Browsing by Issue Date
DissertationUsing Optical Satellite Imagery to Monitor and Understand Agricultural Land-cover Change (2020-06)
Working paperLegal Aid Ontario lawyers organizing against the odds: A case study of professional workers unionizing (kassel university pressKassel, 2020-06)
DissertationAssessment of genetic diversity in local breeds (2020-06)
Working paperDeterminants and Forecasting of Female Labour Force Participation Rate in India: Testing of Feminization U hypothesis (kassel university pressKassel, 2020-06)
ZeitschriftMitteilungsblatt der Universität Kassel // 15. Jahrgang, Nr. 5, Juni 2020 (2020-06)
Technischer ReportPilotbericht zum Monitoring der deutschen Bioökonomie (2020-06)
DissertationThe tRNA binding protein Kti12 and its role in the regulation of Elongator complex (2020-06-08)
DissertationPower Series Representations of Hypergeometric Type and Non-Holonomic Functions in Computer Algebra (2020-06-10)
AufsatzThailand’s maize seed market structure, conduct, performance (2020-06-13)