Now showing items 1-10 of 13
Values as leverage points for sustainability transformation: two pathways for transformation research
The burgeoning literature on sustainability transformation agrees that values play a key, albeit unelucidated, role on the transformation research agenda. Recent literature linking values and transformation increasingly points toward the hypothesis that values may act as leverage points for sustainability transformation. However, how transformation research can engage with values as leverage points remains a critical knowledge gap. Here, I argue that transformation research needs to distinguish between two modes of ...
Circular bioeconomy: Actors and dynamics of knowledge co-production in Finland
The circular bioeconomy is a highly scrutinized concept in Finland and internationally, with a high degree of polarization regarding forest utilization rates and distrust between certain actors. This offers an interesting case for an exploratory analysis of issues associated with knowledge co-production. Knowledge co-production entails the integration of different knowledge types and collaboration across multiple societal actors with potentially conflicting viewpoints and agendas. We interviewed key organizations ...
Leveraging Biodiversity Action From Plural Values: Transformations of Governance Systems
In this paper, we argue that leveraging plural values into action for biodiversity requires a focus on transforming the biodiversity governance system. We draw on Donella Meadows’ concept of Leverage Points, which outlines the “depth” of intervention in order to shift a system toward sustainability. Engaging with deep leverage points (system intent and goals) is argued to lead to greater transformation than engaging with shallow leverage points (system design and materials). We outline how embracing plural values of ...
Scaling the impact of sustainability initiatives: a typology of amplification processes
Amplifying the impact of sustainability initiatives to foster transformations in urban and rural contexts, has received increasing attention in resilience, social innovation, and sustainability transitions research. We review the literature on amplification frameworks and propose an integrative typology of eight processes, which aim to increase the impact of such initiatives. The eight amplification processes are: stabilizing, speeding up, growing, replicating, transferring, spreading, scaling up, and scaling deep. ...
Engaging diverse experts in the global science-policy interface: Learning experiences from the process of the IPBES Values Assessment
This longitudinal study explores evidence of learning and reflexivity among experts involved in the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) Values Assessment from 2018 to 2022. As part of an online survey administered at yearly intervals, experts self-reported their views on: i) the aims they attributed to the Values Assessment, ii) their epistemic worldviews, iii) the definition of the multiple values of nature, and iv) their personal learning experiences in the ...
Making transdisciplinarity happen: Phase 0, or before the beginning
Both within science and society, transdisciplinary approaches are increasingly employed to address today’s sustainability challenges. Often transdisciplinary research processes are structured in three core phases: a) problem identification and formation of a common research object; b) co-production of solution-oriented and transferable knowledge; c) embedding co-produced knowledge through transdisciplinary reintegration. In all phases of this ideal-typical model, the involvement of non-academic actors is essential ...
Bridge over troubled water: managing compatibility and conflict among thought collectives in sustainability science
Sustainability transformations call forth new forms and systems of knowledge across society. However, few tools and processes exist for promoting dialogue among different interests and normative stances in knowledge co-creation. In this article, we build on the notion of thought collectives to argue that understanding and moderating normative tensions are necessary if sustainability science is to provide successful solutions. Drawing on an analysis of the normative tensions between rival high-tech and low-tech thought ...
Significado y efectos de sentido. El gérondif francés en el contexto románico
En las lenguas románicas una función central de los gerundios consiste en crear vínculos o junciones (Raible 1992) entre acciones diversas en el marco oracional. El concepto de junción implica que dos acciones –la actividad expresada por el gerundio y la actividad de la oración matriz– se agrupan para formar una unidad estructurada. El punto de partida de nuestro estudio es el análisis del gérondif en francés, cuyo perfil semántico-pragmático se elabora en primer lugar y constituye la base de un estudio contrastivo ...
Marica Bodrožić: „Mit meinem Kopf“
Die Texte von Marica Bodrožić kann ich nicht lesen, ohne mich in Bewegung, auf Reisen zu fühlen. Das war zunächst ganz wörtlich so; Das Buch „Mein weißer Frieden“ war die Lektüreempfehlung eines Freundes für den Urlaub in Kroatien. Die autobiographischen Erzählungen haben mich berührt durch ihre Blicke auf ein zauberschönes Land in einer Zerrissenheit, die weiter zurückreicht als die Wunden, die der Krieg geschlagen hat. Später habe ich Bodrožić als Lyrikerin wiedergefunden, und ich mag ihre poetologischen Betrachtungen ...
Warum man Weihnachten erfinden müsste ...
„Wenn es Weihnachten nicht längst gäbe, so müsste man es erfinden.“ Dieses dem US-amerikanischen Autor und Journalisten Eric Sevareid zugeschriebene Zitat behauptet zu Recht die Ausnahmestellung von Weihnachten. Kein anderes Fest der christlichen Kulturtradition weckt so viel an Erwartungen, Gefühlen und Hoffnungen in den Menschen.