Comparing different methods for the estimation of interbank intraday yield curves
Classification / Keywords
In: The Journal of Corporate Accounting & Finance Volume 31 / Issue 3 (2020-01-16) , S. 57-75; EISSN 1097-0053
In this study, we compare three different models, namely, the NelsonâSiegel model (NSM), the Svensson model (SVM), and the DieboldâLi model (DLM), for the estimation of an intraday yield curve on the Italian interbank credit market eâMID. Using a sample, which spans from October 2005 until March 2010, the first important finding is that all three models are highly suitable for the estimation of an intraday yield curve providing superior empirical results when compared with similar works on eâMID. The second important finding is that, based on different inâsample statistics, the SVM dominates the other two models before, during, and after the financial crisis from 2007. Moreover, the NSM seems to dominate the DLM although these differences in goodnessâofâfit between these two models may not be statistically significant. Our findings are of high practical importance from different perspectives regarding interbank credit markets, including the better understanding of trading processes, the optimization of banks' trading strategies, and monetary policy implications. Finally, our findings can be seen as the starting point for further analyses in this research area.
@article{doi:10.17170/kobra-202007221480, author ={Jeleskovic, Vahidin and Demertzidis, Anastasios}, title ={Comparing different methods for the estimation of interbank intraday yield curves}, keywords ={330 and InterbankgeschÀft and Zinsstruktur}, copyright ={}, language ={en}, journal ={The Journal of Corporate Accounting & Finance}, year ={2020-01-16} }