
EES 2015 - Multidisciplinary Symposium on ENERGY, EFFICIENCY AND SUSTAINABILITY

The Network of Chilean Researchers in Germany, Red INVECA - www.redinveca.de organizes the Multidisciplinary Symposium on Energy, Efficiency and Sustainability - EES 2015. This event provides a scientific exchange forum for technical and social research approaches related to the development and use of energy technologies, energy efficiency and the environment as well as social, political and economic aspects. The main purpose of this event is to bring together researchers, students and practitioners to discuss and share new advances and developments in fields related to generation technologies, efficient and sustainable use of energy, as well as socio-political and economic aspects and their impact on society. Red INVECA’s main target audience is composed of researchers, professionals and Chilean students, who are developing research in Germany. At the same time, our event is aimed at the scientific community and authors in general were invited to participate by presenting technical works. EES 2015 has also aimed at offering a space for discussion on its own future and lay the foundation for future activities based on the debate and participation in this first event.

  keywords ={520 and Astronomie and Kartographie},
  title    ={EES 2015 - Multidisciplinary Symposium on ENERGY, EFFICIENCY AND SUSTAINABILITY},
  copyright  ={https://rightsstatements.org/page/InC/1.0/},
  language ={en},
  year   ={2015}