Now showing items 11-20 of 21
Name-informing and distancing sogenannt ‘so-called’: Name mentioning and the lexicon-pragmatics interface
This paper aims at a unified analysis of the different interpretations which constructions involving the German name-mentioning modifier soge-nannt‘so-called’ can adopt. In contrast to nouns like Sepsis‘sepsis’, a noun like Hotel ‘hotel’, as insogenanntes Hotel, gives rise to a “distanced” interpretation of the construction rather than one informing about a concept’s name. After a thorough investigation of the lexical-semantic properties, we propose the reading of the construction to emerge from an interplay between ...
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Normality at the boundary between word-formation and syntax
(Buske, 2016)
This paper investigates the notion of normality in the context of the divide between word-formation and syntax. Knowledge about what is normal finds its expression in generic characterizations about kinds (Ducks lay eggs), and we will present evidence that newly formed word-formation products like 'Rotdach' (‘red_roof’), in contrast to their phrasal counterparts, are more inclined to adopt kind readings. The compounds’ affinity to function as names for kinds will be explained on grounds of a pragmatic, manner-based ...
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Mehrsprachigkeitspotentiale im bilingualen Sachfachunterricht
(Waxmann, 2018)
Im transdisziplinär angelegten PRONET Teilprojekt „Mehrsprachigkeitspotentiale im bilingualen Sachfachunterricht“ wurde eine Lernumgebung zum bilingualen Lehren und Lernen in den Zielsprachen Englisch, Französisch und Spanisch für das Sachfach Geschichte entwickelt und evaluiert. Diese qualifiziert zukünftige Unterrichtende für das bilinguale Lehren und Lernen in der heutigen mehrsprachigen Gesellschaft. Ziel war es, bei zukünftigen Unterrichtenden eine Bewusstheit für die Rolle von Mehrsprachigkeit, Mehrperspektivität ...
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Nominal composition and the demarcation between morphology and syntax: Grammatical, variational, and cognitive factors
(WVT Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier, 2012)
In this paper, the authors investigate nominal compounds in English and German against the background of the debate about the boundary between morphological and syntactic structure building in language. After an examination of grammatical, variational as well as functional differences between compounds and phrases, they focus on processing factors to disentangle cognitive differences between the two domains. Crucially, the authors report on three experimental studies, which are designed to reveal contrasts in the ...
Self-regulated Cooperative EFL Reading Tasks: Students’ Strategy Use and Teachers’ Support
The ADEQUA research project has gained empirical evidence on how the situationally adequate use of learning strategies can be facilitated during cooperative reading tasks in the EFL classroom. Two video studies were conducted with 9th grade EFL (English as a Foreign Language) learners in German schools: The first (laboratory) study investigated the students’ use of strategies while working in dyads and without teacher support on a given task. The second study, a field study, focused on teachers’ actions to support ...
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Handlungsorientierter Unterricht (Holistic and action-oriented learning and teaching)
(Routledge, 2013)
Holistic, action-oriented learning and teaching (in German: handlungsorientierter Unterricht) are principles in schooling that take account of learners' undivided physical, psychological, emotional and spiritual preconditions in the learning process as well as their inherent human drive to be actively and whole-heartedly involved in relevant actions (Finkbeiner, 2002). The teaching approach based on this presupposition considers that learners make active use of both hemispheres of the brain (Löffler, 2002), thus ...
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Generic rescue: argument alternations the monotonicity condition
(De Gruyter Mouton, 2013)
Generic interpretations as in “The tiger kills to survive” have often been observed to reconstitute the linguistic acceptability of certain verb argument structure modifications. But can the right context rescue everything? This paper investigates the impact a generic interpretation can have on three types of argument alternations: (i) the intransitive use of inherently telic verbs like “to kill”, (ii) the intransitive use of stative verbs like “to love”, and (iii) middle alternations like “it reads easily”. It will ...
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Argument-structural restrictions on word-formation patterns
(De Gruyter Mouton, 2015)
The implementation of argument-structural effects on word-formation is a vital aspect in modeling the lexical system and the interface between morphology and syntax. The current article provides an overview of theoretical perspectives in the field and presents analyses of structural principles holding in the domain. A number of test cases relating to fundamental operations, e.g., in compounding and nominalization are discussed, as well as specific conditions restricting the formation of morphologically complex words.
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Situationsargumente von Nicht-Köpfen: Verb-Nomen-Komposita im Zusammenspiel von Morphologie, Syntax und Pragmatik
(De Gruyter, 2015)
The current paper investigates German verb-noun compounds like Parkticket (‘park ticket’) and examines the structural and semantic visibility of the verbal modifier and, in particular, its situation variable. The latter will be analyzed as generically bound while pronominal access to this variable will be explained with the permeability of the Principle of Lexical Integrity. Several test criteria, like argument saturation and PRO control, lead to the assumption of a phrasal projection below the word level, which is ...
Crisis or failure of hegemonic masculinities in David Lodge’s Campus Trilogy
This bachelor’s thesis examines the crisis of hegemonic masculinities in David Lodge’s Campus Trilogy. In the course of the thesis, I demonstrate that the male characters in the novels aspire to hegemonic ideals of masculinity, but that ultimately most of them fail in their aspirations. However, I also show that this does not lead to the abandonment of this pursuit, but merely to its reformulation and a continued attempt of male characters to aspire to this reformulated ideal. In order to achieve this, I conduct a ...