The Adhesion of LSR Thermoplastic Composites after Storage Tests
ANTEC 2017,2017-05-08,Anaheim
The adhesion properties of liquid silicone rubber (LSR) and different thermoplastics (PC, PA, and PP) were examined in this investigation. In order to guarantee the adhesion of both components, an activation (silicatization) of the TP surface, which is a conventional method, was carried out. Furthermore, the long-term stability of the silicatization (storage of the activated surfaces) as well as the wetting behavior were investigated. Moreover, microscopic investigations were performed to analyze the activated thermoplastic surfaces. The test specimens were produced on a 2-component injection molding machine. In accordance with the guideline VDI 2019, the peeling resistance was determined and the results were compared.
@inproceedings{doi:10.17170/kobra-202206026293, author ={Rüppel, Annette and Giesen, Ralf-Urs and Heim, Hans-Peter}, keywords ={660 and Siliconkautschuk and Flüssigkautschuk and Thermoplast and Adhäsion and Mechanische Eigenschaft}, title ={The Adhesion of LSR Thermoplastic Composites after Storage Tests}, copyright ={}, language ={en}, year ={2017} }