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DissertationScham - die vernachlässigte Emotion in der stationären Altenpflege (2019-11-26)
AufsatzBiological control in pest management in Turkey: Comparison of the attributes of participant and non-participant greenhouse farmers in government-subsidized biological control practices (Section Specialized Partnerships in Sustainable Food Systems and Food Sovereignty at the University of Kassel, Germany and Federation of German Scientists (VDW), 2019-11-29)
AufsatzStructural modelling of rice fields-buffalo livestock based integrated agricultural systems in the context of regional development in Humbang Hasundutan, Indonesia (Section Specialized Partnerships in Sustainable Food Systems and Food Sovereignty at the University of Kassel, Germany and Federation of German Scientists (VDW), 2019-11-30)
BachelorarbeitVereinbarkeit von muttergebundener Kälberaufzucht und automatischen Melksystemen (2019-12)
DissertationSynthese neuartiger konjugierter mesomerer Betaine und ihr Koordinationsverhalten (2019-12)
ZeitschriftMitteilungsblatt der Universität Kassel // 14. Jahrgang, Nr. 13, Dezember 2019 (2019-12)
DissertationInP - based quantum dots for telecom wavelengths ranges (2019-12)
AufsatzReading a short story changes children’s sustainable behavior in a resource dilemma (2019-12-02)