Now showing items 1-5 of 5
System efficient integration of standby control and heat pump storage systems in manufacturing processes
Prerequisite for system efficiency towards an industrial energy transition is the reducing of energy demand on the process level. In typical manufacturing systems with machine tools and washing machines, the proper design of intelligent standby control and heat pump storage system (HPS) represent high efficiency. The integration of HPS is complicated due to high non-continuity, especially when implementing a standby control system. Our approach aims at designing one single HPS for multiple heat sources and sinks. ...
Optimal energy supply structures for industrial food processing sites in different countries considering energy transitions
This study focuses on analysing the most energy efficient utility system supply structure in terms of carbon emissions, primary energy efficiency and energy costs. In the German food processing industry, the state-of-the-art technologies in the utility supply structure are a gas fired steam boiler for steam generation and ammonia chillers for chilled water generation. Low investment costs and its durability are attractive for industrial production sites. But, given the ongoing energy transition to renewable energy, ...
Process and utility systems integration and optimisation for ultra-low energy milk powder production
This study applies a Total Site Heat Integration approach in conjunction with a detailed process and utility model, to develop an innovative ultra-low energy milk powder plant design. The basis for the analysis is a state-of-the-art modern milk powder plant that requires 5265 MJ/tp of fuel and 210.5 kWh/tp (58.5 MJe/tp) of electricity. The model of the modern milk powder plant was validated against industrial data and changes to process and/or utility systems are targeted and implemented into the model to understand ...
Assessment of probabilistic distributed factors influencing renewable energy supply for hotels using Monte-Carlo methods
This paper investigates the use of renewable energies to supply hotels in island regions. The aim is to evaluate the effect of weather and occupancy fluctuations on the sensitivity of investment criteria. The sensitivity of the chosen energy system is examined using a Monte Carlo simulation considering stochastic weather data, occupancy rates and energy needs. For this purpose, algorithms based on measured data are developed and applied to a case study on the Canary Islands.
The results underline that electricity ...
Grundsatzfragen der Abwärmenutzung
In der Diskussion zum Thema Energieeffizienz wird regelmäßig über Abwärmenutzungstechnologien (AbWT) wie Sorptionskältemaschinen, Organic-Rankine-Cycle-Prozesse (ORC) oder Wärmepumpen diskutiert. Diese sollen eine praktikable Nutzung von Abwärme ermöglichen. Im Sinne eines Plug & Play Systems erfolgt die Ankopplung an eine Abwärmequelle und eine andere Nutzenergieform wie Strom, Kälte oder Hochtemperaturwärme kann an geeigneter Stelle wieder in den Prozess integriert werden. Doch wie lassen sich Abwärmequellen und ...