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Smallholders’ Challenges: Realizing Peri-Urban Opportunities in Bengaluru

Urban expansion creates potential for increased incomes among previously rural smallholders from sources other than traditional agriculture. Harnessing this potential, however, requires investments into agricultural upgrading or non-farm activities. The article addresses the question concerning to what extent these investments are realised in the peri-urban space of Bengaluru. Its answers are based on a review of the literature and extensive field surveys in two differentially developed districts assessing the smallholders’ economic situation in 2019 and as a recall in 2009. Our findings are that only a few smallholders were able to realise the peri-urban opportunities. Household income increased in real terms only by a little, especially from farming. Instead of a traditional farm to non-farm production linkage, surpluses from the non-farm sector were seen to meet the working capital needs of the farm sector. While physical access to formal financial institutions has significantly improved, formal borrowing is dominated by small-sized loans from registered self-help groups or traditional priority sector loans. Only a few households took up non-farm activities as many others failed to obtain sufficient credit and lacked knowledge about remunerative non-farm projects. Overall, rising outlays for education and health services leave little resources for any productive investments.

Gefördert durch den Publikationsfonds der Universität Kassel
In: Sustainability Volume 13 / Issue 18 (2021-09-10) , S. ; eissn:2071-1050

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  author    ={Rajeev, Meenakshi and Scherrer, Christoph},
  title    ={Smallholders’ Challenges: Realizing Peri-Urban Opportunities in Bengaluru},
  keywords ={330 and Bangalore and Suburbaner Raum and Kleinbauer and Kredit and Sicherheit and Investition},
  copyright  ={},
  language ={en},
  journal  ={Sustainability},
  year   ={2021-09-10}