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The effects of social norms and observability on food choice

People often adapt their behavior to the behavior of other people. We test with the help of an experiment whether this also applies to the choice of food and whether the sensitivity regarding others’ behavior increases when the food choice is observable. Participants in the experiment are first-year students who are confronted with different statements about the diets of students already enrolled and studying at the university. Participants then choose between vouchers for vegan, vegetarian, or meat-based foods, with variation as to whether or not this choice is observable. The results show that the overall effects of social norms with and without observability are small and statistically insignificant. This is because women and men respond differently to the interventions; women are much more responsive to social norms than men, especially when their food choice can be observed by others. We discuss how our findings fit with dietary trends and what policy implications they have.

Gefördert im Rahmen des Projekts DEAL
In: Food Policy Volume 125 / (2024-05-04) , S. ; eissn:1873-5657

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  author    ={Dannenberg, Astrid and Klatt, Charlotte and WeingÀrtner, Eva},
  title    ={The effects of social norms and observability on food choice},
  keywords ={300 and 330 and Lebensmittel and Entscheidung and Verbraucherverhalten and Fleischverbrauch and Soziale Norm and Beobachtbarkeit and Experiment},
  copyright  ={},
  language ={en},
  journal  ={Food Policy},
  year   ={2024-05-04}