA. A double fused 1.55µm VCSEL with In- GaAsP QWs between a bottom GaAs/AlAs and a combined SiO2/TiO2-InP/InGaAsP top DBRs is presented by Ohiso et. al. [144]. Using different device aperture sizes, a maximum output power of 2.1mW and a low threshold current of 380µA have been demonstrated in a cw operation at RT. Sun et. al. [145] implement a cw 1.55µm VC- SEL device with a minimum threshold current of 0.8mA at RT. The device consists of an InAlGaAs QWs stack and an InAlGaAs/InAlAs bottom DBR as well as TiO2/SiO2 top DBR. Monolithically grown electrically pumped VCSELs for commercial purposes have gained importance since they enable a technological batch processing and an in-plane characterization. Furthermore, such devices are electrically driven and thus suitable for system integration. Over the past years, several such devices were presented by many groups. Kazmierski et. al. [146] present a monolithic grown InGaAlAs based VCSEL with InGaAlAs/InAlAs DBRs. A pulse operation at 1.56µm and up to +55 ◦C is obtained. A device with a metamorphic bottom InP/InGaAsP DBR and GaAs/AlAs top one as well as 1mW cw output power at RT is presented by Boucart et. al. [147,148]. Yuen et. al. [149] demonstrated a cw operation up to +55 ◦C with 0.45mW output power at RT. The active region containing the InGaAs QWs is sandwiched between the InAlGaAs/InAlAs bottom DBR and the metamorphic AlGaAs/GaAs top DBR. A tunnel junction VCSEL with InGaAs QWs and AlGaAsSb/AlAsSb DBRs has been fabricated by Hall et. al. [150]. A maximum output power of 100µW and a current threshold of 6.2mA (1.97 kA / cm2 current density) at RT is reached. Kwon et. al. [151] implemented a fully monolithic VCSEL with InAlGaAs/InAlAs DBRs. A minimum threshold current density of 2.93 kA / cm2 at 1.57µm is observed. However, tunable optically and electrically pumped micromachined VCSELs for the long haul wavelength range are very rare, due to the undesirable side effects generated 102 A.2 Vertical cavity surface emitting laser from the micromachining process (e.g. stress and buckling). Vakhshoori et. al. [13] presented a 1.55µm tunable cw VCSEL with 2mW output power and 50 nm tuning range. The novelty of this work was the implementation of a stable resonator by a curved top DBR with a ROC of 300µm. The tuning occurs electrostatically. However, the authors did not reveal either the material system nor the technological implementa- tion details of the curved mirrors. The author of this thesis [105] published an optically tunable two chip 1.55µm VCSEL with a curved top dielectric DBR. The lower part of the device consists of a GaInAsP based active region and an InP/InGaAsP bottom DBR. The curvature design of the SiNx/SiO2 top DBR is described in detail. A tuning range of 26 nm, a maximum output power of 400µW, a SMSR of 57 dBm and a FSR of 47 nm are reached. The tuning occurs by a thermal actuation of the micromachined top DBR. A wafer fused optically pumped 1.55µm tunable InAlGaAs based VCSEL with 2mW maximum output power with a power variation less than 