Now showing items 1-4 of 4
Higher Education Studies in a Global Environment
(INCHER - Kassel, Internationales Zentrum für Hochschulforschung KasselVerlag Winfried Jenior, 2012)
This volume presents the highlights of eight master theses. The authors of the following chapters come from eight different countries: Austria, China, Colombia, Indonesia, Macedonia, Mexico, Poland, and Romania. The students were free to choose a topic for their Master thesis in consultation with their supervisor. The sequence of the chapters in this volume follows a particular logic related to the geographical breadth covered in the thesis.
Higher Education Institutions in Europe: Mobilized by Mobility?
(INCHER - Kassel, Internationales Zentrum für Hochschulforschung KasselVerlag Winfried Jenior, 2010)
In the following, the study on the ERASMUS contribution to quality, openness, and modernisation of higher education will describe additional dimensions of ERASMUS impact with a focus on the institutional level.
Higher Education Studies in a Global Environment
(INCHER - Kassel, Internationales Zentrum für Hochschulforschung KasselVerlag Winfried Jenior, 2014)
This second and final volume presents the highlights of the remaining 13 master theses which had been rated unanimously as “very good”. The authors of these articles come from 10 different countries. Some articles address specific issues of higher education in a single or in two countries – among them often their home country.
Aktuelle hochschulpolitische Trends im Spiegel von Expertisen
(INCHER - Kassel, Internationales Zentrum für Hochschulforschung Kassel, 2010)