Now showing items 1-4 of 4
On Measuring Some of the People Some of the Time with Some of the Items: The Search for Stability and Variation in Item Sets
Psychological assessment is shaped by the items used and the persons assessed. Both items and persons typically represent a random or representative sample of a much larger item and person pool. However, most of the focus on psychological measurement rests on the person sampling side. Item sampling from larger item pools is still a black box. In this dissertation, I present the advantages of new state-of-the-art item and person sampling procedures in the context of personality development research (manuscript 1). ...
Memory Bias for Anxiety Prior to Academic Achievement Situations: Influences of Time, Mood, Personality and Post-Event-Processing
The current thesis examines memory bias for state anxiety prior to academic achievement situations like writing an exam and giving a speech. The thesis relies on the reconstruction principle, which assumes that memories for past emotions are reconstructed rather than stored permanently and accurately. This makes them prone to memory bias, which is af-fected by several influencing factors. A major aim is to include four important influencing factors simultaneously. Early research on mood and emotional autobiographical ...
Promises and Pitfalls of Machine Learning Modeling in Psychological Research
Algorithmen des maschinellen Lernens werden in der Psychologie und ihren Teildisziplinen immer beliebter. Sie werden häufig dafür angepriesen, dass sie mit der Multikollinearität von Prädiktorvariablen und komplexen Beziehungen zwischen Prädiktoren und Kriterien effizient umgehen können. Trotz ihrer Vorteile werden auch immer mehr kritische Stimmen laut, die auf die derzeitigen Grenzen von Vorhersagen durch maschinelles Lernen hinweisen und die Frage aufwerfen, ob die Algorithmen den Erwartungen gerecht werden. ...
Exploring and Validating Construct Interpretations of Psychological Measurements
In psychological research, as in other scientific disciplines, developing accurate measures of the phenomena under study is fundamental to maintaining the integrity of scientific conclusions. Psychological researchers are often criticized for a lack of rigor when it comes to measurement. On closer inspection, however, these problems may be due not only to the lack of implementation of common standards, but also to fundamental methodological flaws in those standards. Measurement methodology within psychological research ...