1.5 dB across the 32 nm tuning and a SMSR higher than 30 dB is demonstrated by Syrbu et. al. [152]. The top and Bottom DBRs are fabricated using multilayers of AlGaAs and GaAs. Recently, a few publications reporting progress in electrically pumped tunable VC- SEL technology have appeared. Boucart et. al. [153] implemented a monolithically InAlGaAs based 1.55µm VCSEL with InP/InAlGaAs and a movable GaAs/AlGaAs bottom and top DBRs, respectively. The device operates up to temperatures exceeding +75 ◦C and shows 0.9mW output power at RT. The tuning range is 17 nm, while the SMSR exceeds 30 dB. A tunable version of the VCSEL structure described in [149] is fabricated by Kner et. al. [154]. The electrostatically tunable top DBR is implemented by a cantilever according to [155]. The VCSEL shows an output power higher than 0.28mW over 10 nm tuning range and a threshold current lower than 1mA. The elec- trically pumped tunable VCSEL described by Sun et. al. [156] consists of InAlGaAs QWs between a InAlGaAs bottom DBR and a movable AlGaAs/GaAs top one. The electrostatic actuation of the top membrane delivers 22 nm tuning range and 1.3mW output power in cw operation at +15 ◦C. Maute et. al. [14] produced an electrically tunable VCSEL, whose active region has already been described in [15]. The bottom mirror consists of CaF2/a-Si multilayer and gold, the top movable mirror is a doped GaAs/AlGaAs DBR. The tuning of the two-chip [16] based device is done electrotherm- ally. The device shows a single mode operation across 30 nm tuning with a SMSR better than 30 dB and a maximum output power of 76µW. By the same technological im- plementation process, Riemenschneider et. al. [17] increased the tunability to 40 nm and the output power to 100µW. Furthermore, an overview of VCSEL tunability is presented in [157]. Appendix B Diagram supplements B.1 PECVD technological investigation Table B.1: The used abbreviation Abbreviation Tdep n SiH4 NH3 pdep DR σ σer N2O Parameter Unit Deposition temperature ◦C Refractive index 2% SiH4 −N2 flow sccm NH3 flow sccm Deposition pressure E−3 torr Deposition rate nmmin−1 Bulk stress MPa Bulk stress standard deviation MPa N2O flow sccm Table B.2: The dependence of the silicon nitride refractive index, deposition rate and stress on the process temperature Tdep n DR σ σer 230 1.928 15.64 −100.8 31 290 1.968 14.43 −79.9 20 300 1.963 14.25 −11.3 39 320 1.984 13.94 −80 20 Table B.3: The dependence of the silicon nitride refractive index, deposition rate and stress on the silane flow SiH4 n DR σ σer 800 1.936 14.58 −94.9 31.6 900 1.958 14.47 −85 16.6 1000 1.974 14.51 −12.3 5.6 1100 1.99 14.5 −100.9 12.7 1200 2.004 14.41 −129 36.5 104 B.1 PECVD technological investigation Table B.4: The dependence of the silicon nitride refractive index, deposition rate and stress on the amonia flow NH3 n DR σ σer 15 2.018 13.86 −61 28.9 20 1.966 14.12 −76.7 11.5 25 1.932 13.6 −77.2 6.5 30 1.911 13.94 −198.6 0.66 Table B.5: The dependence of the silicon nitride refractive index, deposition rate and stress on the