Now showing items 21-30 of 41
Development of Energy use Profiles, Reduction Concepts, and Implementation of Renewable Energies in the Central Ugandan Pineapple Processing Chains
Pineapples, like all fruits, are highly perishable and require either immediate consumption or preservation. To make them more stable and add value, four major processing methods are being employed in Uganda, i.e. drying, munaanansi (local drink), wine, and juice making. Energy is one of the main inputs required to achieve any of the processing methods. The aim of this research was to develop energy use profiles, gain insights into energy use reduction options, and to evaluate the applicability of renewable energies ...
Process optimisation and development of non-invasive monitoring approaches for the drying of apples
Drying is of great importance particularly in the field of preserving agricultural products. It plays a very critical role by delivering nutrient rich products with a long shelf-life as well as help to combat food loss. Drying processing techniques have changed and improved significantly over time, helping to ensure food abundance in both aesthetical and nutritional regards. Convective hot air drying is one of the most common technique practiced by 85 % of industries. It can be easily applied in the remote areas of ...
Optimizing drying processes for agricultural products utilising non-invasive measurement and adaptive control systems
With increasing population and global warming, the need for functional yet nutritional food combined with energy efficient processes has risen significantly. The new “Industry 4.0” revolution acknowledging this need aims to develop and improve processes that are affordable as well as sustainable. For a process like drying this means a shift towards smart or intelligent drying systems using a multidisciplinary approach. This encompasses the use of advanced computational algorithms and control systems integrated with ...
Numerical Modeling and Characterization of Drying Process of Agricultural Products
The main goal of this work was to experimentally characterize the hot air-drying process of agricultural products (Potato, Carrot, Tomato) and verify it with numerical solutions at single layer and industrial scale dryer using Comsol Multiphysics® 5.3.
Input parameters at single layer dryer effects on quality attributes were examined. Two strategies of drying were applied on batch dryer to examine the input effects on quality attributes. Constant input parameters strategy was designed by using central composite ...
Enhancement of Anaerobic Digestion of Banana Waste by Reactor Design and Substrate Pre-treatment for Improved Biogas Production
Bananen sind stärkehaltige Früchte palmenähnlicher tropischer und subtropischer Pflanzen der Gattung musa. Uganda ist der zweitgrößte Bananenproduzent weltweit, mit besonderem Fokus auf der grünen ostafrikanischen Hochlandbanane, wissenschaftlich als Musa acuminata (AAAEA) bekannt, die landesweit unter der Bezeichnung “Matooke” als Grundnahrungsmittel genutzt wird. Die industrielle Verarbeitung dieser Bananen zur Erzeugung hochwertigen glutenfreien stärkehaltigen Mehls, das sowohl zum Backen als auch in glykämischen ...
The potential of UAV-based remote sensing for the prediction of aboveground biomass and N fixation in legume-grass mixtures
The world population is growing steadily and with it the demand for meat and animal protein. A major source of feed for livestock is grassland, which serves as high quality and protein rich forage. In addition to permanent grassland, temporary grassland is a valuable crop rotation element, especially in organic farming, since legumes in legume-grass mixtures can fix atmospheric nitrogen (NFix). To further increase the intensification in agriculture, reliable non-destructive measurement techniques are needed as an ...
Development of a decentralized solar assisted milk pasteurizer and improved chiller for rural communities
Renewable energy is the only way to cope with changing climate for under-developed countries like Pakistan, particularly solar energy must be opted out due to plentiful sunshine hours. Being a natural liquid food, milk is a complete nutritional diet containing all of the essential minerals such as protein, fat and vitamins. However, improper post milking handling and storage resulting in wastage due to microorganisms and bacterial multiplication. The present study enables the application of decentralized solar-based ...
Technical and Environmental Assessment of Energy and Material Production from Rural and Urban Residual Biomass
Die vorliegende Arbeit umfasst Studien zur Untersuchung technischer und ökologischer Aspekte bei der Nutzung von Restbiomassen in den Nutzungspfaden Energieerzeugung und Aktivkohleproduktion. Im Mittelpunkt der jeweiligen Untersuchung stand das Verfahren zur integrierten Erzeugung von Festbrennstoff und Biogas aus Biomasse (IFBB) und dessen Einfluss auf technische und ökologische Aspekte bei der Verwertung von Restbiomassen. Im Zuge von Naturschutz- und Landschaftspflegemaßnahmen auf extensiv bewirtschafteten ...
Towards crop communities: exploring wheat diversity, wheat-pea species mixtures and farming practice in a food system context
This thesis combines experimental work on heterogeneous crop populations (HP) and species mixtures (SM) with a social scientific and participatory approach. Chapter 1 introduces crop communities as a concept to integrate multiple approaches to diversify farming systems. HPs provide intraspecific and SM interspecific diversity in crop communities. A key challenge for the genetic improvement of HPs, especially for root traits is to combine effective selection to improve HPs while maintaining intraspecific diversity. ...
Tree Vigour in Apple Production: Impact of Replant Disease and Mitigation Strategies
Cultivating apples on sites previously used for cultivation of apples leads to suppression of vegetative performance of apple trees and losses in fruit yields. This replant effect is attributed to an apple related form of soil fertility loss named ‘soil fatigue’ and ‘Apple Replant Disease’ (ARD). Replant disease strongly affects profitability of apple production in nurseries specialised in fruit trees, as well as on fruit orchards. Recent studies focus on causally linked agents of the replant disease and quantification ...