Now showing items 11-20 of 41
Denaturation mechanism of whey protein by using the hot extrusion technology
Milk proteins are one of the heat-sensitive nutritional components, especially whey proteins changing their structure through thermal treatment, consequently denaturizing and aggregating. The transformation of native whey proteins structure in presence of shear stress resulted in the microparticulation, which affected the functional properties. Many authors investigated these parameters with different conditions; however, understanding the combination of relevant parameters of the microparticulation process of whey ...
Yield performance and weed control efficiency of organically managed silage maize double cropping systems
Maize is among the three most important crops worldwide, while its multifunctional nature allows a diversified use. However, the traditional (silage) maize production often has negative side-effects related to the unprotected soil surface — e.g., erosion, weed pressure and related mechanical weed control. There are several alternative management systems to enhance the sustainability of (silage) maize production. However, the means and strength of influence are still unclear in some cases. Therefore, the current thesis ...
Management effects on soil microbial functions at a South-Indian rural-urban interface
Urbanization leads to effects on many aspects of ecosystems and societies. Among the affected are agricultural systems and, specifically, soils. One of the most evident pathways of urbanization effects on agricultural soils is through an increased demand for agricultural commodities requiring agricultural intensification, hence, changes in management practices that alter soils.
In this context, the purpose of this study was to understand how the main agricultural management practices taking place in urbanizing ...
Process optimisation and non-destructive quality attributes monitoring during drying: A case study of celeriac slices and characterisation of its powder
This study investigated strategies applied in drying technology to produce an optimised quality of plant-sourced food while considering environmental and sustainability aspects based on a case study of celeriac and powder, respectively. The I-optimal design of response surface methodology with 30 experiment runs was applied for process optimisation. Pre-drying treatments (blanching at 85 °C, 3 min; dipping in 1% citric acid solution, 3 min; no pre-drying treatment), drying temperatures (50, 60, and 70 °C), air ...
Working paper
Entwicklung resilienter und nachhaltiger Pflanzenbausysteme - Agroforstforschung am Fachgebiet Grünlandwissenschaft und Nachwachsende Rohstoffe Universität Kassel
Beschreibung der Forschung zu Agroforstsystemen als Bestandteil der wissenschaftlichen Erforschung und Entwicklung von resilienten und nachhaltigen Pflanzenbausystemen.
Using Optical Satellite Imagery to Monitor and Understand Agricultural Land-cover Change
The activities of humans have transformed the earth over the last decades. The transformation is estimated to increase further in response to the growing world population. This has caused many countries to devise means to utilize resources sustainably. Bio-economy is seen as a means to reduce the high reliance on fossil materials and ensure the provision of raw materials, energy and food to the increasing world population in a sustainable manner. However, the rising demands for biomass to produce bioenergy have relied ...
Robustness of portable and laboratory-based visible/near- and mid-infrared spectroscopy for optimized determination of temporally and spatially variable soil properties
Application of visible/near- (VISNIRS) and mid-infrared (MIRS) spectroscopy to the field of soil science is promising, as it allows information about a range of properties to be collected simultaneously and rapidly, thereby providing high spatial and temporal resolution data for use in, e.g., soil mapping, precision agriculture, and long-term monitoring. However, investigation of the conditions under which visNIRS and MIRS can replace traditional lab methods is required, as the accuracy, robustness, and efficiency ...
Challenges to ecosystem services of sustainable agriculture in West Africa
Food security is still sub-optimal in many parts of West Africa calling for more efficient agricultural practices in mitigating food insecurity. Some of the problems faced in West African agricultural systems are bottlenecks in ruminant livestock supply, inefficiency in commercial poultry production, and loss of arthropod diversity. These issues require proper integration of farming systems, demand the closing of nutrient cycles, need diversi cation of production, and require enhancement of ecosystem services. To ...
Investigation of drying behavior and color development of beef slices for development of non-invasive monitoring approaches
Meat drying has a long tradition worldwide and technically dried meat is increasingly valued as a low-fat snack or high-protein food product. Convection drying is widely used in industrial food preservation and has to provide high process efficiency and high product qualities, which can be contradictory. Therefore, it is important to understand the changes that occur in the product in order to develop drying strategies that consider process and product efficiency each at an acceptable level. The objective of this ...
Entwicklung einer Robotik-Lösung zur Schneckenbekämpfung in der Landwirtschaft
Schnecken sind bedeutende Schädlinge in der Landwirtschaft. Die Ausbringung von Schneckenkorn zur Schneckenbekämpfung als Verfahren nach dem Stand der Technik hat jedoch erhebliche Nachteile. Der Erfolg ist abhängig von der vorherrschenden Witterung und damit unsicher, zudem schadet es auch Nützlingen. Eine Robotik-Lösung zu Schneckenbekämpfung arbeitet wetterunabhängig und ist in der Lage, zwischen Schädlingen und Nützlingen zu unterscheiden.
Durch einen Feldversuch konnte gezeigt werden, dass Überfahrten eines ...