Leading and Following Day by Day
The Effects of Words, Behaviors and their Alignment on Well-being and Effectiveness
The Effects of Words, Behaviors and their Alignment on Well-being and Effectiveness
This dissertation deals with daily leader-follower interactions, alignment of words and actions, well-being and effectiveness. The first part of the dissertation shows the impact of leader behavior on follower well-being in the context of transformational leadership. The second part goes beyond single leader behaviors and investigates the value-based alignment of two behaviors, namely vision communication and goal setting, and their effects on trust and leaders‘ effectiveness. Turning the lens, the final part sheds light on the relationship of follower behavior and leader well-being. A focus on concrete and visible behaviors of leaders and followers advances the event-based perspective on leadership and followership in the organizational behavior literature. The insights contribute to the integration of well-established theories, such as transformational leadership, vision communication and goal setting. Practical implications for interventions including the whole workforce are derived.
@phdthesis{doi:10.17170/kobra-20190125109, author ={Gochmann, Viktoria}, title ={Leading and Following Day by Day}, keywords ={150 and Vorgesetzter and Untergebener and Führungsstil and Interaktion and Führungspsychologie}, copyright ={https://rightsstatements.org/page/InC/1.0/}, language ={en}, school={Kassel, Universität Kassel, Fachbereich Wirtschaftswissenschaften}, year ={2018} }