Now showing items 1-10 of 12
Using Optical Satellite Imagery to Monitor and Understand Agricultural Land-cover Change
The activities of humans have transformed the earth over the last decades. The transformation is estimated to increase further in response to the growing world population. This has caused many countries to devise means to utilize resources sustainably. Bio-economy is seen as a means to reduce the high reliance on fossil materials and ensure the provision of raw materials, energy and food to the increasing world population in a sustainable manner. However, the rising demands for biomass to produce bioenergy have relied ...
Challenges to ecosystem services of sustainable agriculture in West Africa
Food security is still sub-optimal in many parts of West Africa calling for more efficient agricultural practices in mitigating food insecurity. Some of the problems faced in West African agricultural systems are bottlenecks in ruminant livestock supply, inefficiency in commercial poultry production, and loss of arthropod diversity. These issues require proper integration of farming systems, demand the closing of nutrient cycles, need diversi cation of production, and require enhancement of ecosystem services. To ...
Entwicklung einer Robotik-Lösung zur Schneckenbekämpfung in der Landwirtschaft
Schnecken sind bedeutende Schädlinge in der Landwirtschaft. Die Ausbringung von Schneckenkorn zur Schneckenbekämpfung als Verfahren nach dem Stand der Technik hat jedoch erhebliche Nachteile. Der Erfolg ist abhängig von der vorherrschenden Witterung und damit unsicher, zudem schadet es auch Nützlingen. Eine Robotik-Lösung zu Schneckenbekämpfung arbeitet wetterunabhängig und ist in der Lage, zwischen Schädlingen und Nützlingen zu unterscheiden.
Durch einen Feldversuch konnte gezeigt werden, dass Überfahrten eines ...
Development of Energy use Profiles, Reduction Concepts, and Implementation of Renewable Energies in the Central Ugandan Pineapple Processing Chains
Pineapples, like all fruits, are highly perishable and require either immediate consumption or preservation. To make them more stable and add value, four major processing methods are being employed in Uganda, i.e. drying, munaanansi (local drink), wine, and juice making. Energy is one of the main inputs required to achieve any of the processing methods. The aim of this research was to develop energy use profiles, gain insights into energy use reduction options, and to evaluate the applicability of renewable energies ...
Process optimisation and development of non-invasive monitoring approaches for the drying of apples
Drying is of great importance particularly in the field of preserving agricultural products. It plays a very critical role by delivering nutrient rich products with a long shelf-life as well as help to combat food loss. Drying processing techniques have changed and improved significantly over time, helping to ensure food abundance in both aesthetical and nutritional regards. Convective hot air drying is one of the most common technique practiced by 85 % of industries. It can be easily applied in the remote areas of ...
The potential of UAV-based remote sensing for the prediction of aboveground biomass and N fixation in legume-grass mixtures
The world population is growing steadily and with it the demand for meat and animal protein. A major source of feed for livestock is grassland, which serves as high quality and protein rich forage. In addition to permanent grassland, temporary grassland is a valuable crop rotation element, especially in organic farming, since legumes in legume-grass mixtures can fix atmospheric nitrogen (NFix). To further increase the intensification in agriculture, reliable non-destructive measurement techniques are needed as an ...
Technical and Environmental Assessment of Energy and Material Production from Rural and Urban Residual Biomass
Die vorliegende Arbeit umfasst Studien zur Untersuchung technischer und ökologischer Aspekte bei der Nutzung von Restbiomassen in den Nutzungspfaden Energieerzeugung und Aktivkohleproduktion. Im Mittelpunkt der jeweiligen Untersuchung stand das Verfahren zur integrierten Erzeugung von Festbrennstoff und Biogas aus Biomasse (IFBB) und dessen Einfluss auf technische und ökologische Aspekte bei der Verwertung von Restbiomassen. Im Zuge von Naturschutz- und Landschaftspflegemaßnahmen auf extensiv bewirtschafteten ...
Assessment and use of sea buckthorn and apple diversity in northern Pakistan
Many local perennial plant genetic resources (P/PGR) are under threat due to over-exploitation, depletion, degradation, farmers’ favoring few cash crops, poor marketing conditions leading to low product prices along with the lack of knowledge about alternative uses and management strategies. Such processes often cause the underutilization and replacement of local P/PGR causing them to become neglected and underutilized species (NUS). The decline of species abundance may cause genetic erosion of these NUS crops and ...
Analysis of key pungent compounds in mustard products: A comparison of sensory and chemical–analytical determinations
The consumption of mustard, horseradish and wasabi is characterized by a pungent sensation and lachrymatory effect primarily induced by allyl isothiocyanate (AITC). This study aimed to check the possible correlation between sensory-perceived pungency and the quality-determining pungency-inducing ingredients of mustard.
Primarily, the detection thresholds of sinigrin in a water-based matrix and AITC in water- and oil-based matrices were determined in a prestudy and a main study. In the prestudy, the resulting value ...
Möglichkeiten der Förderung von Bodenbewusstsein durch Medien, die zum aktiven Forschen anregen – eine Expertenbefragung
Angesichts gravierender Folgen des derzeitigen unachtsamen Umgangs mit Böden, war es Ziel dieser Arbeit, verschiedene Möglichkeiten zur Förderung von Bodenbewusstsein zu untersuchen. Dabei wurde Bezug auf die zunehmende Nutzung von Medien in unserer Gesellschaft genommen. Mit einer systematischen Übersichtsarbeit sollte zum einen herausgestellt werden, welche bodenthematischen Bildungsmedien und -projekte bereits im deutschsprachigen Raum vorzufinden sind. Mit dieser Methode konnten knapp über fünfhundert Quellen im ...