process pressure pdep n DR σ σer 0.5 1.928 12.52 − − 0.65 1.966 14.12 −76, 7 11, 5 0.8 1.989 15.34 − − 1.1 1.988 12.04 307, 36 38 1.3 2.024 14.13 −302, 4 1, 3 Table B.6: The dependence of the silicon dioxide refractive index, deposition rate and stress on the process temperature Tdep n DR σ σer 230 1.464 63.40 232.31 13.22 290 1.466 66.52 184.32 12.27 300 1.467 67.97 176.5 13.65 320 1.467 69.07 135.32 12.2 Table B.7: The dependence of the silicon dioxide refractive index, deposition rate and stress on the silane flow NH3 n DR σ σer 400 1.468 66.82 164.7 15.4 430 1.472 67.52 197.4 16.3 460 1.472 68.94 166.2 14.6 520 1.487 70.72 83 2 Table B.8: The dependence of the silicon dioxide refractive index, deposition rate and stress on the nitrous oxide flow N2O n DR σ σer 630 1.479 68.32 194.2 11.93 670 1.469 68.8 140.4 16.51 750 1.473 67.5 163.7 20.9 850 1.471 66.30 187.9 1.2 B Diagram supplements 105 Table B.9: The dependence of the silicon dioxide refractive index, deposition rate and stress on the process pressure pdep n DR σ σer 0.5 1.381 51.96 238.7 10.5 0.7 1.472 60.97 187.1 20 1 1.472 67.33 124 15.33 1.5 1.468 62.76 179.5 16.4 2 1.466 57.70 105.5 85.78 106 B.2 Stress investigations B.2 Stress investigations Table B.10: The dependence of the silicon nitride and silicon dioxide stress on the PECVD duty cycle of the plasma excitation frequencies (process temperature : 300 ◦C) Si3N4 Ψ σ σer −1 856.56 31.11 0.25 187 19.16 0.428 59.33 48.19 0.454 −26.85 19.98 0.478 −52.74 24.97 0.5 −30.22 16.61 0.52 −20.72 26.21 0.538 −39.48 24.83 0.66 −124.72 7.689 1 −297.44 30.66 SiO2 Ψ σ σer −1 461.98 56.51 −0.09 222.40 19.56 0.25 284.52 12.24 0.538 258.80 45.11 0.612 309.15 39.09 0.666 249.17 0 0.707 252.90 15.88 0.818 175.98 34.60 1 517.94 21.02 B Diagram supplements 107 Table B.11: The dependence of the silicon nitride and silicon dioxide stress on the PECVD duty cycle of the plasma excitation frequencies (process temperature : 60 ◦C) Si3N4 Ψ σ σer 0.555 121.11 36.24 0.571 78.66 29.34 0.586 47.54 58.49 0.6 49.24 27.65 0.612 −36.25 77.23 SiO2 Ψ σ σer 0.428 30.33 20 0.481 20.93 37 0.538 42.05 4.9 0.578 12.24 9.7 0.6 46.51 11.8 0.621 08.06 13.2 0.666 14.50 43.6 108 B.3 Stress impact on mechanical and optical properties B.3 Stress impact on mechanical and optical prop- erties Table B.12: The dependence of the cavity length of the FPFs on the suspension length l at different PECVD duty cycles ψ (Design IMA2) Ψ = −1 Ψ = −0.75 Ψ = −0.5 l Lcav Lcav,er Lcav Lcav,er Lcav Lcav,er 10 3.62367 0.04216 3.62367 0.04216 3.62367 0.04216 20 4.22467 0.0905 5.05875 0.93395 0.27775 0.07133 30 4.95933 0.07438 5.6844 0.4708 4.6685 0.06096 40 0.43033 0.02656 6.33233 0.0368 4.5305 1.87521 60 0.4315 0.02294 6.84526 0.6107 6.62425 0 80 0.4815 0.09938 8.38806 0.2261 7.39092 0.35823 Ψ = −0.25 Ψ = 0 Ψ = 0.25 l Lcav Lcav,er Lcav Lcav,er Lcav Lcav,er 10 0.13267 0.01358 0.09733 0.119 − − 20 0.30767 0.0725 0.415 0 − − 30 5.552 0.24747 7.20067 0.4135 9.597 0 40 5.98133 0.16359 7.63167 0.22719 10.248 0.12834 60 6.72758 0.03236 8.68478 0.08834 11.1 0.25795 80 