Browsing Dissertationen by Title
DissertationAnalysis of a Coupled Fluid-Elastic Interaction Problem (2023-01)
DissertationAspekte der linearen Minimax-Schätzung (FB 17, Mathematik/Informatik, Angewandte Mathematik, Analysis und Angewandte Mathematik, 2004-07-14)
DissertationDevelopment of a Preconditioning Scheme for Real Gases using Asymptotic Expansions (2022)
DissertationExistence and Regularity Results of a Ferroelectric Phase-Field Model (2019)
DissertationFinite Element Simulations for the Design of Therapeutic Approaches for Retinal Diseases (2022)
DissertationA High Order Finite Volume Scheme for the 2D Shallow Water Equations Including Topography (2012-08-17)
DissertationKünstliche Randbedingungen und Algebraische Äquivalenzen in der Elastizitätstheorie (2007-07-18)
DissertationModeling of human vitreous as viscoelastic fluid considering the orientation of collagen fibers (2021-11)
DissertationEine Multipolmethode für die Gleichungen von Stokes (2005-09-21)
DissertationNichtüberlappende Gebietszerlegungsmethoden für lineare und quasilineare (monotone und nichtmonotone) Probleme (2009-12-15)
DissertationNumerical Simulation of Flows at Low Mach Numbers with Heat Sources (Shaker Verlag, 2006)
DissertationPositive und konservative Verfahren höherer Ordnung (2010-03-17)
DissertationQuasi-Interpolation von Funktionen und Anwendungen auf Potentialprobleme (2005-05-24)
DissertationTime Discretization of the SST-generalized Navier-Stokes Equations: Positive and Negative Results (2014-11-28)
DissertationA Unifying Theory for Runge-Kutta-like Time Integrators: Convergence and Stability (2024)