Towards a Technique for Modeling New Forms of Collaborative Work Practices – The Facilitation Process Model 2.0
Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences 2019,2019-01,Wailea, Hawaii
Collaboration Engineering (CE) is an approach for the design and deployment of repeatable collaborative work practices that can be executed by practitioners themselves without the ongoing support of external collaboration professionals. A key design activity in CE concerns modeling current and future collaborative work practices. CE researchers and practitioners have used the Facilitation Process Model (FPM) technique. However, this modeling technique suffers from a number of shortcomings to model contemporary collaborative work practices. We use a design science approach to identify the main challenges with the original FPM technique, derive requirements and design a revised modeling technique that is based on the current technique enriched by BPMN 2.0 elements. This paper contributes to the CE literature by offering a revised FPM technique that assists CE-designers to capture new forms of collaborative work practices.
@inproceedings{doi:10.17170/kobra-202011042074, author ={Winkler, Rainer and Briggs, Robert Owen and De Vreede, Gert-Jan and Leimeister, Jan Marco and Oeste-Reiß, Sarah and Söllner, Matthias}, keywords ={004 and Designwissenschaft and Mensch-Maschine-System and Computer Supported Cooperative Work}, title ={Towards a Technique for Modeling New Forms of Collaborative Work Practices – The Facilitation Process Model 2.0}, copyright ={}, language ={en}, year ={2020} }