Now showing items 1-10 of 13
Predicting treatment response using machine learning: A registered report
- Previous research on psychotherapy treatment response has mainly focused on outpatients or clinical trial data which may have low ecological validity regarding naturalistic inpatient samples. To reduce treatment failures by proactively screening for patients at risk of low treatment response, gain more knowledge about risk factors and to evaluate treatments, accurate insights about predictors of treatment response in naturalistic inpatient samples are needed. //
We compared the performance ...
Crying in psychotherapy: an exploratory mixed-methods study on forms of emotional crying and associated therapeutic interventions
Emotional tears can be interpreted as expressions of our deepest inner lives, and yet they have largely been ignored in psychotherapy research. This study addresses this gap. Based on grounded theory and using a sequential mixed-methods design, we examined the interaction between therapist and patient during episodes of crying in video-recorded psychotherapy sessions. This resulted in two rating systems: one differentiates forms of patient emotional crying, and the other categorizes therapeutic interventions associated ...
Psychotherapie wirkt
Psychotherapie ist eine kooperative und individualisierte Behandlung zur Förderung der psychischen Gesundheit, die sich in (post-)modernen Gesellschaften weiterentwickelt. Psychotherapieerfolg umfasst ein breites Spektrum von Kriterien, wie beispielsweise die Verringerung von symptombezogenem Leidensdruck sowie die Förderung von Wohlbefinden, persönlichen Werten, Stärken und psychosozialer Partizipation. Es liegen umfangreiche metaanalytische Belege dafür vor, dass Psychotherapie bei den häufigsten psychischen Störungen ...
Die Rolle der Beratung in der gesellschaftlichen Transformation zu mehr Nachhaltigkeit
Die Welt befindet sich im Umbruch, die Transformationsforschung (Umweltbundesamt 2017) nimmt dies auf und denkt soziale und ökologische Faktoren zusammen, um die Dichotomie zwischen Profit und Gemeinwohl zu hinterfragen. Die tiefgreifenden Veränderungen führen zu einer überarbeiteten Strategieberatung. Sie wird iterativer und stellt sich stärker auf disruptive Entwicklungen ein. Kunden und externe Partner werden früher und intensiver eingebunden. Obwohl es einen Zweig sich entwickelnder Beratung von Nachhaltigkeit ...
Sexuelle Inaktivität und sexuelle Unzufriedenheit bei Paaren in der mittleren Lebensphase nach im Mittel 31 Jahren Beziehungsdauer
Theoretischer Hintergrund. Sexuelle Aktivität und Erleben verändern sich über die Lebensspanne. Unabhängig vom Alter ist ein reduziertes bzw. fehlendes sexuelles Verlangen die am häufigsten berichtete sexuelle Problematik. Es fehlen Studien an Paaren in langjährigen stabilen Partnerschaften. Fragestellung. Ziel war, die sexuelle Inaktivität und Unzufriedenheit von Paaren in der mittleren Lebensphase zu untersuchen. Methode. Es wurden Daten des 18-Jahres Follow-Ups der Längsschnittstudie „Zukunft Familie“ verwendet. ...
The impact of testosterone-lowering medication on recidivism in individuals convicted of sexual offenses
Introduction: Treatment of individuals who have committed sexual offences with Testosterone-Lowering Medication (TLM) is a comparatively intrusive kind of intervention, which regularly takes place in coercive contexts. Thus, the question of efficacy, but also the question of who should be treated, when and for how long, are of great importance. Methods: Recidivism rates of TLM-treated high-risk individuals (þTLM; n¼54) were compared with high-risk individuals treated with psychotherapy only in the same forensic ...
Effectiveness and context dependency of social norm interventions: five field experiments on nudging pro-environmental and pro-social behavior
Social norm interventions hold the potential to change people’s behavior. Five field experiments (N = 1,163) examined the effects of a simple and easily realizable social norm nudge based on the social media format “Be like Bill.” The nudge consisted of a stick figure named Toni that communicated descriptive and injunctive norms regarding pro-environmental or pro-social behaviors. Nudge conditions were compared to no-intervention control conditions. Experiment 1 (N = 179) focused on paper towel consumption in a women’s ...
Recovered memories in psychotherapy: a survey of practicing psychotherapists in Germany
We report on a survey of 258 psychotherapists from Germany, focusing on their experiences with memory recovery in general, suggestive therapy procedures, evaluations of recovered memories, and memory recovery in training and guidelines. Most therapists (78%) reported instances of memory recovery encompassing negative and positive childhood experiences, but usually in a minority of patients. Also, most therapists (82%) reported to have held assumptions about unremembered trauma. Patients who held these beliefs were ...
Close replication of Paul, Lee, and Ashton (2022): Who tells prosocial lies?
Within the present research, we conducted a close replication of Paul et al. (2022), who reported the HEXACO Honesty-Humility trait to be positively correlated with prosocial lies by applying a procedure in which participants should rate a poorly written essay. Consistent with the original study, participants (N = 324) higher in Honesty-Humility and Agreeableness showed more prosocial lying. Because the associations disappeared within a shared regression model, we assume the correlation between Honesty-Humility and ...
Measuring maladaptive personality traits with the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV Axis II Screening Questionnaire using a common metrics approach
The classification of personality disorder (PD) is undergoing a paradigm shift in which categorically defined specific PDs are being replaced by dimensionally defined maladaptive trait domains. To bridge the classificatory approaches, this study attempts to use items from the categorical PD model in DSM-IV to measure the maladaptive trait domains described in DSM-5 Section III/ICD-11. A general population sample comprising 1228 participants completed the Screening Questionnaire of the Structured Clinical Interview ...