
Verbesserung der Produktqualität durch eine frühe Anforderungsvalidierung mithilfe der virtuellen Realität

If features meet customer requirements to 100%, one speaks about quality. In the context of the requirement identification various methods are used to generate the conscious customer requirements. Hidden (unconscious) customer requirements are not taken into account. From collected customer requirements, however, the later features can be derived. Therefore, in the developed product it often comes to a deviation from the characteristics required by the customer. Any deviation results in a lower product quality. The three-dimensional virtual reality early allows to visually represent and simulate insight about product features and functions. However, there must be developed new methods for data analysis that actual customer requirements can be derived. Through a systematic approach it also must be ensured that the revised requirements again flow structured into the product development process. Within the scope of this conceptual contribution a possible procedure for validation of customer requirements and the resulting challenges is shown. The particular use of this approach for product development in the context of proactive quality management is discussed.

13. Gemeinsames Kolloquium Konstruktionstechnik (KT2015),2015-10,Clausthal
  author    ={Esser, Christian and Refflinghaus, Robert},
  keywords ={600 and Produktentwicklung and Bedarfsforschung and Computersimulation and Qualitätsmanagement},
  title    ={Verbesserung der Produktqualität durch eine frühe Anforderungsvalidierung mithilfe der virtuellen Realität},
  copyright  ={http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/},
  language ={de},
  year   ={2015}