7.94625 0.16996 9.86178 0.07094 12.837 0.70139 Table B.13: The dependence of the cavity length of the FPFs on the suspension length l at different PECVD duty cycles ψ (Design IMA3) Ψ = −1 Ψ = −0.75 Ψ = −0.5 l Lcav Lcav,er Lcav Lcav,er Lcav Lcav,er 10 2.63933 0.12568 3.092 0.3225 3.02433 0.22813 20 2.48367 0.04464 2.86775 0.08136 3.02267 0.04479 30 2.35 0.0444 2.83125 0.01735 3.334 0.1465 40 2.262 0.08586 2.86975 0.01709 3.81433 0.0935 60 2.31767 0.04588 2.8455 0.03225 3.53833 0.37051 Ψ = −0.25 Ψ = 0 Ψ = 0.25 l Lcav Lcav,er Lcav Lcav,er Lcav Lcav,er 10 3.28967 0.09084 3.07367 0.0216 4.52467 1.09449 20 3.116 0.02762 3.11633 0.2308 3.55 0.05444 30 3.27467 0.05152 3.254 0.0115 5.25167 1.43386 40 3.418 0.01735 3.93267 0.017 5.76267 0.2092 60 3.18167 0.14272 4.15867 0.4896 5.43567 0.57239 B Diagram supplements 109 Table B.14: The dependence of the radius of curvature (ROC) of the FPF membranes on the suspensions length l at different PECVD duty cycles ψ (Design IMA2) Ψ = −1 Ψ = −0.75 Ψ = −0.5 l ROC ROCer ROC ROCer ROC ROCer 10 2.718 0.03033 1.77 0.47765 −0.548 0.03271 20 1.454 0.05225 0.95 0.10794 −0.662 0.03114 30 1.148 0.0249 0.81 0.03808 1.042 0.07294 40 −0.758 0.01304 0.76 0.02916 0.876 0.19191 60 −0.93 0.02121 0.74333 0.00577 0.846 0.13465 80 −0.994 0.02302 0.824 0.12321 0.81 0.06892 Ψ = −0.25 Ψ = 0 Ψ = 0.25 l ROC ROCer ROC ROCer ROC ROCer 10 −0, 734 0, 07765 −0, 95 0, 19391 − − 20 −1, 124 0, 06656 −0, 87 0 − − 30 0, 442 0, 0228 0, 28 0, 05745 0, 16 0 40 0, 432 0, 00837 0, 294 0, 03209 0, 11 0, 01732 60 0, 478 0, 02775 0, 304 0, 05459 0, 12333 0, 02887 80 0, 516 0, 0251 0, 302 0, 06611 0, 13 0, 03606 Table B.15: The dependence of the radius of curvature (ROC) of the FPF membranes on the suspensions length l at different PECVD duty cycles ψ (Design IMA3) Ψ = −1 Ψ = −0.75 Ψ = −0.5 l ROC ROCer ROC ROCer ROC ROCer 10 −2.85 0.16325 15.17667 − 2.83 0.43841 20 −2.226 0.46079 −1.964 6.80512 4.675 1.91626 30 −2.122 0.59116 −8.746 3.43705 2.445 0.22576 40 −1.802 0.48111 −3.468 1.339 0.2075 2.7831 60 −2.46 0.58991 −3.79143 3.41535 2.68667 0.27209 Ψ = −0.25 Ψ = 0 Ψ = 0.25 l ROC ROCer ROC ROCer ROC ROCer 10 3.87333 1.29063 1.288 0.16193 0.18333 0.07506 20 7.25667 1.36676 2.05 0.34547 0.32 0.04 30 5.70333 0.41004 1.144 0.19616 0.22667 0.04042 40 1.99333 0.05508 0.67 0.09849 0.29 0.07 60 1.90333 0.13051 0.608 0.00837 0.22667 0.00577 110 B.3 Stress impact on mechanical and optical properties Table B.16: The dependence of the FWHM of the FPFs on the suspensions length l at different PECVD duty cycles ψ (Design IMA2) Ψ = −1 Ψ = −0.75 Ψ = −0.5 Ψ = −0.25 Ψ = 0 Ψ = 0.25 l FWHM FWHM FWHM FWHM FWHM FWHM 10 16 14.25 45 45.75 27.75 − 20 17 23.25 33 56.25 31.5 − 30 25.75 27.75 34.25 12.5 27 64.25 40 30.25 17.75 17.75 30.75 5.25 5.75 60 25 12 8.75 20.5 2.25 28.75 80 62.25 9.5 30.75 20 1.5 24.25 Table B.17: The dependence of the FWHM of the FPFs on the suspensions length l at different PECVD duty cycles ψ (Design IMA3) Ψ = −1 Ψ = −0.75 Ψ = −0.5 Ψ = −0.25 Ψ = 0 Ψ = 0.25 l FWHM FWHM FWHM FWHM FWHM FWHM 10 − 21.5 14.75 7.75 6.75 33.75 