Now showing items 1-10 of 124
Do Salient Social Norms Moderate Mortality Salience Effects? A (Challenging) Meta-Analysis of Terror Management Studies
Terror management theory postulates that mortality salience (MS) increases the motivation to defend one’s cultural worldviews. How that motivation is expressed may depend on the social norm that is momentarily salient. Meta-analyses were conducted on studies that manipulated MS and social norm salience. Results based on 64 effect sizes for the hypothesized interaction between MS and norm salience revealed a small-to-medium effect of g = 0.34, 95% confidence interval [0.26, 0.41]. Bias-adjustment techniques suggested ...
Das digitale Sportangebot „Get Up – Stand Up – Move Up“ während der Covid-19-Pandemie: eine Interviewstudie mit teilnehmenden Grundschulkindern
Die Covid-19-Pandemie führte während des zweiten Lockdowns zu einer Reduktion der körperlichen Aktivität der Kinder in Deutschland. Um den erschwerten Möglichkeiten, sich als Kind zu bewegen, etwas entgegenzusetzen, wurde ein digitales Sportangebot initiiert. Dieses nahm insbesondere die Befriedigung der psychologischen Grundbedürfnisse in den Blick und richtete sich an Kinder im Grundschulalter. Weiterhin stand die Vermittlung von Freude an der Bewegung im Fokus. Fünf bis sechs Wochen nach Projektstart wurden acht ...
The interplay of math anxiety and math competence for later performance
Math anxiety’s negative effects on performance are well-documented. The interplay of math anxiety and mathematical competence regarding later performance is underexplored. We investigated whether math anxiety’s detrimental effects on learning depend on previous mathematical competence. Hypothesizing a moderation effect, we expected that trait math anxiety should affect pupils of higher competence to a greater extent than pupils with lesser competence. Based on 8th graders in secondary school, we found the expected ...
The correlation of honesty-humility and learning goals with academic cheating
Academic cheating is a problem that affects many educational institutions and has become increasingly significant with the new challenges of online education. Recent studies have found that learning goals are correlated with cheating behavior among students. In this study, we investigated whether learning goals are still a predictor of cheating behavior when controlling for students’ Honesty-Humility (emanated from the HEXACO model of personality) within a sample of 311 German university students. Regrading students’ ...
Flickering presentations do affect the judgment of learning but not the learning outcome
We examined whether visual disfluency, as elicited by presenting text on flickering slides, affects learning positively and the global judgment of learning (JOL) negatively. Participants (N = 202 in Experiment 1, between-subjects design; N = 53 in Experiment 2, within-subjects design) saw in an online session multiple slides including textual information that they had to learn. The slides were presented either fluently or disfluently, that is, interrupted by rapid presentations of black slides, evoking a flickering ...
Detecting Greenwashing! The Influence of Product Colour and Product Price on Consumers’ Detection Accuracy of Faked Bio‑fashion
While there exists recent research about greenwashing in the context of branding and product packaging as well as advertising, we investigated greenwashing detection depending on the cues colour and price of the product itself. We hypothesized: The more
the product cues fit to the mental representation of the corresponding category-prototype of bio (or non-bio) products, the more likely consumers classify the product to that category, are confident with the classification-decision and actually get deceived. In two ...
Mean girls, queen bees and iron maidens? Female leadership and accusations of workplace bullying
We examined whether female leaders would be evaluated less favorably compared to male leaders regarding workplace bullying. Previous research has demonstrated that women violating prescriptive gender norms of communality experience backlash, and that female leaders are stereotyped of having a communality deficit. Building on that, we hypothesized (1) more moral outrage against and (2) more intentions to punish a female leader compared to a male leader. We further hypothesized (3) the accusations of ...
Exploring the associations between psychodynamic constructs and psychopathology: A network approach
Psychodynamic therapy effectively reduces symptomatology by focusing on underlying (unconscious) processes instead of symptoms. Nevertheless, the exact interrelationship between psychodynamic constructs and psychopathology remains unclear. This study uses network analysis to explore these associations. We computed a cross-sectional partial correlation network between psychodynamic constructs (i.e., personality functioning, interpersonal relations, and active and passive modes of intrapsychic conflicts according to ...
Modality-general benefit of eye-closure on the retrieval of intentionally learned information
The beneficial effect of eye-closure during retrieval was demonstrated in many studies addressing eyewitness memory or memory of episodic events. Fewer studies examined the effect concerning the intentional learning of verbal information. Furthermore, the question of whether the eye-closure effect is modality-specific, boosting visual memory only, or modality-general, boosting also other forms of memory (e.g., auditory memory), is still open. These issues were addressed in the present study. Participants (N = 129) ...
Agentic and communal narcissism in predicting different types of lies in romantic relationships
Several studies have investigated a potential positive association between agentic narcissism and general dishonesty, revealing both supportive and contradicting evidence. Few have focused on dishonesty within romantic relationships, a phenomenon that occurs in almost all partnerships. With the present research, we first aimed to extend existing literature on narcissism by including its two complementary facets (i.e., agentic and communal narcissism). Second, we aimed to improve the understanding of narcissists’ lying ...