Browsing by Keyword (DDC) : Economics of land and energy (333)
Now showing items 1-8 of 8
Working paperArgentina in the context of the global socioenvironmental crisis (2023-07-26)
AufsatzAssessing African Energy Transitions: Renewable Energy Policies, Energy Justice, and SDG 7 (2021-02-26)
Working paperBrazilian Development at a Standstill? Perspectives and Challenges for the New Lula Government. (2022-12)
Working paperColombia and the Coalition of the Pacto Histórico: From Extractivism to a Productive Economy? (2022-07)
Working paperExtractivism and political instability in the Tunisian Gafsa mining basin (2024-05-28)
Working paperGold Mining (artisanal gold mining): Is it an engine of development in Mauritania? (2023)
Working paperLithium policies in Latin America: old wine in new bottles? (2024)
Working paper¿Transformación o persistencia del modelo extractivista? Los desafíos del gobierno de Gabriel Boric (2022-04)