
Modellierung von raum-zeitlichen Eigenschaften der Windenergieeinspeisung für wetterdatenbasierte Windleistungssimulationen

This thesis describes statistical and mathematical models for the quantification of today’s and the representation of future characteristics of the wind power generation in time and space. These models serve particularly for the quantification of the spatial distribution of installed wind power capacities, the calculation of the average hub heights of wind farms, the development of wind energy scenarios, the inserting of wind speed fluctuations into given wind speed time series, the modeling of the intermittent probability density functions of wind power increments, the processing of the power curves of wind turbines, the generation of power curves of wind farms and the modeling of wake effects between wind turbines within wind farms. The models are combined to create wind power simulation procedures for the generation of time series of the wind power generation based on weather data.

  author    ={Knorr, Kaspar},
  title    ={Modellierung von raum-zeitlichen Eigenschaften der Windenergieeinspeisung für wetterdatenbasierte Windleistungssimulationen},
  keywords ={620 and Windenergie and Simulation},
  copyright  ={https://rightsstatements.org/page/InC/1.0/},
  language ={de},
  school={Kassel, Universität Kassel, Fachbereich Elektrotechnik / Informatik},
  year   ={2017-02-08}