Now showing items 1-10 of 261
Technischer Report
Web Service Composition Systems for the Web Service Challenge - A Detailed Review
This report gives a detailed discussion on the system, algorithms, and techniques that we have applied in order to solve the Web Service Challenges (WSC) of the years 2006 and 2007. These international contests are focused on semantic web service composition. In each challenge of the contests, a repository of web services is given. The input and output parameters of the services in the repository are annotated with semantic concepts. A query to a semantic composition engine contains a set of available input concepts ...
Design, implementation and application of a generic framework for integrated regional land-use modeling
Land use is a crucial link between human activities and the natural environment and one of the main driving forces of global environmental change. Large parts of the terrestrial land surface are used for agriculture, forestry, settlements and infrastructure. Given the importance of land use, it is essential to understand the multitude of influential factors and resulting land use patterns. An essential methodology to study and quantify such interactions is provided by the adoption of land-use models. By the application ...
On data-driven nonlinear uncertainty modeling: Methods and application for control-oriented surface condition prediction in hard turning
In this article, two data-driven modeling approaches are investigated, which allow an explicit modeling of uncertainty. For this purpose, parametric Takagi-Sugeno multi-models with bounded-error parameter estimation and nonparametric Gaussian process regression are applied and compared. These models can for instance be used for robust model-based control design. As an application, the prediction of residual stresses during hard turning depending on the machining parameters and the initial hardness is considered.
Explaining and Visualizing Structural Knowledge in Bipartite Graphs
Bipartite graphs are an important model for the representation and analysis of relationships between two different types of entities. Datasets in this form are commonly found in many fields, such as social networks, biology, and economics. Formal concept analysis is a research approach that allows for the analysis of such bipartite graphs by clustering the data into so-called concepts and ordering those in a lattice structure.
In this thesis we propose multiple approaches for the extraction and visualization of ...
Learning planning communication in cooperative multi-agent settings
This work is a holistic investigation of the question of how and why reinforcement learning (RL) agents fail to develop planning communication in a cooperative setting. It is also a guide to anyone trying to build a system that learns to use planning communication patterns. We examine the state of the art in multi-agent systems and emergent communication for the existence of communication patterns that share information about future actions and plans. To do this, we strategically formulate hypotheses that question ...
Attribute Exploration with Multiple Experts
Attribute exploration is a knowledge acquisition method from the realm of formal concept analysis that allows a domain expert to efficiently uncover the dependencies in a domain. It is based on a question-answering scheme where the exploration algorithm generates questions about dependencies in the domain that are then answered by a domain expert. Even though many variants and extension to this were developed, only few attempts to incorporate multiple experts were made. The overarching goal of this thesis is to extend ...
Computing Ground States for Fermi-Bose Mixtures through Efficient Numerical Methods
In this work, we will first review the Quantum Mechanics theory to derive the main equations. Next, we will analyze these equations by Functional Analysis methods to find conditions for existence, uniqueness, multiplicity, and other properties as positivity. Next, we will review and develop some numerical methods for solving the nonlinear Schrödinger equation, its time version, generalizations with rotational terms, and systems of NLSE (NLSS). We notice that the main problem to run numerical methods is the memory ...
Situative Teams in Cooperative Autonomous Systems
Distributed systems have been established in many areas of IT and will play an even more significant role in the future. Such systems are no longer limited to specific fields of application but interconnect many different domains. They encompass, e. g. Cloud Computing, Internet of Things, service robotics, and autonomous vehicles. The integrated sub-systems communicate in order to exchange information and, if necessary, perform tasks together. Moreover, the number of interconnected sub-systems is constantly growing. ...
Conputational Linguistic Approach to Implicit Sentiment Analysis: Politeness and Sentiment Interaction
Sentiment analysis is a hot topic in many research fields such as linguistics, computer science and marketing. With the development of technology, machines can reach very high performance on explicit sentiment analysis both sentence-level and aspect-level. The role of computational linguists has also changed from handcrafting scoring rules to guide training data annotation as the algorithms are developed from rule-based scoring to deep learning models that can extract language features themselves. Moreover, research ...
Context Awareness for Smartphone-Based Cooperative VRU Collision Avoidance
Nach Angaben der Weltgesundheitsorganisation sterben weltweit noch immer jährlich rund 1,35 Millionen Menschen bei Verkehrsunfällen. Ungefähr 54% dieser Todesfälle ereignen sich unter ungeschützten Verkehrsteilnehmern wie Fußgängern, Radfahrern und Motorradfahrern. Fußgänger und Radfahrer machen dabei zusammen rund 26% aller Verkehrstoten aus. Im Gegensatz zu fahrzeugbasierten Kollisionsvermeidungssystemen setzen kooperative Systeme die Verwendung von mobilen Geräten wie Smartphones zur kontinuierlichen Erfassung von ...