Electromobility plays an increasingly important role in the energy transition. Electric vehicle charging poses challenges to the electricity grid due to high peak demand situations. Therefore, it is crucial to leverage the vehicle’s flexibility when charging can be delayed. Conventional charging management systems cannot adapt to frequently changing conditions such as fluctuating renewable energy output, electricity prices and user behavior. In this article, we investigate the application of reinforcement learning approaches for self-adaptive charging management. In particular, we identify challenges regarding realistic environments and adaption to varying topologies and connections among charging stations. We describe related approaches and propose ideas and planned experiments to overcome these problems by utilizing generative models and graph neural networks.

  author    ={Hassouna, Mohamed and Hetzel, Manuel and Smirnov, Nikita and Pilchau, Wenzel Pilar von and Cui, Henning and Feyrer, Georg and Hussaini, Mortesa and Boysen, Jonas and Kisselbach, Timo and Al-Falouji, Ghassan and Wazed Ali, Mohammad and Meitz, Lukas and Henrichs, Elia and Shmelkin, Ilja},
  editor  ={Krupitzer, Christian and Tomforde, Sven},
  title    ={Organic Computing},
  keywords ={004 and 600 and Proaktives Computing and Adaptives System and Selbstorganisation},
  copyright  ={http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/},
  language ={en},
  year   ={2023}