Now showing items 1-4 of 4
Eine Philologie der Denkformen für Indien und Europa: Sanskrit-Sūtras und Semiotik in den Cultural Studies
Die anglistisch-indologische Verortung von Sanskrit-Sūtras und Semiotik in den Cultural Studies beschreibt gleichsam metonymisch die Agenda einer Vorgehensweise im Verbund von Philologie und Philosophie, verschiedene Traditionen indischen Denkens für ein zeichenphilosophisches Programm der Kulturwissenschaften zu erschließen. Dabei dient die mikrologische Rekonstruktion von Denkformen im Sinne ihrer jeweiligen semiotischen Matrix und logischen Strukturen als methodischer Bezugspunkt für die Betrachtung exemplarischer ...
Values as leverage points for sustainability transformation: two pathways for transformation research
The burgeoning literature on sustainability transformation agrees that values play a key, albeit unelucidated, role on the transformation research agenda. Recent literature linking values and transformation increasingly points toward the hypothesis that values may act as leverage points for sustainability transformation. However, how transformation research can engage with values as leverage points remains a critical knowledge gap. Here, I argue that transformation research needs to distinguish between two modes of ...
Engaging diverse experts in the global science-policy interface: Learning experiences from the process of the IPBES Values Assessment
This longitudinal study explores evidence of learning and reflexivity among experts involved in the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) Values Assessment from 2018 to 2022. As part of an online survey administered at yearly intervals, experts self-reported their views on: i) the aims they attributed to the Values Assessment, ii) their epistemic worldviews, iii) the definition of the multiple values of nature, and iv) their personal learning experiences in the ...
Consistency and Computation
The diagonal arguments by Cantor, Gödel and Turing constitute fundamental results that demonstrate limits to what is mathematically possible. These results can easily appear to us as limits that must hold, as if they were laws of nature that govern the ideal world of platonic numbers and logic, giving them an “ultraphysical” appearance of rigidity and hardness.
In all three cases, Wittgenstein critically examines the formal ideal of consistency and points out that the conclusions of the diagonal arguments only seem ...