
Iterative feature detection of a coded checkerboard target for the geometric calibration of infrared cameras

The geometric calibration of cameras becomes necessary when images should be undistorted, geometric image information is needed or data from more than one camera have to be fused. This process is often done using a target with a checkerboard or circular pattern and a given geometry. In this work, a coded checkerboard target for thermal imaging cameras and the corresponding image processing algorithm for iterative feature detection are presented. It is shown that, due in particular to the resulting better feature detectability at image borders, lower uncertainties in the estimation of the distortion parameters are achieved.

Gefördert durch den Publikationsfonds der Universität Kassel; This research has been supported by the Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Energie (grant no. FKZ 03THW10K26).
In: Journal of Sensors and Sensor Systems (JSSS) Volume 10 / Issue 2 (2021-08-11) , S. 207-218; eissn:2194-878X
  author    ={Schramm, Sebastian and Ebert, Jannik and Rangel, Johannes and Schmoll, Robert and Kroll, Andreas},
  title    ={Iterative feature detection of a coded checkerboard target for the geometric calibration of infrared cameras},
  keywords ={600 and Infrarotkamera and Kalibrieren  and Geometrische Optik and Bilderkennung and Mustererkennung},
  copyright  ={http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/},
  language ={en},
  journal  ={Journal of Sensors and Sensor Systems (JSSS)},
  year   ={2021-08-11}