20 − 17.5 9.25 24.75 5.25 44.25 30 − 5 10.25 14.75 5.25 33 40 − 25.5 5.5 10.5 8.25 36.25 60 23.5 22 17 15.25 2.75 26.5 Table B.18: The dependence of the RW of the FPFs on the suspensions length l at different PECVD duty cycles ψ (Design IMA2 and IMA3) IMA2 Ψ = −1 Ψ = −0.75 Ψ = −0.5 Ψ = −0.25 Ψ = 0 Ψ = 0.25 l RW RW RW RW RW RW 10 1468.5 1503.75 1573.25 1550.5 1589.5 − 20 1504.5 1584 1535.25 1539.75 1595.75 − 30 1463.5 1468.25 1546.25 1506.75 1549 1504.5 40 1476 1487.5 1529 1566.25 1580.5 1521 60 1455.5 1463 1502 1496.75 1457.75 1521.25 80 1490.75 1524 1550.5 1535.25 1519 1517 IMA3 Ψ = −1 Ψ = −0.75 Ψ = −0.5 Ψ = −0.25 Ψ = 0 Ψ = 0.25 l RW RW RW RW RW RW 10 1556.75 1587.25 1544 1464 1464.25 1562.5 20 1450 1536.75 1488.5 1578.25 1546.75 1561.5 30 1649 1451.25 1570.25 1536.5 1556.25 1559.5 40 1573 1514.25 1481.75 1473.75 1572.75 1509.5 60 1476.5 1566.75 1576.25 1484.5 1546.25 1549.25 Appendix C Technological process flow C.1 Air-gap Fabry-Pérot filters C.1.1 Design IMA2 Table C.1: Process technology data of the air-gap filter implemented using the design IMA2 Process step Parameter Time 1 Substrate cleaning RCA H2SO4 : H2O2 (3:1), T = 90◦C 30min RCA NH3 : H2O2 : H2O (1:1:5), T = 60◦C 30min RCA HCl : H2O2 : H2O (1:1:5), T = 60◦C 30min 2 Deposition of the bottom DBR, 5 periods SiO2 2% SiH4-N2 (430 sccm) N2O (710 sccm) pressure (1E−3 torr) HF power (20W) Ψ (1) T (300◦C) 0.25λ @ 1450 nm, nSiO2 = 1.469 Si3N4 2% SiH4-N2 (1000 sccm) 10min 17 s NH3 (20 sccm) pressure (0.65E−3 torr) HF & LFpower (20W) Ψ (0.538) T (300◦C) 0.25λ @ 1450 nm, nSi3N4 = 1.933 112 C.1 Air-gap Fabry-Pérot filters Table C.2: Continuation 3 Sacrificial layer ”Metall” TI35ES / 4000rpm 2min pre-bake, T = 90◦C 2min Exposure 35 s Waiting 10min Reversal bake, T = 130◦C 4min Flood exposure 65 s Development, AZ826 40 s O2 ashing pressure (0.7mbar), power (250W) 1min Long bake T = 130◦C 8 h 4 Deposition of the top DBR, 5.5 periods SiO2 2% SiH4-N2 (430 sccm) N2O (710 sccm) pressure (1E−3 torr) HF & LF power (20W) Ψ (0.481) T (60◦C) 0.25λ @ 1450 nm, nSiO2 = 1.407 Si3N4 2% SiH4-N2 (1500 sccm) NH3 (5 sccm) pressure (0.65E−3 torr) LF power (20W) Ψ (variable) T (60◦C) 0.25λ @ 1450 nm, nSi3N4 = 1.832 Table C.3: Continuation 5 Mesa etching ”Mesa” AZ1518 / 4000rpm 2min pre-bake, T = 90◦C 5min Exposure 8.5 s Development, KOH 0.8% 45 s O2 ashing pressure (0.7mbar), power (50W) 2min RIE CHF3 (10.5 sccm) Si3N4 Ar (15.3 sccm) Power (140W) pressure (0.035E−3 torr) T (12◦C) 6 Removal of the sacrificial layer Underetching pressure (0.7mbar), power (250W) 38min C Technological process flow 113 C.1.2 Design IMA3 Table C.4: Process technology data of the air-gap filter implemented using the design IMA3 Process step Parameter Time 1 Substrate cleaning RCA H2SO4 : H2O2 (3:1), T = 90◦C 30min RCA NH3 : H2O2 : H2O (1:1:5), T = 60◦C 30min RCA HCl : H2O2 : H2O (1:1:5), T = 60◦C 30min 2 Deposition of the bottom DBR, 5 periods SiO2 2% SiH4-N2 (430 sccm) N2O (710 sccm) pressure (1E−3 torr) HF power (20W) Ψ (1) T (300◦C) 0.25λ @ 1450 nm, nSiO2 = 1.469 Si3N4 2% SiH4-N2 (1000 sccm) 10min 