Now showing items 1-10 of 26
Outsmarting the MNCs by fitting strategic manoeuvres to national framing: evidence from India
(National University of Political Studies and Public Administration (SNSPA), Faculty of ManagementTritonic, 2017)
This paper focuses on how Indian home-grown companies captured MNCs market in India with the help of strategic maneuvering and understanding their own capabilities. Seizing the framework of Porter’s National Diamond this research follows a caselet approach for illustrating these strategies. The study’s originality springs from understanding changes in demand pattern brought by home-grown companies in the Indian market. A key implication of this paper is that the demand conditions and firm strategy (by means of targeting ...
Post-crises response strategies: a combined model to manage brand crises
(National University of Political Studies and Public Administration (SNSPA), Faculty of ManagementTritonic, 2017)
Brand crises negatively affect customers’ perception of the brand’s ability to deliver expected functional or symbolic benefits. Post-crisis response strategies should be implemented to restore brand trust and diminish the effect of reputational threat, since these strategies act as critical determinants of the actual impact of the crisis on consumers’ evaluations and consequently on repurchase intentions. A categorization of the nature of the crisis, distinguishing between ‘performance-related’ and ‘values-related’ ...
How digitalization changes the internationalization of entrepreneurial firms: theoretical considerations and empirical evidence
(National University of Political Studies and Public Administration (SNSPA), Faculty of ManagementTritonic, 2017)
The internationalization of firms is predominantly analyzed and explained considering observations from a pre-digital business environment. Thus, the applicability to digital ways of doing business needs to be challenged. Recent literature on the internationalization of digital firms attempts to adapt existing international business literature to the digital market. However, these studies consider internet-based companies predominantly as a homogeneous group. It is a popular opinion, that digital internationalization ...
Same Same But Different? A Two-Foci Perspective on Trust in Information Systems
(ScholarSpace, 2020-01-07)
Trust is one of the most important factors driving the adoption and use of information systems. The goal of this paper is to provide a first evaluation of a conceptual piece claiming a) that users distinguish between their trust in an IS and the provider of this IS and b) that both kinds of trust are important for the success sustainable success of IS providers. To evaluate the claims, a research model is developed and evaluated using data of 234 students during the introduction of a new IS at an European university. ...
Engaging Learners in Online Video Lectures with Dynamically Scaffolding Conversational Agents
(Association for Information Systems, 2020)
Online education creates new opportunities for learners, which has led to sharply increasing enrollment in the last few years. Despite these benefits, past research shows that the lack of individual interaction with educators creates low learner engagement that leads to high attrition rates, which remains a major challenge in the field. Dynamically scaffolding conversational agents built into online video lectures promise to address this problem by individually interacting with learners, similar to educators’ scaffolding ...
Classifying Smart Personal Assistants: An Empirical Cluster Analysis
(University of Hawaii at Manoa, Hamilton Library, ScholarSpace, 2019)
The digital age has yielded systems that increasingly reduce the complexity of our everyday lives. As such, smart personal assistants such as Amazon’s Alexa or Apple’s Siri combine the comfort of intuitive natural language interaction with the utility of personalized and situation-dependent information and service provision. However, research on SPAs is becoming increasingly complex and opaque. To reduce complexity, this paper introduces a classification system for SPAs. Based on a systematic literature review, a ...
Towards Empowering Educators to Create their own Smart Personal Assistants
(ScholarSpace, 2020)
Despite a growing body of research about the design and use of Smart Personal Assistants such as Amazon’s Alexa or Google’s Assistant, little is known about their ability to help educators offering individual support in large-scale learning environments. Smart Personal Assistant ecosystems empower educators to develop their own agents without deep technological knowledge. The objective of this paper is to design and validate a method that helps educators to create Smart Personal Assistants as learning tutors. Using ...
Not All Reviews are Equal - a Literature Review on Online Review Helpfulness
(Association for Information Systems, 2019)
The amount of online reviews is growing significantly. Between 2014 and 2017, the number of reviews for TripAdvisor grew by 300% and for Yelp by 208%. However, not all online reviews are equally valuable. Some reviews are perceived to be more helpful or trustworthy then others. Hence, plethora of scholars have investigated the role of online reviews and researched factors and characteristics determining its helpfulness. Nevertheless, mixed findings were found. Consequently, the purpose of our paper is to present a ...
Towards A Taxonomy of Text Mining Features
(Association for Information Systems, 2019)
Recently, text mining has received special attention from both researchers and practitioners, since it enables the development of intelligent and automated services. Text mining has been influenced by different disciplines like computer science, statistics, computational linguistics and library and information sciences. However, text mining features that evolved in one particular discipline are often unknown or rarely used in the other disciplines. No scientific feature framework exits which facilitates costly feature ...
Gestaltung smarter persönlicher Assistenten zwischen Rechtsverträglichkeit und Dienstleistungsqualität
(Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. (GI), 2019)
Smarte persönliche Assistenten von Amazon, Google und zahlreichen anderen Anbietern ermöglichen es, qualitativ hochwertige elektronische Dienstleistungen anzubieten. Gleichzeitig bringen diese Systeme auch viele Risiken mit sich. Berichte von diskriminierenden oder unverständlichem Systemverhalten häufen sich und verursachen Skepsis in der Gesellschaft. Diesen Problemen kann mit einer gleichermaßen rechtsverträglichen und qualitätsorientierten ITGestaltung entgegengewirkt werden. In diesem Beitrag werden Rechtsvert ...