Now showing items 1-10 of 15
Working paper
Die Austro Moderne
Die Länder Zentraleuropas lassen sich nicht einfach als Nachholer der westlichen Modernisierung begreifen. Der Beitrag zeigt vielmehr auf, wie die technischen Entwicklungen in den Autofabriken Lohner in Wien und Austro-Daimler in Wiener Neustadt vor sich gingen und der leichte und leistungsstarke Benzinmotor den Flugzeugbau (die Taube von Etrich) und Luftschiffbau vorantrieb. Im Flugzeugbau war Österreich um 1910 führend. Das kreative Milieu in Wien wird daran deutlich, dass die Hauptverwaltung der Lohnerwerke bloß ...
Working paper
Taylor and Taylorism
Beyond the perspectives of labour science and industrial sociology, in which extensive deepening of the division of labour can be crystallized as an element of consensus under Taylorism, the concept of Taylorism found its way into general intellectual history. In 1954, the German-American management expert Drucker ranked scientific management among the most important contributions of the USA to Western culture. The dissemination of the concept of Taylorism in Western culture outlined here points to a high rank of ...
Working paper
The Austro Modern
The countries of Central Europe cannot simply be understood as catching up with Western modernization. Rather, the article shows how technical developments proceeded in the car factories Lohner in Vienna and Austro-Daimler in Wiener Neustadt, and how the light and powerful gasoline engine drove aircraft construction (the Taube by Etrich) and airship construction. Austria was the leader in aircraft construction around 1910. The creative milieu in Vienna is evident from the fact that the headquarters of the Lohnerwerke ...
Working paper
The First Informationexplosion
The paper places punch card technology in the context of the office machine industry in Germany and discusses the exciting relationship between the two competitors on the market for punch card technology, Dehomag and Powers, in Germany. The question is whether the leading role of the United States in the use of office machines frequently cited by Anglo-American authors really applies. How punch card technology in Germany has advanced from its beginnings is discussed under the heading of rationalisation strategies. ...
Working paper
Nominal Science without Data
Expanding upon literature on early digital computers, this paper shows the role mathematicians have undertaken in founding the academic fields of Game Theory and Operations Research, and details how they were supported by the mathematics departments of military agencies in branches of the US Armed Services. This paper claims that application is only decoration. Other than astronomy, physics and engineering, where experiments generate data analysed with the aid of models and appropriate software on computers, Game ...
Working paper
The Computing Boom in the U.S. Aeronautical Industry, 1945–1965
Whereas standard accounts on the history of modern computing tell the development of the digital computer as an isolated event on the East Coast of the U.S., this paper will show the history of machine computing in the context of the broad and rapid development of aeronautical weapons in the U.S. military since 1945. Analogue computing plays an important role that is nearly completely ignored by standard accounts. The extensive literature on the history of electronic digital computers does not take into account the ...
Working paper
Mathematical Management
Der Aufstieg des Fachgebietes Operations Research, das mathematische Modelle zur Steuerung von Wirtschaftsunternehmen bereitstellt, in der politischen Wissenskultur von Cold War Science der USA nach 1945 wird aufgezeigt und dann übergeleitet zur Institutionalisierung von Operations Research in den Universitäten von Europa und der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Die Vorläuferorganisationen zur Deutschen Gesellschaft für Operations Research werden dargestellt und das Zusammenspiel der Jahrestagung dieser Gesellschaft mit ...
Consumers ’ perception of sustainable packaging in the food industry: An online experiment
Consumers evaluate products and make purchasing decisions based on packaging and its sustainable aspects. This research investigated how different packages and their quality, eco-friendliness, expensiveness, and convenience affected consumers’ intentions to purchase. Our sample comprised 299 French consumers of muesli cereals. We conducted an online choice experiment to analyze and measure consumers’ perception of sustainable packaging, comparing three distinct experimental groups. Findings revealed that quality and ...
Working paper
The Shoe Factory Bata
The paper focuses on the managerial aspects of the loosely coupled units in Bata's shoe factory in Zlin as a precursor of lean production that was forgotten. The Bata factory plant in Zlín, Moravia, was built in the avant-garde style of modernism and grew rapidly in the 1920s. Comparable to Henry Ford, Bata pursued a concept of social engineering. He expanded the factory complex in Zlín to include housing for the workers, sports facilities, educational institutions and a self–service department store.
The Bata factory ...
A Literature Review on Solid Waste Management and Disposal Behavior at the Base of the Pyramid
Consumer behavior in disposing of products has substantial consequences for the environment that affect all of us. Waste management is a major challenge faced by many developing countries, underlining the relevance of this literature review. Even when academia tries to shed light on this field, it often fails to consider that waste management must be approached differently in less developed countries, which differ dramatically from advanced countries, especially with regard to consumers’ behavioral characteristics. ...