17 s NH3 (20 sccm) pressure (0.65E−3 torr) HF & LFpower (20W) Ψ (0.538) T (300◦C) 0.25λ @ 1450 nm, nSi3N4 = 1.933 114 C.1 Air-gap Fabry-Pérot filters Table C.5: Continuation 3 Sacrificial layer ”Protection” TI35ES / 4000rpm 2min pre-bake, T = 90◦C 2min Exposure 35 s Waiting 10min Reversal bake, T = 130◦C 4min Flood exposure 65 s Development, AZ826 40 s O2 ashing pressure (0.7mbar), power (250W) 1min Long bake T = 130◦C 8 h 4 Deposition of the top DBR, 5.5 periods SiO2 2% SiH4-N2 (430 sccm) N2O (710 sccm) pressure (1E−3 torr) HF & LF power (20W) Ψ (0.481) T (60◦C) 0.25λ @ 1450 nm, nSiO2 = 1.407 Si3N4 2% SiH4-N2 (1500 sccm) NH3 (5 sccm) pressure (0.65E−3 torr) LF power (20W) Ψ (variable) T (60◦C) 0.25λ @ 1450 nm, nSi3N4 = 1.832 Table C.6: Continuation 5 Mesa etching ”Mesa” AZ1518 / 4000rpm 2min pre-bake, T = 90◦C 5min Exposure 8.5 s Development, KOH 0.8% 45 s O2 ashing pressure (0.7mbar), power (50W) 2min RIE CHF3 (10.5 sccm) Si3N4 Ar (15.3 sccm) Power (140W) pressure (0.035E−3 torr) T (12◦C) 6 Removal of the sacrificial layer Underetching pressure (0.7mbar), power (250W) 38min C Technological process flow 115 C.2 Process flow of the tunable Fabry-Pérot filter Table C.7: Process technology data of the tunable air-gap filter implemented using the design IMA2 Process step Parameter Time 1 Substrate cleaning RCA H2SO4 : H2O2 (3:1), T = 90◦C 30min RCA NH3 : H2O2 : H2O (1:1:5), T = 60◦C 30min RCA HCl : H2O2 : H2O (1:1:5), T = 60◦C 30min 2 Deposition of the bottom DBR, 5 periods SiO2 2% SiH4-N2 (430 sccm) 6min 20 s N2O (710 sccm) pressure (1E−3 torr) HF & LF power (20W) Ψ (0.481) T (60◦C) 0.25λ @ 1400 nm, nSiO2 = 1.3 Si3N4 2% SiH4-N2 (1500 sccm) 10min 17 s NH3 (5 sccm) pressure (0.65E−3 torr) HF power (20W) Ψ (1) T (60◦C) 0.25λ @ 1400 nm, nSi3N4 = 1.7 3 Sacrificial layer ”contacts” AZ5214e / 3000rpm 1min pre-bake, T = 90◦C 1min Exposure 12 s Reversal bake, T = 120◦C 2min Flood exposure 12 s KOH, 0.8% 40 s O2 clean pressure (0.7mbar), power (250W) 1min 116 C.2 Process flow of the tunable Fabry-Pérot filter Table C.8: Continuation Process step Parameter Time 4 Deposition of the top DBR, 5.5 periods SiO2 2% SiH4-N2 (430 sccm) 6min 20 s N2O (710 sccm) pressure (1E−3 torr) HF & LF power (20W) Ψ (0.481) T (60◦C) 0.25λ @ 1400 nm, nSiO2 = 1.3 Si3N4 2% SiH4-N2 (1500 sccm) 10min 17 s NH3 (5 sccm) pressure (0.65E−3 torr) HF power (20W) Ψ (1) T (60◦C) 0.25λ @ 1400 nm, nSi3N4 = 1.7 5 Micro heaters Cr 100 nm ”Heat” AZ1518 / 4000rpm 1min pre-bake, T = 90◦C 5min Exposure 5.5 s KOH, 0.8% 40 s Cr etching Cr etchant (7334) : H2O (1:2) 1min 33 s PR removal Aceton 2min ”Test structure” AZ1518 / 4000rpm 1min pre-bake, T = 90◦C 5min Exposure 7 s KOH, 0.8% 40 s Cr etching Cr etchant (7334) : H2O (1:2) 2min 30 s Table C.9: Continuation 6 MESA etching Si3N4 and SiO2 Ar (5.1 sccm) 330min CHF3 (3.5 sccm) pressure (50E−3 torr) DC bias (210V) RF level (30%) T (12◦C) 7 Membrane release Polymer removal pressure (0.7mbar), power (50W) 10min Underetching pressure (0.7mbar), power (250W) 15min C Technological process flow 117 C.3 Process flow