Pilot report on the monitoring of the German bioeconomy
This report assesses the main characteristics and trends of the German ‘bio-based economy’ in order to identify current problems, future chances and the needs for a sustainable bioeconomy. It includes global impacts of the German bioeconomy transition. A wide perspective is provided through the chapters: Biogenic material flows in Germany (Ch. 2); Socio-economic development of the bioeconomy in Germany (Ch. 3); Development of the trends and drivers of the bioeconomy Ch. 4); The environmental footprints of the German bioeconomy. The pilot report was part of the research project SYMOBIO 1.0, which develops the scientific basics for a systemic monitoring and modelling of the German bioeconomy.
@techreport{doi:10.17170/kobra-202201115406, author ={Bringezu, Stefan and Banse, Martin and Ahmann, Lara and Bezama, N. Alberto and Billig, Eric and Bischof, R. and Blanke, C. and Brosowski, Andre and Brüning, Simone and Borchers, M. and Budzinski, Maik and Cyffka, Karl-Friedrich and Distelkamp, Martin and Egenolf, Vincent and Flaute, Markus and Geng, Natalia and Gieseking, Lukas and Graß, Rüdiger and Hennenberg, Klaus and Hering, T. and Iost, Susanne and Jochem, Dominik and Krause, T. and Lutz, Christian and Machmüller, Andrea and Mahro, Bernd and Majer, S. and Mantau, U. and Meisel, K. and Moesenfechtel, Urs and Noke, Anja and Raussen, Thomas and Richter, Felix and Schaldach, Rüdiger and Schweinle, Jörg and Thrän, Daniela and Uglik, M. and Weimar, Holger and Wimmer, Florian and Wydra, S. and Zeug, Walther}, title ={Pilot report on the monitoring of the German bioeconomy}, keywords ={500 and 630 and Landwirtschaft and Forstwirtschaft and Fischerei and Ökologischer Fußabdruck and Nachhaltigkeit and Bioökonomie and Deutschland}, copyright ={http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/}, language ={en}, year ={2021-10} }