Browsing by Issue Date
AufsatzCrop-Specific EU Aid and Smallholder Food Security in Sierra Leone (Kassel University Press, 2016-11-17)
AufsatzRisks, resources and reason: understanding smallholder decisions around farming system interventions in Eastern Indonesia (Kassel University Press, 2016-11-18)
DissertationThe Effect of Climate Variability on Main Components of Cow Milk in Iran (2016-11-21)
MasterarbeitPflegen lernen in Afghanistan (2016-11-22)
DissertationGeschlechtersonderwissen von Expert_innen für Inter*- und Trans*themen (2016-11-22)
DissertationDörfliche Freiraumkultur im 19. und frühen 20. Jahrhundert - dargestellt am südlichen Sauerland (2016-11-23)
AufsatzMeta-Heuristics in Short Scale Construction: Ant Colony Optimization and Genetic Algorithm (2016-11-28)
DissertationKohärente transiente und effiziente Endzustandskontrolle in Atomen und Molekülen (2016-11-28)
AufsatzHigh-Quality Solid Fuel Production from Leaf Litter of Urban Street Trees (2016-11-30)
ZeitschriftMitteilungsblatt der Universität Kassel // 11. Jahrgang, Nr. 19, Dezember 2016 (2016-12)
Working paperKurzverzeichnis zum Teilnachlass Franz Rosenzweig (2016-12-05)
AufsatzThroughfall and soil properties in shaded and unshaded coffee plantations and a secondary forest: a case study from Southern Colombia (Kassel University Press, 2016-12-09)
DissertationKonstruierte Landschaften (2016-12-13)
DissertationExperimental and modeling studies of forced convection storage and drying systems for sweet potatoes (2016-12-13)
AufsatzEffects of charcoal-enriched goat manure on soil fertility parameters and growth of pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum L.) in a sandy soil from northern Oman (Kassel University Press, 2016-12-14)
AufsatzLand use change from rainforests to oil palm plantations and food gardens in Papua New Guinea: Effects on soil properties and S fractions (Kassel University Press, 2016-12-14)
DissertationStory Driven Web Applications (2016-12-15)