Browsing Entwicklungspsychologie by Issue Date
DissertationDie Wirksamkeit chronischer und akuter sportlicher Aktivität auf die kognitiven Fähigkeiten von Vorschulkindern (2016-10-26)
DissertationAudio-Visual Information Processing across different age groups (2016-11-14)
DissertationInvestigating distributed practice as a strategy for school students learning mathematics (2018-09)
AufsatzReading a short story changes children’s sustainable behavior in a resource dilemma (2019-12-02)
AufsatzImplementing Distributed Practice in Statistics Courses: Benefits for Retention and Transfer (2020-11-18)
Dissertation📆Learning through Self-Explanation (2023)
DissertationRisk Communication during the COVID-19 Pandemic (2024)
DissertationDynamics of Norms in Decision-Making (2024-01)