Now showing items 1-4 of 4
Towards Empowering Educators to Create their own Smart Personal Assistants
(ScholarSpace, 2020)
Despite a growing body of research about the design and use of Smart Personal Assistants such as Amazon’s Alexa or Google’s Assistant, little is known about their ability to help educators offering individual support in large-scale learning environments. Smart Personal Assistant ecosystems empower educators to develop their own agents without deep technological knowledge. The objective of this paper is to design and validate a method that helps educators to create Smart Personal Assistants as learning tutors. Using ...
Designing a Conversational Agent as a Formative Course Evaluation Tool
(GITO Verlag, 2020)
Today’s graduating students face ever-changing environments when they enter their job life. Educational institutions must therefore continuously develop their course structure and content in order to prepare their students to be future employees. A very important means for developing the courses is the students’ course evaluations. Due to financial and organizational restrictions, these course evaluations are usually carried out quantitatively and at the end of the semester. However, past research has shown that this ...
Systematische Entwicklung eines Lerntools zur Erhöhung der Argumentationsfähigkeiten von Studierenden
(GITO Verlag, 2020)
Die Digitalisierung führt zu neuen Anforderungen an Fähigkeiten und Kenntnissen, die Studierende in ihrem zukünftigen Berufsleben benötigen. Metakognitive Lernkompetenzen und Higher Order Thinking Skills werden dabei immer wichtiger, um Herausforderungen der Zukunft zu lösen. Eine Unterklasse dieser Fähigkeiten, die wesentlich zu Kommunikation, Kollaboration und Problemlösung beiträgt, ist die Fähigkeit, strukturiert und reflektierend zu argumentieren. Bildungseinrichtungen haben jedoch Schwierigkeiten, die für die ...
Using Smart Personal Assistants for Online Learning Activities: What benefits can we expect?
(GITO Verlag, 2020)
With the increasing popularity of massive open online courses, universities are able to reach a wider audience without restriction and for comparably low costs. However, in these learning environments, educators are hardly able to offer individual support to their learners. According to learning theory, the lack of individual support in online learning environments can considerably limit learning success. In our paper, we argue that new emerging Smart Personal Assistants (SPAs) have the capabilities to address this ...