
[Rezension zu:] Pippa Salonius u. Andrea Worm (Hgg.), The Tree: Symbol, Allegory, and Mnemonic Device in Medieval Art and Thought (International Medieval Research 20). Turnhout, Brepols 2014. XVIII, 255 S.

Rezension von Ingrid Baumgärtner zu: Pippa Salonius u. Andrea Worm (Hrsg.), The Tree: Symbol, Allegory, and Mnemonic Device in Medieval Art and Thought (International Medieval Research 20). Turnhout, Brepols 2014. XVIII, 255 S.

In: Das Mittelalter. Perspektiven mediävistischer Forschung. Zeitschrift des Mediävistenverbandes Band 21 / Heft 2 (2016) , S. 476-478; eissn:2196-6869
  author    ={Baumgärtner, Ingrid},
  title    ={[Rezension zu:] Pippa Salonius u. Andrea Worm (Hgg.), The Tree: Symbol, Allegory, and Mnemonic Device in Medieval Art and Thought (International Medieval Research 20). Turnhout, Brepols 2014. XVIII, 255 S.},
  keywords ={900 and Baum and Symbolik and Geschichte 500-1500 and Rezension},
  copyright  ={https://rightsstatements.org/page/InC/1.0/},
  language ={de},
  year   ={2016}