of the non tunable VCSEL Table C.10: Process parameters of the non tunable VCSEL Process step Parameter Time 2 Deposition of the bottom DBR, 12 periods SiO2 2% SiH4-N2 (430 sccm) N2O (710 sccm) pressure (1E−3 torr) HF power (20W) Ψ (1) T (300◦C) 0.25λ @ 1450 nm, nSiO2 = 1.469 Si3N4 2% SiH4-N2 (1000 sccm) NH3 (20 sccm) pressure (0.65E−3 torr) HF & LF power (20W) Ψ (0.538) T (300◦C) 0.25λ @ 1450 nm, nSi3N4 = 1.933 Ti/Au on the top of the DBR Ti/Au 50 nm /300 nm Bonding of the structure up side down by Indium Coating of sample borders with AZ4562 InP etching HCl (37%) 42min InGaAs etching FeCl3 (50 g+100ml H2O): H2O [1 : 2] 30 s PR removal O2 plasma, 400W, 1.3mbar, 0.7 sccm 30min Deposition of the top DBR, 12 periods, similar to the bottom DBR Appendix D DBRs for the blue wavelength range Table D.1: Process flow of the short wavelength DBRs (TQ067 and TQ069) Process step Parameter Time 2 Deposition of DBR, 12.5 periods SiO2 2% SiH4-N2 (430 sccm) N2O (710 sccm) pressure (1E−3 torr) HF power (20W) Ψ (1) T (300◦C) 0.25λ @ 1450 nm, nSiO2 = 1.49 Si3N4 2% SiH4-N2 (1000 sccm) NH3 (20 sccm) pressure (0.65E−3 torr) HF & LFpower (20W) Ψ (0.538) T (300◦C) 0.25λ @ 1450 nm, nSi3N4 = 2.03 Appendix E Abbreviations Table E.1: Abbreviations of the most frequently used expres- sions Abbreviation Description ASE Amplified Spontaneous Emission AMU Automatic Matching Unit AsH3 Arsine CAGR Compound Annual Growth Rate CDWDM Coarse Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing CPD Critical Point Drying CWL Central Wavelength CW Continuous Wave DWDM Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing DBR Distributed Bragg Reflector EDFA Erbium Doped Fiber Amplifier FPF Fabry-Pérot Filter FSR Free Spectral Range FWHM Full Width at Half Maximum GaAs Gallium Arsenid HF High Frequency ITU International Telecommunications Union InGaAsP Indium Gallium Arsenid Phosphid InP Indium Phosphid LF Low Frequency LPCVD Liquid Phase Chemical Vapor Deposition MAN Metropolitan Area Networks MEMS Micro-Electro-Mechanical-System MOEMS Micro-Opto-Electro-Mechanical-System MOVPE Metal-Organic Vapor Phase Epitaxy MFC Mass Flow Controller PECVD Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition 120 Table E.1: Continuation Abbreviation Description PH3 Phosphine PR Photoresist PL Photoluminescence PRI Pulse Repetition Interval QW Quantum Well ROC Radius Of Curvature RIE Reactive Ion Etching RT Room Temperature RW Resonance Wavelength SEM Scanning Electron Microscope SMSR Side Modes Suppression Ratio SiH4 Silane Si3N4 Silicon nitride SiO2 Silicon dioxide Si Silicon T/R Transmitter/Receiver TMIn Trimethylindium TMGa Trimethylgallium VCSEL Vertical Cavity Surface Emitting Laser WDM Wavelength Division Multiplexing WWW World Wide Web WLI White Light Interferometry Appendix F Stress impact on the ROC, Lcav, RW and FWHM -1,25 -1,00 -0,75 -0,50 -0,25 0,00 0,25 1,2 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 98 Fu ll w id th a t h al f m ax im um (F W H M ) / n m Frequencies duty cycle: Ψ = (tHF - tLF) / (tHF - tLF) Suspension length l = 10 l = 20 l = 30 l = 40 l = 60 l = 80 IMA2 Figure F.1: Dependence of the FWHM of the Fabry-Pérot filters on the duty cycle Ψ at different suspension lengths l for the design IMA2. 