Effect of full-sib and S2-selection on a sweet corn population (Zea mays convar. saccharata)
Classification / Keywords
In: Plant Breeding Volume 143 / Issue 3 (2024-04-26) , S. 385-402; eissn:1439-0523
Sweet corn breeding goals differ from grain or silage corn. Sweet corn goals focus on marketable yield including several quality traits. This study explores the effect of a single cycle of full-sib selection and S2 selection on improving the marketable yield of an open-pollinated sweet corn population. The selected populations were subsequently compared in four environments for several plant-, yield- and quality traits relative to the original population. Analysis of variance was used to detect selection progress and indirect effects of selection. Full-sib and S2-selection decreased total yield. Marketable yield was decreased more by S2-selection than by full-sib selection. Flowering time was changed by full-sib selection, but not by S2-selection. Full-sib selection improved ear quality by increasing ear length, the diameter of the ear and the number of kernel rows. S2-selection showed no effect or a negative effect on ear quality. The application of a single cycle of selection using either method seemed inadequate for increasing marketable yield. More cycles might be necessary to make significant improvements.
@article{doi:10.17170/kobra-2024061110326, author ={Aichholz, Charlotte and Becker, Heiko C. and Horneburg, Bernd}, title ={Effect of full-sib and S2-selection on a sweet corn population (Zea mays convar. saccharata)}, keywords ={570 and 580 and Zuckermais and Maiszüchtung and Auslese and Population and Ähre and Qualität}, copyright ={http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/}, language ={en}, journal ={Plant Breeding}, year ={2024-04-26} }