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Consumers ’ perception of sustainable packaging in the food industry: An online experiment
Consumers evaluate products and make purchasing decisions based on packaging and its sustainable aspects. This research investigated how different packages and their quality, eco-friendliness, expensiveness, and convenience affected consumers’ intentions to purchase. Our sample comprised 299 French consumers of muesli cereals. We conducted an online choice experiment to analyze and measure consumers’ perception of sustainable packaging, comparing three distinct experimental groups. Findings revealed that quality and ...
A Literature Review on Solid Waste Management and Disposal Behavior at the Base of the Pyramid
Consumer behavior in disposing of products has substantial consequences for the environment that affect all of us. Waste management is a major challenge faced by many developing countries, underlining the relevance of this literature review. Even when academia tries to shed light on this field, it often fails to consider that waste management must be approached differently in less developed countries, which differ dramatically from advanced countries, especially with regard to consumers’ behavioral characteristics. ...