Now showing items 1-9 of 9
Teil eines Buches
sie hazeten sie vil sêre: Eine intersektionale Analyse der Dido-Episode in Heinrichs von Veldeke Eneasroman
(V&R unipress, 2022)
Im titelgebenden Zitat aus Heinrichs von Veldeke Eneasroman (1170–1188), einem mittelhochdeutschen Versepos, schildert die Erzählinstanz, wie die karthagische Königin Dido zum Hassobjekt ihrer ehemaligen Werber und fortan Feinde wird, nachdem sie den vertriebenen Trojaner Eneas zum Mann nimmt. Dabei wird deutlich, dass mehrere Kategorien angesprochen werden, deren Interdependenzen es zu ergründen gilt.
Teil eines Buches
Operaciones de invisibilización. El caso del Portal Único del Estado colombiano (GOV.CO)
(Editorial Biblos, 2023)
La presente contribución tiene como objetivo presentar aproximaciones interdisciplinares a las actividades regulatorias del Estado a la hora de comunicarse con los ciudadanos. Suponemos que tales actividades se asocian a prácticas de invisibilización y simplificación de sus destinatarios que muestran concepciones de la ciudadanía y de la nación fuertemente acotadas que ignoran las realidades de las poblaciones a las que van dirigidas. Para lograr este objetivo, proponemos una lectura multimodal de contenidos seleccionados ...
Values as leverage points for sustainability transformation: two pathways for transformation research
The burgeoning literature on sustainability transformation agrees that values play a key, albeit unelucidated, role on the transformation research agenda. Recent literature linking values and transformation increasingly points toward the hypothesis that values may act as leverage points for sustainability transformation. However, how transformation research can engage with values as leverage points remains a critical knowledge gap. Here, I argue that transformation research needs to distinguish between two modes of ...
Leveraging Biodiversity Action From Plural Values: Transformations of Governance Systems
In this paper, we argue that leveraging plural values into action for biodiversity requires a focus on transforming the biodiversity governance system. We draw on Donella Meadows’ concept of Leverage Points, which outlines the “depth” of intervention in order to shift a system toward sustainability. Engaging with deep leverage points (system intent and goals) is argued to lead to greater transformation than engaging with shallow leverage points (system design and materials). We outline how embracing plural values of ...
Scaling the impact of sustainability initiatives: a typology of amplification processes
Amplifying the impact of sustainability initiatives to foster transformations in urban and rural contexts, has received increasing attention in resilience, social innovation, and sustainability transitions research. We review the literature on amplification frameworks and propose an integrative typology of eight processes, which aim to increase the impact of such initiatives. The eight amplification processes are: stabilizing, speeding up, growing, replicating, transferring, spreading, scaling up, and scaling deep. ...
Making transdisciplinarity happen: Phase 0, or before the beginning
Both within science and society, transdisciplinary approaches are increasingly employed to address today’s sustainability challenges. Often transdisciplinary research processes are structured in three core phases: a) problem identification and formation of a common research object; b) co-production of solution-oriented and transferable knowledge; c) embedding co-produced knowledge through transdisciplinary reintegration. In all phases of this ideal-typical model, the involvement of non-academic actors is essential ...
Bridge over troubled water: managing compatibility and conflict among thought collectives in sustainability science
Sustainability transformations call forth new forms and systems of knowledge across society. However, few tools and processes exist for promoting dialogue among different interests and normative stances in knowledge co-creation. In this article, we build on the notion of thought collectives to argue that understanding and moderating normative tensions are necessary if sustainability science is to provide successful solutions. Drawing on an analysis of the normative tensions between rival high-tech and low-tech thought ...
Associations between landscape values, self-reported knowledge, and land-use: a public participation GIS assessment
While previous socio-ecological systems research has shown relationships between local knowledge and the assignment of landscape values, the relationships between value assignment and more nuanced forms of local knowledge remain less understood. This study makes use of public participation geographic information systems (PPGIS), a method for identifying and mapping landscape attributes important to local communities. We use this method to assess the spatial associations between three landscape attributes often ...
The relationship between values and knowledge in visioning for landscape management: relevance for a collaborative approach
Respecting connections between the diversity of values and forms of knowledge is essential to support a decision-making that fosters relationships between ecosystems and people. However, little theory has been developed for clarifying interactions between values and knowledge, and their relevance for environmental policy. We surfaced the overlooked relationship between values and knowledge by studying individual cognitive and emotional processes during a guided visioning exercise in the context of the multifunctional ...