Now showing items 1-5 of 5
Dimensioning of Heat Pump Systems Based on Pinch Analysis and Energy Monitoring Data
In this paper, typical process chains of metal processing/gear manufacturing are examined according to the pinch method with regard to their potential for heat recovery and their suitability for heat pump applications. The focus is on machine tools and parts washing machines as fluctuating heat sources and sinks. Heat sources at a low temperature level, such as the cooling of machine tools, are becoming increasingly important in contrast to conventional fossil waste heat sources due to the electrification of energy ...
Evaluation of a Stratified Tank based Heat Recovery Loop via Dynamic Simulation
Prerequisite for hot water recovery in the dairy and beverage industry is the use of heat storage, such as stratified tanks. Total Site Heat Integration enables the targeting of heat recovery potential, the concrete identification of suitable sinks and source profiles and the dimensioning of intermediate circuits and storages. For a cost and energy efficient storage, the aim to maintain stratification by suitable thermocline control management. Dynamic simulation enables a reliable estimation of energy savings and ...
Predictive Simulation-based Optimisation of Cooling System Including a Sprinkler Tank
Prerequisite for an efficient cooling energy system is the knowledge and the optimal combination of different operating conditions of individual compression and free cooling chillers. The performance of cooling systems depends on its part load performance and its condensing temperature, which are often unknown. Recorded energy data remains unused and manufacturers' data significantly differs from the real performance. For this purpose, manufacturer and real data are combined and continuously adapted to form partial ...
Increasing energy efficiency of milk product batch sterilisation
The food industry is a large energy consumer and most heat demands in food processing are low-temperature. The aim of this study is to develop and simulate innovative retrofits or redesigns that unlock the heat recovery potential of industrial batch sterilisation processes. The case study focuses on the whey cream process, although the method and results apply to similar batch sterilisation processes. The initial situation is compared to energy efficient designs based on “Energy Storage” and “Rescheduling”. Using a ...
Sektorkopplung Prozesswärme / Strom in der deutschen Industrie
Sektorkopplung bedeutet die Verbindung des Elektrizitäts- mit dem Wärme- und Mobilitätssektor. Während der Ausbau der erneuerbaren Energien (EE) im Strombereich erhebliche Fortschritte, bis zu einem Anteil von über 30 %, erzielt hat, ist im Wärme- (ca. 13 %) und Mobilitätssektor (ca. 5,1 %) der Anteil in den letzten zehn Jahren fast konstant geblieben. Die Elektrifizierung dieser Anwendungsbereiche soll den Anteil an erneuerbarer Energie erhöhen und somit zu einer Reduzierung von Treibhausgasen beitragen. Abbildung ...