Now showing items 191-199 of 199
A Modeling Analysis of Changing Global Land Use as affected by Changing Demands for Wood Products
The 21st century has brought new challenges for forest management at a time when globalization in world trade is increasing and global climate change is becoming increasingly apparent. In addition to various goods and services like food, feed, timber or biofuels being provided to humans, forest ecosystems are a large store of terrestrial carbon and account for a major part of the carbon exchange between the atmosphere and the land surface. Depending on the stage of the ecosystems and/or management regimes, forests ...
Off to new shores
In the last years, the main orientation of Formal Concept Analysis (FCA) has turned from mathematics towards computer science. This article provides a review of this new orientation and analyzes why and how FCA and computer science attracted each other. It discusses FCA as a knowledge representation formalism using five knowledge representation principles provided by Davis, Shrobe, and Szolovits [DSS93]. It then studies how and why mathematics-based researchers got attracted by computer science. We will argue for ...
Technischer Report
Automatische Dienstvermittlung in dienstorientierten Architekturen
Die Technologie dienstorientierter Architekturen (Service-oriented Architectures, kurz SOA) weckt große Visionen auf Seiten der Industrie wie auch der Forschung. Sie hat sich als derzeit
ideale Lösung für Umgebungen, in denen sich die Anforderungen an die IT-Bedürfnisse rapide ändern, erwiesen. Heutige IT-Systeme müssen Managementaufgaben wie Softwareinstallation, -anpassung oder -austausch erlauben, ohne dabei den laufenden Betrieb wesentlich zu stören. Die dafür nötige Flexibilität bieten dienstorientierte ...
Technischer Report
The Degree of Word-Expansion of Lexicalized RRWW-Automata
Restarting automata can be seen as analytical variants of classical automata as well as of regulated rewriting systems. We study a measure for the degree of nondeterminism of (context-free) languages in terms of deterministic restarting automata that are (strongly) lexicalized. This measure is based on the number of auxiliary symbols (categories) used for recognizing a language as the projection of its characteristic language onto its input alphabet. This type of recognition is typical for analysis by reduction, a ...
Technischer Report
Observations on the Publicity and Usage of Parallel Programming Systems and Languages: A Survey Approach
In this publication, we report on an online survey that was carried out among parallel programmers. More than 250 people worldwide have submitted answers to our questions, and their responses are analyzed here. Although not statistically sound, the data we provide give useful insights about which parallel programming systems and languages are known and in actual use. For instance, the collected data indicate that for our survey group MPI and (to a lesser extent) C are the most widely used parallel programming system ...
Ad-hoc Komposition optimaler Verarbeitungsketten für die Informationsextraktion aus heterogenen Produktpreisblättern
Markttransparenz stabilisiert den Wettbewerb einer Branche, fördert Innovationen und schützt Endverbraucher vor hohen Kosten. Zur Schaffung dieser Transparenz bedarf es unabhängiger Unternehmen, die Informationen über die verschiedenen Anbieter und Produkte des fokussierten Markts sammeln. In vielen Branchen veröffentlichen die Anbieter dabei ihre Produktinformationen in individuellen Produktpreisblättern (PPB) und stellen diese in Form nicht maschinenlesbarer PDF-Dokumente auf ihren Webseiten zur Verfügung. Daraus ...
Räumliche Modellierung der Dynamik von Landnutzung in Hessen und ihrer Wirkung auf die biologische Kohlenstoffspeicherung - Entwicklung eines GIS-basierten Modellsystems
Die gegenwärtige Entwicklung der internationalen Klimapolitik verlangt von Deutschland eine Reduktion seiner Treibhausgasemissionen. Wichtigstes Treibhausgas ist Kohlendioxid, das durch die Verbrennung fossiler Energieträger in die Atmosphäre freigesetzt wird. Die Reduktionsziele können prinzipiell durch eine Verminderung der Emissionen sowie durch die Schaffung von Kohlenstoffsenken erreicht werden. Senken beschreiben dabei die biologische Speicherung von Kohlenstoff in Böden und Wäldern. Eine wichtige Einflussgröße ...
Technischer Report
Small World Folksonomies: Clustering in Tri-Partite Hypergraphs
Many recent Web 2.0 resource sharing applications can be subsumed under the "folksonomy" moniker. Regardless of the type of resource shared, all of these share a common structure describing the assignment of tags to resources by users.
In this report, we generalize the notions of clustering and characteristic path length which play a major role in the current research on networks, where they are used to describe the small-world effects on many observable network datasets. To that end, we show that the notion of ...
Conceptual Data Scaling in Machine Learning
Information that is intended for human interpretation is frequently represented in a structured manner. This allows for a navigation between individual pieces to find, connect or combine information to gain new insights. Within a structure, we derive knowledge from inference of hierarchical or logical relations between data objects. For unstructured data there are numerous methods to define a data schema based on user interpretations. Afterward, data objects can be aggregated to derive (hierarchical) structures based ...