Überlegungen zu den Determinanten bedeutungskonstituierender Konstrukte beim Wissensaufbau im Textverstehensprozeß
Classification / Keywords
The essay focusses on text comprehension processes, particularly in the field of learning English as a foreign language in secondary schools ( middle schools and high schools). lt refers to an em pirical study on the interaction of learning strategies and interest in the foreign language teaching course, particularly in reading processes. Within this study the complexity of inherently different processes when reading different text types ( expository versus narrative) is explored. The research methods and the design of the empirical investigation are based on second language research and synergetically refer to reasearch outcomes in the field of interest and learning strategies as weil as text comprehension. First preliminary results are given.
@inbook{doi:10.17170/kobra-202109084737, author ={Finkbeiner, Claudia}, title ={Überlegungen zu den Determinanten bedeutungskonstituierender Konstrukte beim Wissensaufbau im Textverstehensprozeß}, keywords ={400 and Determinator and Textverstehen and Lerntechnik and Englisch}, copyright ={https://rightsstatements.org/page/InC/1.0/}, language ={de}, publisher ={Universität Kassel}, year ={1996} }