Barriers of SMEs in Adopting Crowdsourcing and -working and Strategies to Overcome Them
Classification / Keywords
Despite its undisputable benefits for firms, crowdsourcing and âworking is currently rarely applied in small and medium sized enterprises (SME). Up to now extant literature provides only an incomplete picture of the barriers that hinder SMEs from adopting crowdsourcing and âworking. Because of these incomplete insights on this phenomenon there is also a great deal of uncertainty on how to overcome these barriers. In the scope of an interview series with 15 SMEs we explore a range of different barriers. In a second round of interviews with crowdsourcing and âworking experts (Delphi study) we reveal strategies that may help SMEs to overcome these barriers. The findings from these two studies not only expand the so far incomplete body of knowledge but also provide practical references for SMEs to overcome the barriers and to adopt crowdsourcing and âworking for their value creation activities.
@book{doi:10.17170/kobra-202307278513, author ={Hupe, Anna and Bretschneider, Ulrich and Lange, Kirsten and Trostmann, Tim and Stubbemann, Lena and Leimeister, Jan Marco and Refflinghaus, Robert}, title ={Barriers of SMEs in Adopting Crowdsourcing and -working and Strategies to Overcome Them}, keywords ={330 and Klein- und Mittelbetrieb and Crowdsourcing and Crowdworking and Qualitatives Interview and Delphi-Technik}, copyright ={}, language ={en}, year ={2023} }