Higher Education Studies in a Global Environment
Vol. 1
Classification / Keywords
Vol. 1
This volume presents the highlights of eight master theses. The authors of the following chapters come from eight different countries: Austria, China, Colombia, Indonesia, Macedonia, Mexico, Poland, and Romania. The students were free to choose a topic for their Master thesis in consultation with their supervisor. The sequence of the chapters in this volume follows a particular logic related to the geographical breadth covered in the thesis.
@book{doi:10.17170/kobra-202204226068, author ={Kehm, Barbara M. and Teichler, Ulrich and Martínez Cortés, Mario Arturo and Dragšić, Žarko and Ramírez, Carla and Sava, Adriana Claudia and Paszkowska, Anna and Yu, Yuanyuan and Fritz, Ernst and Patria, Bhina}, editor ={Kehm, Barbara M. and Teichler, Ulrich}, title ={Higher Education Studies in a Global Environment}, keywords ={370 and Hochschulforschung and Masterarbeit}, copyright ={https://rightsstatements.org/page/InC/1.0/}, language ={en}, year ={2012} }