122 -1,25 -1,00 -0,75 -0,50 -0,25 0,00 0,25 1,2 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 Frequencies duty cycle: Ψ = (tHF - tLF) / (tHF - tLF) Fu ll w id th a t h al f m ax im um (F W H M ) / n m Suspension length (l) l = 10 l = 20 l = 30 l = 40 l = 60 IMA3 Figure F.2: Dependence of the FWHM of the Fabry-Pérot filters on the duty cycle Ψ at different suspension lengths l for the design IMA3. -1,25 -1,00 -0,75 -0,50 -0,25 0,00 0,25 1,2 -1,50 -0,75 0,00 0,75 1,50 2,25 3,00 IMA 2 Fl at Fl at R ad iu s of c ur va tu re (R O C ) / m m C on ca ve C on ve x Suspension length l = 10 l = 20 l = 30 l = 40 l = 60 l = 80 Frequencies duty cycle: Ψ = (tHF - tLF) / (tHF + tLF) Figure F.3: Dependence of the radius of curvature of the Fabry-Pérot filter membrane on the duty cycle Ψ at different suspension lengths l for the design IMA2. F Stress impact on the ROC, Lcav, RW and FWHM 123 -1,25 -1,00 -0,75 -0,50 -0,25 0,00 0,25 1,2 -10,00 -5,00 0,00 5,00 16,00 IMA 3 Fl at Fl at C on ca ve C on ve x R ad iu s of c ur va tu re (R O C ) / m m Frequencies duty cycle: Ψ = (tHF - tLF) / (tHF + tLF) Suspension length l = 10 l = 20 l = 30 l = 40 l = 60 Figure F.4: Dependence of the radius of curvature of the Fabry-Pérot filter membrane on the duty cycle Ψ at different suspension lengths l for the design IMA3. -1,25 -1,00 -0,75 -0,50 -0,25 0,00 0,25 1,2 0,00 2,00 4,00 6,00 8,00 10,00 12,00 14,00 C av ity le ng th (l ) / µ m Frequencies duty cycle: Ψ = (tHF - tLF) / (tHF + tLF) Suspension length l = 10 l = 20 l = 30 l = 40 l = 60 l = 80 IMA 2 Figure F.5: Dependence of the cavity length of the Fabry-Pérot filters on the duty cycle Ψ at different suspension lengths l for the design IMA2. 124 -1,25 -1,00 -0,75 -0,50 -0,25 0,00 0,25 1,2 0,00 2,00 3,00 4,00 5,00 6,00 7,00 Frequencies duty cycle: Ψ = (tHF - tLF) / (tHF + tLF) C av ity le ng th (L ) / µ m Suspension length l = 10 l = 20 l = 30 l = 40 l = 60 IMA 3 Figure F.6: Dependence of the cavity length of the Fabry-Pérot filters on the duty cycle Ψ at different suspension lengths l for the design IMA3. -1,25 -1,00 -0,75 -0,50 -0,25 0,00 0,25 1,2 1428 1479 1530 1581 1632 1683 Frequencies duty cycle: Ψ = (tHF - tLF) / (tHF + tLF) R es on an ce w av el en gt h / n m Suspension length l = 10 l = 20 l = 30 l = 40 l = 60 l = 80 IMA2 Figure F.7: Dependence of the resonance wavelength of the Fabry-Pérot filters on the duty cycle Ψ at different suspension lengths l for the design IMA2. F Stress impact on the ROC, Lcav, RW and FWHM 125 -1,25 -1,00 -0,75 -0,50 -0,25 0,00 0,25 1,2 1428 1479 1530 1581 1632 1683 R es on an ce w av el en gt h / n m Frequencies duty cycle: Ψ = (tHF - tLF) / (tHF + tLF) Suspension length l = 10 l = 20 l = 30 l = 40 l = 60 IMA3 Figure F.8: Dependence of the resonance wavelength of the Fabry-Pérot filters on the duty cycle Ψ at different suspension lengths l for the design IMA3.