Now showing items 1-10 of 27
Reporting Power
An eclectic genealogy (Foucault, 1977) that reconstructs the previous understanding and emergence of a ‘taken for granted’ global practice: the practice of suspicious activity reporting. A governance practice whereby financial institutions worldwide document and report the conduct of consumers deemed suspicious. At the center of this practice is a material artefact, a multipage fillable form called the Suspicious Activity Report. Following Actor-Network Theory (Latour, 1987), the form also serves as the centerpiece ...
Die extreme Rechte im langen Sommer der Migration
Angesichts der Wahl- und Mobilisierungserfolge der extremen Rechten stellt sich die Frage, ob es der extremen Rechten gelungen ist, die Kräfteverhältnisse in Deutschland grundlegend zu verschieben. Da die Untersuchung von Kräfteverhältnissen notwendig mit dem Problem der Überkomplexität konfrontiert ist, nutzt diese Dissertation den Begriff des Hegemonieprojekts, der es erlaubt, die sonst unzähligen in das Kräfteverhältnis einfließenden Handlungen anhand ihrer strategischen Richtung zu bündeln. Der Frage nach dem ...
Community-Based Associations and Rural Development in Rwanda: A Local Perspective on the Contribution of Social Capital to Human Capabilities
The post-World War II political discourse around development has stimulated academic debates in recent decades. While some of these debates simply aim to transform the development mainstream, many others among the post-colonial thinkers are more critical of and even reject mainstream development ideologies. Despite the valuable academic debates, most development practitioners seem to have remained unresponsive to some of the allegations. Their concept is incorporated in much of the contemporary political narratives ...
Ordoliberalism and the Making of the Economic Constitution: State, Law, and Money in the Market Economy
The aim of my research is to explore the political economy of ordoliberalism in its historical trajectory. Beginning from the years of its inception during the interwar period, the dissertation focuses on the specific conditions and political economy of the Weimar Republic as the framework within which the ordoliberal framework was developed. Moving on to the postwar period, the dissertation examines the attempts of operationalization of the ordoliberal framework within the context of West Germany and the social ...
EU Crisis Management and its Influence on the German Savings Banks
European financial architecture has been rapidly changing since the outburst of the global financial crisis in 2008. On one hand, it sparked academic discussions about the European Union (EU) integration and the future of the EU project, on the other hand, it urged the EU member states and policymakers to deal with the consequences of the crisis. The eurozone crisis has also left its imprint on the European regulatory landscape. Since 2012, the European Commission (EC) has resumed its single financial market agenda ...
The Passive Revolution of Good Living
The PhD thesis "The Passive Revolution of Good Living: Class Struggle and Productive Transformation Policy in Ecuador (2007-2017)" suggests an interpretation of Ecuador's so-called ‘Citizens’ Revolution’ – CR – as the political project of a 'cadre fraction’: a ‘state class fraction’ whose legitimacy and political power is grounded in specialized knowledge and planning capabilities. Breaking the “catastrophic equilibrium” in which the anti-neoliberal forces and the dominant classes ended up at the beginning of the ...
Peasants, Protests and Litigation: Struggles over land and institutions in Colombia
The past decade has observed a resurgence of peasant politics in Colombia. After the most intense period of armed conflict-related violence against the rural population (1985 – 2006), and amid the enforcement of the land restitution policy and the peace negotiation between the Colombian Government and the former FARC-EP guerrilla movement, the country observed a revival of social mobilization from the countryside. While the motives of this new cycle of peasant mobilization varied at different levels – from local to ...
Re-Framing Trade
(Rainer Hampp Verlag, München, Mering, 2013)
Given the substantial and increasing encroachment of trade agreements into almost every aspect of economic
and social life, there is a pressing need for research that provides a more coherent framework for understanding
the source and effectiveness of organised labour ’s power and capacity to influence international trade policy.
Taking the union protests against the General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) as a case study, this
research uses core concepts derived from social movement theory to analyse the ...
Die Entstehung eines globalen Arbeitsmarktes ist in den letzten Jahren ins öffentliche Bewußtsein gerückt. Die vorliegende Arbeit zeigt, dass ein solcher Markt nicht von alleine entsteht, sondern eines komplexen institutionellen Arrangments auf internationaler Ebene bedarf. Mit ihrem Fokus steht die Arbeit im Kontext einer globalen Arbeitsmarktforschung, die über einen Ländervergleich hinausgeht, um die internationalen Regulierungen in den Blick zu nehmen. Viele der bisherigen Arbeiten in diesem Bereich konzentrieren ...