Now showing items 1-4 of 4
Financing for the climate change adaptation of organic export agriculture in Peru
The objective of this research is to analyze financing for the climate change adaptation of organic export agriculture using the methods of correlation and logarithmic regression, as well as exploring the sources of financing. In a context of high international demand, we find that Peruvian organic agro-exports grow in direct relation to the increase in the land area used for organic crops. In the period 2000–2020, exports of organic products achieved a continuous rise, and in 2020 they accounted for 7% of all ...
Vol. 10 No. 6 (2022)
(Specialized Partnerships in Sustainable Food Systems and Food Sovereignty, Faculty of Organic Agricultural Sciences, the University of Kassel, Germany and the Federation of German Scientists (VDW), 2022-12-12)
Comparison of motives to buy organic foods among middle income urban consumers of the state of Mexico, Mexico
Expansion of organic food production requires increasing the number of organic food consumers. The aim of the study was to explore the relative importance of motives to buy organic foods in consumers of the state of Mexico by applying a 21-item questionnaire, each item with a set of fixed options, the consumer decided which of the options was closer to his/her own opinion. Frequencies expressed as percent of respondents by option within an item were compared by Chi-square. Questionnaires analysed were 618. Decision ...
The Relevance of the Keduk’an System to the Realization of Food Sovereignty: A Study in Juku Batu Village, Indonesia
Keduk'an is a profit sharing system for agricultural products in Juku Batu Village, Banjit District, Way Kanan Regency, Lampung Province, Indonesia. This keduk'an system is different from the kedokan system in the others areas. The purpose of this study is to find the characteristics of the power system and its relationship to food sovereignty. This research is important because it is related to efforts to fulfill food for the poor. The research method used is Socio Legal with a descriptive approach to dig up information ...