
Analysis of the electronic structure, hyperfine structure, and volume isotope shifts in the low lying states of BA I and BA II

Relativistic multi-configuration Dirac Fock (MCDF) wavefunctions coupled to good angular momentum J have been calculated for low lying states of Ba I and Ba II. These wavefunctions are compared with semiempirical ones derived from experimental atomic energy levels. It is found that significantly better agreement is obtained when close configurations are included in the MCDF wavefunctions. Calculations of the electronic part of the field isotope shift lead to very good agreement with electronic factors derived from experimental data. Furthermore, the slopes of the lines in a King plot analysis of many of the optical lines are predicted accurately by these calculations. However, the MCDF wavefunctions seem not to be of sufficient accuracy to give agreement with the experimental magnetic dipole and electric quadrupole hyperfine structure constants.

Classification / Keywords
  author    ={Olsson, Torbjörn and Rosén, Arne and Fricke, Burkhard and Torbohm, Gert},
  title    ={Analysis of the electronic structure, hyperfine structure, and volume isotope shifts in the low lying states of BA I and BA II},
  copyright  ={https://rightsstatements.org/page/InC/1.0/},
  language ={en},
  year   ={1988}